:: Official 2009 NBA Draft Thread ::

Like I said...I want Rubio but I hope we don't have to give up Love. Seems more likely that we will though

I swear if we trade Love + 6 to get up to 2 and then we take Thabeet
Word he gets that many mins? He should. He can be these Leon Powe, Landry types. ..which is why Hill won't be a pick at 5 or 6.

And yeah really, Love alone should net the #2 realistically.

I was reading Bucher's Twitter and he said Minny would offer 5 + 18 for 2 but not 5 + 6. (Obviously)

But also Twitted how teams are blowing smoke, ie, OKC interested in Rubio now.

I think either way, if a team wants Rubio, they're gonna have to go through OKC and not Memphis, from all accounts looks like Thabeet is their guy.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Like I said...I want Rubio but I hope we don't have to give up Love. Seems more likely that we will though

I swear if we trade Love + 6 to get up to 2 and then we take Thabeet
If minny did do that.... suicide rate would sky rocket up in minnesota
i kno to get tickets u have to be online but how does it work when u get there when the draft starts? does the ticket have a specific seat number or is itfirst come first serve?
And yeah really, Love alone should net the #2 realistically.

In regards to the above comment, I really don't agree. Everyone says Rubio can develop into a Star. Its been established by many GMs, Coaches, etc. thatLove is at most going to give you 15 and 12 on his best year. Even though you've seen how Love has done in his first season, it is easy to be a back seatdriver/drafter in this case. If Rubio pans out the way people expect him to then he is in a different solar system compared to Love and this is coming fromsomeone who thinks Rubio is BUST all over. You're drafting on the odds that Rubio turns out to be the Man.
Who said the deal had to be fair?

The whole point is for MEmphis to try and get the most out of any team who wants Rubio. I don't know when NBA teams had to start trading fair and realisticnowindays. This is when the leverage should come in and if they don't use it right they have failed IMO. That's why I just have a gut feeling Memphisjust may take Rubio regardless of the situation. If our guard situation is the main problem, then I'm sure they will ship out Conley to make him happy. Iwould take Love for the 2nd, but why would we let the Twolves have 3 picks in the top 6?

The Grizzlies also suppose to be extending the QO for Hak. So, maybe Arthur may be shipped out in the deal to go along with the 2nd for Love and 5th/6th.

Thabeet at two is pointless to me. If he suppose to help us out so much, then he should be able to contribute right away not have to sit on the bench for 2-3years. By that time, we would have a frontline that can help us without even going after Thabeet. I don't want to draft the guy just tos ee him come offthe bench behind Gasol who is a good enough center for me.
All I know is that if Memphis takes Rubio you can bet there is a trade going down.

I don't even think Minnesota has to part with Love anymore. With the four first round picks they can package 2, if not 3 of those picks just to move up.That is a huge plus for Minnesota.

I know some people are quick to denounce Love's long term value becaue he won't be a superstar, but if you keep him on this Minnesota team, his valuehis huge as a backup to Jefferson.
Yeah, I don't think Love needs to be involved in the trade anymore which I'm excited about

The thing is...if we give Memphis #5 and we hold on to #6 there's no chance of getting Thabeet if he falls....Memphis would snatch him up at 5
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

All I know is that if Memphis takes Rubio you can bet there is a trade going down.

I don't even think Minnesota has to part with Love anymore. With the four first round picks they can package 2, if not 3 of those picks just to move up. That is a huge plus for Minnesota.

I know some people are quick to denounce Love's long term value becaue he won't be a superstar, but if you keep him on this Minnesota team, his value his huge as a backup to Jefferson.

I believe it also. There's a 90% chance that if Memphis takes Rubio they are trading him. They not just going to trade him just to trade him though. Thething I'm saying is, Memphis isn't going to want to get younger by adding mediocre talent outside the lottery. If Minnesota gave them the 5th, 18th and28th for the 2nd, then what good does that do Memphis when they already have the 27th as well? It looks good on paper, but why would Memphis need a mid firstrounder and two late first rounders in a bad draft? Maybe its just me, but I see it being highly unlikely.

Now, the 5th and 6th for the 2nd is a different story. If Minnesota trade Love/6 for 2nd, what do they lose? What if Thabeet falls to them at 5? They couldpossibly get the 2nd and 3rd best prospect out the draft. So, Minnesota is still in great position if the deal went down. Memphis gets their PF and a comboguard (Evans, Curry) at 6. Even if Thabeet doesn't fall to Minny, they still would be in great shape. I'm pretty sure the whole league thinks Memphisisn't taking Rubio, so teams are probably looking at deals with OKC knowing that they will be the ones to take him.

LOVE + #6 (and maybe #18) for the #2 + #27 + Darrell Arthur
^ I don't know, but I'm excited. Today and tomorrow will be very interesting.

So many things can happen right now.
Is Love enough for Memphis to not want Thabeet? I mean would they require Love and the #5, not #6 to ensure they get Thabeet over Memphis if they trade?
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I just did a podcast on the NBA draft. Should be pretty to figure out who I am. I'm the only black dude on the podcast.

You sound like Carmelo.
I swear if I hear this one more time
I'm saying bro, you sound JUST like that _.

I mean, of course y'all got that accent (That's a given) but y'all really sound alike
nice writeup on Tyler Hansbrough


Apparently, the nickname really fits Tyler Hansbrough.

"He's nuts," one member of the Net hierarchy said approvingly after watching the North Carolina All-America work out. "He just plays sohard."

There were glowing reports about Hansbrough, who was part of the NetsNew Jersey Nets ' final workout today.

"Think of a more athletic Charles Oakley," one team exec said. "Not as physical but more athletic."
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