***Official 2009 N.L. Central Thread*** Congrats to the Cardinals***

The Cards have 3 against Atlanta, then 3 against Florida & wrap up the home stand with 3 against the Cubs. It would be so
to clinch against the Cubs.
Well maybe this will spice up the thread a little bit.

I'm sure you all remember W4L's little rant last year after those mighty Brewers made the postseason and the Cardinals did not. Many Cubs fans on thisboard, didn't hear a single word from any of them except for a "good season" and a few humorous jokes about their lack of playoff success.

Anyways, I just wanted to send a little commentary via PM to W4L about the 2009 MLB season, so here it is:
to: Wisconsin 4 Life subject: Hey there little buddy

Seeing how the Cardinals just swept up the mess that is the Brewers, I wanted to see how this season went for ya...

Let me help you break this campaign down. Cardinals go 9-6 against your "Dynasty", en route to a 16 game lead here on September 12. But don't give up hope - if the Brewers can win their last 22 games, they can still win the division as long as the Cardinals lose 14 out of their last 20....wait a minute, you guys STILL wouldn't make the postseason (fun fact - the Cardinals have yet to lose a series since July 26, so maybe that scenario is a little bit silly, wouldn't you say?)

Besides Prince possibly beating out Albert for the RBI crown, I wouldn't call the year after your first playoff appearance in 26 years much a success. Actually, the words complete "miserable failure" come to mind.

So in response to your message about a year ago "How does it feel? I know it's eating you up inside" - I would like to say it feels pretty good knocking around your group of classless hacks just like old times. Go back to the American League, we don't need your trash here any longer.


Best fans in baseball

PS - I know the Packers are going to walk all over the Rams in a couple weeks, but let's save that one for another day.
And to be honest, I really hope the Cubs come back next year with a revamped squad. It makes September baseball so much more interesting. I amstill waiting for that Cardinals/Cubs NLCS, hopefully that will happen soon.
And to be honest, I really hope the Cubs come back next year with a revamped squad. It makes September baseball so much more interesting. I am still waiting for that Cardinals/Cubs NLCS, hopefully that will happn soon.
Yeah I hope the Cubs can make some changes. If this were a tight race this thread would have another 50 pages and would be rocking.
It is never fun as a fan to watch your team go through a season like this. It is even less fun when your team has $130 million dollar payroll.
I have to give it up to the Cards management and ownership. They always find a way to get and edge. St. Louis fans are blessed with some of the best owners inall of sports. They are always giving back to the fans by putting a great product on the field pretty consistently and with great ticket deals and with justtreating the fans right. The fans give back too. Even as a Cub fan I have always liked going to Busch stadium. I find Cards fans to be knowledgeable andhospitable (for the most part).

That being said I hope we kick your butts next year!!!
W4L ain't been in in months and he still takin losses.

We should not have reloaded after last year, we should reload after this one........

.........which means we probably won't.
Well....I know fb probably thought it....so I'm gonna say it.

Jch...you jinxed us when you said we didn't loose a series since july.....hahahahaha.

2 losses in a row....carp will bounce back with a gem today and hopefully we can get the magic number down to single digits today to setup the nl central chipat home this coming weekend.
That PM was terrible. Karma just kicked us in the %@! for that my man. Being swept by the Braves FTMFL. Ironic that our Ace gets rocked after that $+#@ talkingmessage. Why do Cardinals fans continue to talk sideways, we haven't won anything yet!!!

The only time it's appropiate to talk is when your team is hoisting the World Series trophy.

So we got our $+@$% whipped. I never said anything about the World Series. I was merely responding to a message long overdue. And to my sweet surprise, I haveyet to receive a reply. Nothing but a little verbal jabbing.
JCH3 wrote:

So we got our $+@$% whipped. I never said anything about the World Series. I was merely responding to a message long overdue. And to my sweet surprise, I have yet to receive a reply. Nothing but a little verbal jabbing.
Naw I know, he has talked madness to everyone in here. It's just every time one of us Cardinals fans talks about another team, ours gets its**@ handed to them. As you can tell I am very superstitious.

[h3]Bats, bullpen pick up Wellemeyer[/h3]Relief corps shuts down Marlins after righty's rocky start

By Matthew Leach / MLB.com

09/15/09 1:46 AM ET
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ST. LOUIS -- Three disheartening losses brought a cloud of worry to Busch Stadium. Three big innings helped brush it away.

The Cardinals' offense erupted in the first, fourth and eighth innings, and the team's bullpen came to the rescue after starter Todd Wellemeyer struggled, in an 11-6 St. Louis win over the Marlins on Monday night. The victory ended a three-game losing streak, kept the Cards' lead at 9 1/2 games over the Cubs in the National League Central, and dropped their magic number for clinching the division to 10.

