Official 2009 ALCS Thread LAA Angels ( 2 ) vs NY Yankees ( 4 ) YANKEES WIN !!!

Sensitive %!% dudes.

Joba is here!!

Its all day with this guy. First that thread was ridiculously long, what did you go through just the last 4 pages. Me and DS have been in there throughout theseason. Whether it be for a Sox/Yanks series or for just random back and forth BS. And likewise there were The Yankee fans that came into our thread throughoutthe year. But that is not the point.

The point is that I havnt seen you all year and you came in with a stat that is inflatted (for lack of a better term) because of stupid base running plays bythe twins. Which is synonymous with bandwagon fans who only come around during playoff time, and just run around shouting about you have followed the Yankeesall season. You may very well be the biggest Yankees fan in history, all im saying is you came off like you just hoped on the bandwagon with your fresh out thestore Jeter jersey and Yankee hat with all the stickers still on it.

IncredibleEV said that the pitching was good, that is his opinion, I honestly think that the first 4-5 innings of CC's game where terrible and the Angelswill take advantage if he comes out that poor again. After he settled down he pitched lights out. AJ pitched like %$+% (like hes done for most of the season)but base running mistakes as well as your bats bailed him out in game 2. And I have said like 3 or 4 times that I thought Pettitte pitched great, but didfalter a little at the end but nothing came of it because of more poor base running. The Angels (Aside from Wilits, who seems to $*$@ up on the bases once perseries) will not give away innings because of base running. That is what they do best.

As for IncredibleEv's first statement. The only guys in the starting lineup who can lay down a good bunt is Jeter, and maybe Damon (but right now he wouldprolly strike out trying to bunt). Yes you have fast guys on the team, and those guys could maybe play small ball. But to ask Tex, Arod, Matsui, Hell evenPosada now to go up and hit for singles is just not what they do. The middle of that lineup is not looking to slap the ball around the outfield. No1 is sayingthat they cant play small ball/or that they should for the hundredth time. My OPINION is just that the Angels small ball style of play will give them anadvantage in a well pitched matchup. And lets face it, if the Yankees and Angels were to go at it face to face in a small ball type game the Yankees have nochance in a 7 game series. If the Yankees tried to keep the ball in the park and hit around in the order for runs it wouldnt be pretty.

But again no1 is saying that they should or that they suck because they dont. They are the scarriest team in baseball in a close game because anyone can cometo the plate and go deep at any time. Once game 2 went into extras I knew it was over. And that someone was gettin a Pie. You just cant keep them in the parkbottom line. And just for comparrison, look at the beginning of the season, when the Yankees didnt know how to play Yankee stadium to their strengths. Theytried the small ball thing because they werent going for the fences and the rolled out to a terrible start. They got Arod back and got that go big mentalitlyback as well and the season has been good ever since.

These are observations of the game. Sorry if your Yankee love blinds you to obvious truths.
A simple filter pulls up all your posts cuz I didnt have to look at all 545 pages and I wouldnt waste the time doing so. It wouldnt have mattered what number Iused you would say its inflated, whether it be for pitching or batting. So what your saying is I may have not followed the Yankees all season because I didntpost in here all season? Whatever you want to say, I got nothing to prove to you. Im no bandwagon fan, I dont care where you havent seen me and thats the endof that.

KingFoam you are right 100%. I let myself get a little heated. Nothings personal, I cant say I dont like someone I dont know. But some of the standards andthings said piss me off. AI fan let it get to that but calling someone out about where have you been all year and your a Yankee fan and so am I makes me SMDH.I see now that ya'll seem to respect this AI kid but damn cuz went in on me like I stole his bike.

I feel you though and appreciate you coming at me like a man and real fan. You and Incredible are ok in my book. Im all in for this thing staying as 100 aspossible and not backing down from my opinion. I know one thing the Yanks are taking this year!
Ska can't post in here, but he frowns upon your shenanigans.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Oh, to all parties involved in the bullcrap going on in the Yankees/Angels ALCS thread: clean it up, or I'll just lock the thread and lock all threads made before roughly an hour before gametime Friday, whenever that's announced.

