Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

thinking about trading M Gasol and Ray Allen for Durant and Dalembert. I still dnt think it's enough but should I go for it?
Lopez is scoring because they have no options right now. If memory serves me right, he only averaged 13/8 last year when Carter was there along with Harris whowas on a scoring tear before he got hurt. Now he is getting a few more buckets because of all the injuries.

And I don't know what you got against Bogut, he is a legitimate 15/10 guy, that is better than Lopez last year and both averages 2 blocks a game. I guesswill get less rebounds but he can be a legitimate 17/7 with 1 blk and 1-2 3's a game. For someone you can pick up from the FA list, that is a pretty goodsteal and yes I got both Bogut and Yi from the FA list in my league.

Yi is barely reaching his potential and he has worked out plenty this past off season, I think he will surprise you.
I mis-wrote earlier though, I meant to say I wouldn't drop Camby for him and I would try and trade him instead.

And yes, trust me, if the Nets wins a few more games (thats a big IF of course) he'd be a good #1 or at least #2 scoring option.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

thinking about trading M Gasol and Ray Allen for Durant and Dalembert. I still dnt think it's enough but should I go for it?
no way that goes through
likely gets denied but why is this a question? if you want to propose that trade then do it?
Originally Posted by RFX45

Lopez is scoring because they have no options right now. If memory serves me right, he only averaged 13/8 last year when Carter was there along with Harris who was on a scoring tear before he got hurt. Now he is getting a few more buckets because of all the injuries.

And I don't know what you got against Bogut, he is a legitimate 15/10 guy, that is better than Lopez last year and both averages 2 blocks a game. I guess will get less rebounds but he can be a legitimate 17/7 with 1 blk and 1-2 3's a game. For someone you can pick up from the FA list, that is a pretty good steal and yes I got both Bogut and Yi from the FA list in my league.

Yi is barely reaching his potential and he has worked out plenty this past off season, I think he will surprise you.
I mis-wrote earlier though, I meant to say I wouldn't drop Camby for him and I would try and trade him instead.

And yes, trust me, if the Nets wins a few more games (thats a big IF of course) he'd be a good #1 or at least #2 scoring option.
What the hell I never said anything negative against Bogut I have him rostered in a majority of my fantasy leagues from DRAFTING him.

Also, you are comparing a rookie Brook Lopez who averaged 13-8 as a ROOKIE to a now seasoned Brook Lopez.

Additionally, you think Yi is barely reaching his potential (on steroids no doubt) but hey Brook the 2nd year player is playing well conditionally?


Anyone who has watched Brook play can attest that NJN got a hell of a steal of a pick at #10 and that this is someone you build a franchise on.
Again you are comparing Bogut this year to Lopez last year. Makes no sense. If you want to do that Bogut last year had a severely shortened year due to injuryin which you can conclude his stats were an aberration.

Plus, you rostered Bogut and Yi from your FA list you playing in a 10 man league with 4 active owners or something?
Bogut is at the very least a top 15 eligible center-- it's difficult to even name 10 true centers that you can place above him-- and he should have beendrafted regardless of his back issues.

Just wondering, are you an China expatriate?

also, no way yi becomes the #1 or #2 option.
yeah true but no pt of offering if it gets declined or if I'm offering too much, too little, etc. i'm just desperate to get a stud scorer so trynathink of any trade. how bout rondo and M gasol for brooks and Amare?
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

yeah true but no pt of offering if it gets declined or if I'm offering too much, too little, etc. i'm just desperate to get a stud scorer so tryna think of any trade. how bout rondo and M gasol for brooks and Amare?
oh yeah but sometimes i throw trades out there for giggles and i netted Hinirch for Will Bynum recently.

That second one sounds fair though.
We'll see, I think he could have a break out year. I just really do not see him producing any less than 18/7 in the Nets.
I never said you said anything negative about Bogut but he is inconsistent and Yi could definitely produce close to the same numbers.
I never said Lopez sucked either but if you put him in a team that actually has scorers, I don't think he'd be doing as much.
Ok that might be a bit reaching but if the Nets weren't hurt so early in the season or if Carter were still there, I just don't think his scoring wouldjump so high.
He'd probably get more rebounds but less points.

Again, give Yi a chance. He might just surprise you.
With Harris stinking it up and CDR being hurt, Lopez is the number 1 option and Yi would be 2.
I wouldn't put Lee over Yi as a scoring option really and until Harris starts playing like he is a 100% again, I'd put Yi over him right now too.

I'm actually in a 8-man league w/ 19 players per team. Plenty of active managers but both Bogut and Yi were hurt early in the season so it wasudnerstandable that they didn't draft them or dropped them later on.
Originally Posted by RFX45

We'll see, I think he could have a break out year. I just really do not see him producing any less than 18/7 in the Nets.
I never said you said anything negative about Bogut but he is inconsistent and Yi could definitely produce close to the same numbers.
I never said Lopez sucked either but if you put him in a team that actually has scorers, I don't think he'd be doing as much.
Ok that might be a bit reaching but if the Nets weren't hurt so early in the season or if Carter were still there, I just don't think his scoring would jump so high.
He'd probably get more rebounds but less points.

Again, give Yi a chance. He might just surprise you.
With Harris stinking it up and CDR being hurt, Lopez is the number 1 option and Yi would be 2.
I wouldn't put Lee over Yi as a scoring option really and until Harris starts playing like he is a 100% again, I'd put Yi over him right now too.

I'm actually in a 8-man league w/ 19 players per team. Plenty of active managers but both Bogut and Yi were hurt early in the season so it was udnerstandable that they didn't draft them or dropped them later on.
Bogut missed something like 5 games over 10 days. He was not worth dropping. And if your league was deep as you say it was then no reason why Yiwould be dropped either.They both started the season healthy and should have been drafted.

Saying Brook wouldn't be scoring is nearly the same as saying Pau Gasol wouldn't be scoring. And it's not like Brook's averages "jumped sohigh" either. This is consistent with a player who is improving his game.
And I don't know what you got against Bogut
this is pretty frames me in a way that portrays I have negative things to say about Bogut.

Also, I actually do have Yi in one league But frankly, Yi is to NJN what Ersan is to MIL. Neither is the #1 scoring option and never will be.
Quick help..

I was offered Andrew Bynum for Oj Mayo straight up.. Id be getting Bynum.. what do u guys think?

thanks in advance..
kinda inconsistent.. i mean he has his nights.. the only thing that scares me about bynum is theres reports about his knee, plus he hasnt been the same sincegasol came back..
keep oj, bynums numbers have been going down dramatically ever since pau came back unless you really need the reb and blks
I was just offered Nash for CP3
. Fool thinks I'm buying into thehype. No way I'm trading my boy CP for that price. I'm thinking about ripping this guy (league owner) a new one. About to counter with D Wade andNash
. Haha but to be real I may try to steal Wade and Kidd for CP3and throw him a bone and give him Josh Howard.
Should I pick up Nate? 41 pts today
Thinking about dropping Hamilton. His FG % is killing me.
Damn some guy in my league picked him up with the quickness...

Now I dont even have to think about it.

Hamilton better improve his FG % soon though.
yeah pick up Terry; hold onto Gil. Nate did them in. Some guy dropped Jeff Green and I'll prolly will drop Marion. He has the best record in the leagueand likes to drop. I just keep getting his good scraps. I've gotten Bogut, JR Smith, and Marion from him.
@%$? nate robinson getting minutes?

the Knicks man...

Warriors... Pacers...

just terrible
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