It wasn't easy, despite what the final score says. But it was emphatic.

The Cardinals banged out 17 base hits against five Florida pitchers. Meanwhile, five St. Louis relievers combined to pitch five shutout innings, picking up Wellemeyer.

"The bullpen was outstanding," said manager Tony La Russa. "I mean everybody that pitched got humongous outs. We got 11 [runs], but I don't know if we win if they keep adding runs here or there, even a point or two. So you cannot give the bullpen enough credit."

Wellemeyer threw strikes but had little else to recommend his effort. In what may very well have been his last start in a Cardinals uniform -- he's eligible for free agency after the season -- the right-hander was simply knocked around.

He surrendered nine hits in four innings, three of them for extra bases. He did strike out three against one walk, but Wellemeyer sustained far too much hard contact. Handed a 4-0 lead, he couldn't make it stand for even four innings, and that tells the story. Chris Coghlan tripled home two runs with two outs in the fourth, and Nick Johnson followed that with a go-ahead, two-run homer -- on an 0-2 pitch, no less.

"I definitely got tired there after about 70 [pitches] or so," said Wellemeyer, who hadn't started a Major League game since July 26. "But my legs still felt good. I might have just been coming open a little bit too much there at the end."

After Wellemeyer came out, the Redbirds pitched beautifully. Blake Hawksworth got the win in relief for his 1 1/3 shutout innings. Dennys Reyes contributed two outs on a force play and a pickoff, and Kyle McClellan got five very big outs in the seventh and eighth. Trever Miller retired one batter while the lead was still a single run, and then the Cardinals broke it open, turning a close game into a laugher.

Perhaps the best part of the whole night was the final rally, which bought another night off for closer Ryan Franklin. Jason Motte pitched a shutout, hitless ninth inning to finish off the game.

"Coming in, we knew Welley's pitch count was going to be down," McClellan said. "We knew we were probably going to be in there early and expected to cover a couple innings. That's part of the bullpen."

With the bullpen holding the visitors at bay, the St. Louis offense did its job, and splendidly so. Four singles and a double added up to four first-inning runs, with Matt Holliday and Ryan Ludwick both stroking two-run singles. Julio Lugo cracked a two-run triple in the fourth, and Albert Pujols hit a sacrifice fly that was ultimately the game-winning hit.

That added up to seven off of Nolasco, who had allowed three or fewer runs in eight of his previous 10 starts.

"I just have to tip my cap to that team over there," the right-hander said. "I made tons of good pitches. They fouled off the good pitches. And the good pitches, they still got the bat on it. A lot of balls were falling for them. That's just the kind of hitting team they are. I pitched ahead most of the game. They just hit good pitches. There isn't much I can do but tip my cap to that team over there. That's one of the best lineups in the league."

Brendan Donnelly and Renyel Pinto kept the score close in the sixth and seventh, but the Cards jumped on Matt Lindstrom in the eighth. Three walks, one of them intentional, loaded the bases, and Holliday knocked an RBI double. Colby Rasmus followed with a three-run homer that put the game out of reach.

"[I hit a] changeup," Rasmus said. "I thought he might throw me a slider, and I just caught it out front. I was just trying to battle."

Matthew Leach is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

I can't believe Wellemeyer didn't lose last night, thank goodness our offense showed up. Magic number is now down to 10

Pacmagic you going to Friday nights game on Oct. 2nd? Ozzie Smith bobblehead night and I need one
Brewers are in town and I don't even care.

Franklin blows two saves in a row. Trouble in paradise, Cards fans?
Any of ya'll know what it means when you can't access the links for your pics and what not on the toobar? I can't access my photobucket, or thesmileys, but everything else is just fine. I can change colors, text size, all that, but not pics. What am I missing?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Any of ya'll know what it means when you can't access the links for your pics and what not on the toobar? I can't access my photobucket, or the smileys, but everything else is just fine. I can change colors, text size, all that, but not pics. What am I missing?
I though it was just me
Yuku must be #@!%*!# up again
Serious FB? You can't get to your gifs either?

I can from my cpu on my desk, but not my laptop. What are you usin?

Wait though, you usin your smiley's cuz you posted the smh one........
I can't access any of my gifs, I actually have to open a seperate window to view images. Then I just take the url and place the [ ] to display it. I knowthe code for smh, that's why it shows.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I can't access any of my gifs, I actually have to open a seperate window to view images. Then I just take the url and place the [ ] to display it. I know the code for smh, that's why it shows.
Ah......then maybe nothing wrong with my computer then. Cool.

Thanks for the heads up man. I feel better now, thought this new laptop was missing something.
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