OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Kersaw has a 1hitter going into the 5th.

Also has 2 balls go past the infield, I guess he's really keeping the ball down.

Damn kersahws change up
^no mention of Manny's shot in the 1st?
My Dad called me to tell me the game was on, soon as I turn it on Manny rocks over the left field stands
Dah! I tuned in too late. I did get to watch Casey's homer though.

Listening to the Seattle broadcasters makes me realize how much Lyons + whomever are overall. Let's not even talk about Vin.

Broxton for the "save" now. 1 down, 2 to go. 0 out, 2 on.
Broxton, man. Dude aint built for this.

I know it's only ST and I hope dude proves me wrong for our sake.
broxton ... soft +%% ox yeah the mariners broadcasters was a trip, just cause i really dont follow the mariners so when they would talk abouttheir players i was like the helll. it was funny to hear what they thought about our kids tho, they were praising kershaw and also said loney was our powerhitting first baseman .. o'rly
but im looking at the box score, cause i knocked out last night, who gave the 2 runs in the 8th and 4 runs in the 9th?and if brox gave up the 4 how the helllll did that happen? i know its only ST, but was it the same tendancies he had last year?
Broxton just got absolutely lit up gave up all four runs 2 double 2 singles a walk wow he wasn't fooling anyone it was scary to watch
Broxton will be good this year. We just have to be patient. Every pitcher gets shelled in spring training, and that was his first appearance back from the WBC.

From Tony Jackson:
Broxton's in and it's not going well
By Ramona Shelburne on March 24, 2009 10:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | ShareThis

Jonathan Broxton has come on here in the top of the ninth and it's not going so well. He's given up a walk, four hits and four runs. It's now 8-6Mariners with two outs. Two of the four hits have been doubles.

UPDATE: Here's what Joe Torre had to say about Brox after the game.

``He hasn't pitched in a week so I'm really not concerned about it,'' Torre said.

Before today's game, Torre mentioned that he was happy Broxton hadn't been overworked at the WBC and that he'd try to make up for some of theinnings he didn't throw while with Team USA this week.

``You're always concerned about overworking when you send somebody,'' I'm pleased he got through it without any problems, and I'm surehe'll be able to make it up this week.

``It's tough stuff, especially when you don't have the full spring training and you get to competing. Players, even though they know they're not attheir best, they're still basically bred to compete. When the game starts, the national anthem's played, they put themselves into that competitivemode, they can't go halfway.''
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Broxton will be good this year. We just have to be patient. Every pitcher gets shelled in spring training, and that was his first appearance back from the WBC.

I believe we've argued (or had good conversations) regarding: Andy LaRoche, Andruw Jones and now Big Ox Broxton.

All I'm saying is, yeah it's fine to be patient when we're a team like the Giants ... but the team the Dodgers have, is built to win it all thisseason.

Broxton's issues have nothing to do with mechanics or something that Honeycutt can fix - it's really all in Broxton's maturity. When he walks orgives up a single, the whole world seems to be put on his shoulders and then he tends to press and overthrow. When Broxton gets angry dude's control gets
. Don't get me wrong though his 99MPH is amazing, but you can'tbe a closer in this league without a changeup / breaking ball to offset that heater.

Saito didn't need a 99MPH, hell he barely even got his fastball up to 90MPH - what made him a good closer was his breaking ball and ability to changespeeds effectively and change the hitters approach to the plate.

Broxton has been working on his breaking ball, but I don't think he trusts it enough and would rather blow bye a hitter with that heater - and we all knowbig league hitters eyes sit dead red on a fastball especially when the game is on the line.

Is there anyone out there that can possibly fill that void? Nope, I don't think so.

We all know our weakneses going into this season and its our starting pitching, bullpen and the end of the bullpen (setup / closers).

Yes, I know you have it set in stone that Kuo / Broxton are one of the best duos in baseball right now, but no stats will help me think otherwise - I call thegame how I see it, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Dodgers make some sortof move to help bolster that bullpen during the season.
Originally Posted by sinser13

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by sinser13

Just saw Manny's homer, that thing was a bomb!
at Broxton, is he our only closer?
damn that sig looks like the yankee color...
Really? It looks okay on my screen.
Looks good on mine too.

(Since I kinda stole partially from you sinser13.
From the boxscore doesn't look like Stults pitched well today. The 5th spot in the rotation is really starting to have me worried with Opening Day gettingcloser
i want to get an authentic jersey, but with all these dudes having 1 or 2 year contracts, spending 200 on a jersey just doesnt seem like a smart thing to do.

wish we had a staple dodger.
Originally Posted by eyegiantjackpot

i want to get an authentic jersey, but with all these dudes having 1 or 2 year contracts, spending 200 on a jersey just doesnt seem like a smart thing to do.

wish we had a staple dodger.
Martin, Kemp, Loney, Ethier, Billingsley.

All of em are in blue for at least 4 years barring a trade, and I'm sure they'll end up with extensions.
Kuo wonset-up man of the year, and you don't like him. Why?

I see what you're saying with Broxton and him getting a little nervous, I notice it too. The thing about it is that he has never been a closer, so you haveto give him time, in the same way we have to deal with growing pains with all of our youngsters (control with Bills, Ks with Kemp). He strikes me as a kid whogets caught up in the moment in big situations at some points, not a kid with some huge mental block that will haunt him like he's Rick Ankiel.

The other thing you have to understand is that even if he is a nervous wreck, there are going to be so many times as a closer where he goes in to face 7-8-9 orbasically any part of a lineup that isn't 2-3-4 and he's going to have an easy time.

It's not about stats at all, the guy has been great minus a few occasions, and was very good in the playoffs this past year. There are a few things toworry about for this squad, if Kemp, Ethier, Loney and Martin can take that next step up, if Furcal and Hudson can stay healthy, the 5th starter and evenmiddle relief. The back of the bullpen is pretty strong, we have the 27 year old set-up man of the year and a 24 year old with 3 good seasons under his beltand a 99 mph fastball who can hopefully be the closer for years to come.
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