I'm not posting in that thread if I don't have to, and as of now, I don't have to. No bannings in order or warnings, no namecalling or disrespect... but it's definitely too heated in there.

Cool things off... or lose the thread.

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

As for IncredibleEv's first statement. The only guys in the starting lineup who can lay down a good bunt is Jeter, and maybe Damon (but right now he would prolly strike out trying to bunt). Yes you have fast guys on the team, and those guys could maybe play small ball. But to ask Tex, Arod, Matsui, Hell even Posada now to go up and hit for singles is just not what they do. The middle of that lineup is not looking to slap the ball around the outfield. No1 is saying that they cant play small ball/or that they should for the hundredth time. My OPINION is just that the Angels small ball style of play will give them an advantage in a well pitched matchup. And lets face it, if the Yankees and Angels were to go at it face to face in a small ball type game the Yankees have no chance in a 7 game series. If the Yankees tried to keep the ball in the park and hit around in the order for runs it wouldnt be pretty.
Yo I got nothing against you dude so dont take what i say the wrong way, you are totally welcome in the thread, we just talkin baseball.

But there aint no team that goes up to the plate trying to hit singles. That's not what small ball is. If the angels had the yankees lineup they wouldstill try to play small ball. Trust that the angels wish they had a lineup that could slug a high percentage and hit doubles and HRs all day. Small ball ismoving runners over (yankees do that, especially with all the lefties), stealing bases (Yankees do that, a lot), laying bunts down (ehh, Jeter can...) andthings of that nature. You can't play small ball with nine Nick Puntos hitting bloop singles in every at bat and expect to win.

and HBD Foam...hopefully you can celebrate on Friday off a Yankee win
I do want to make it clear AI, DA no hard feelings what so ever, I hate my fanhood being questioned straight Ps me off but I respect your knowledge andfanhood.

I just cant wait till friday. Ive been waiting for this since 2000 9 years to get a dominant team back again. Its been to long
Good lookin from all of y'all on the bday shout outs its appreciated, but is it me or is just everyone wishing it was Friday 1 hour away from game time?
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Good lookin from all of y'all on the bday shout outs its appreciated, but is it me or is just everyone wishing it was Friday 1 hour away from game time?
I think that may be a contributing factor in how things went down. If there was an actual game to talk about things may not have gotten this outof hand. Damn the MLB almost forcing me into a SKA induced timeout.

And Happy BDay fam.
Just want to point out my blatant attempt at showin my respect . If it stays unnoticed at least I was man enough to try
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Just want to point out my blatant attempt at showin my respect . If it stays unnoticed at least I was man enough to try
"First off ++## you and your name"

this whole red sox/yankees fans being friendly is disgusting btw.

And HBD Kingfoam. Cant believe i was arguing with a 17yr old

How abou we talk about the ALCS for a little bit?

We good. Im not taking this to heart its all good. I have these types of arguements with my boys all the time. Then go just go right back to @%**$$ around andtalkin about girls. It doesnt make me despise you on no deep level. No time for internet beef. Its all love.

As an Olive Branch I will even agree that if the Yankees go all the way I will sport a team Yankees sig until Opening day next season. Quote it, Sig it, Im aman of my word.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

I will even agree that if the Yankees go all the way I will sport a team Yankees sig until Opening day next season. Quote it, Sig it, Im a man of my word.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

As an Olive Branch I will even agree that if the Yankees go all the way I will sport a team Yankees sig until Opening day next season. Quote it, Sig it, Im a man of my word.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

As an Olive Branch I will even agree that if the Yankees go all the way I will sport a team Yankees sig until Opening day next season. Quote it, Sig it, Im a man of my word.
Ill even let Mr. Wilson design the sig since he cant have one.


No lemme stop, Onewearz about to have the most outrageous stuff in the sig if I get Mr. Wilson to stick.
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