[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Originally Posted by EastCoastPapi


in other news

matsui or damon to keep this offseason???


hard to think about the off season. but I want Godzilla back. BUT I think we should poach the Red Sox and steal Jason Bay.
That dude is a beast and would fit in great.
that is how I feel this morning

I don't have much to say but hats off to the Yankees and congrats to their fans (minus 1-2 people in here)

We will see you next year in the 2010 WS rematch, til then it's going to be a long painful day, I better not run into Cole Hamels anywhere.

again, Congrats Yankees
Originally Posted by Fade On You




Yoooooooooooo i could not be happier with how the game went last night. Rubbed it in my Frillies friends face the entire night...!%#%* got so mad she hung up on me

Pack your bags Frillies, head on that lonely plane ride back to Filthadelphia with your usual "L".

Where's all you slick talking Frillies fans now? Seemed to get out this thread REAL fast. "We will repeat!! We will beat the Yanks!!" !!$+ you and !!$+ your stupid %!# losing team. Scum %!# city.




And im bad??!!! This guy's hilarious!!!!!!
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

well...not much to say besides congrats to the yanks and their fans.

httb, old man onewearz, proshares, dsk, briannnnn, jrp, bk, jordan, yoda, true3blue, and the rest of the crew...congrats. you guys are the champs and obviously had a great year.

and next year, we'll be looking to take that #%+* back to boston.
Ok so when the Yankees fans wake up from the high they were on last night. Someone hit me with the Team Yankees sig. As much as I am going to hateseeing it under my name im a man of my word.

But I mean, if you wanna call off the sig bet thats cool with me too.
It is what it is.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

that is how I feel this morning

I don't have much to say but hats off to the Yankees and congrats to their fans (minus 1-2 people in here)

We will see you next year in the 2010 WS rematch, til then it's going to be a long painful day, I better not run into Cole Hamels anywhere.

again, Congrats Yankees

That's how I feel. Ya can't hate the Yankees for doing what they had to do to win the series but I don't believe the Phils really seemed all thatinterested in winning this year with the exception of a few like Cliff Lee and Chase Utley.

Ryan Howard had a terrible series. The man didn't even seem the least bit hurt losing the series last night during his interview.

I swear ever since Game 3 I looked at guys like Howard, and Feliz..Rollins..guys like that as almost automatic outs. Feliz must have been on the Yankeespayroll the way he consistently directed his hits towards A. Rod and Jeter..
You can't win hitting towards those 2 guys on a consistent basis and thinkyou're going to make it to 1st.

Also, I was unimpressed with Pedro's performance last night. I think it absolutely KILLED us when he had the nerve to hit, I think it was Texeira, withthe ball yesterday which in turn made it extremely dangerous for us because at that point there were no outs and the bases were loaded with Matsui up tobat....Matsui owned Pedro yesterday...and IMO I think that was a huge turning point for the Yankees when Matsui hit that long ball out to center field. Itallowed a few more runs..allowed the game to pick up momentum for the Yanks......I hated Pedro for allowing that. I knew things weren't in our bestinterest after that...

Also, Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins did not perform for us. Rollins seemed extra casual up there at the plate. Dude would consistently hit fly balls forouts with the occasional hit that got him on base. But other than making a few outs and stealing 3 bases on World Series he wasn't anything special..

Same goes with Howard. I touched on him earlier. Dude hit 45 HR during the regular season and only hit 1 the whole series (last night) and that was when thegame was totally out of reach. Howard looked unprepared and sloppy and I was expecting better out of him.

Hamels was trash. I guess now he can finally get to doing what he had hoped to do when he said he "couldn't wait till the season was over".
The rest of the bullpen wasn't too effective with the lone exception of Cliff Lee..

Not trying to throw the Phillies under the bus. But I'm frustrated with their lack of urgency during this series and I'm frustrated with certainpitchers attitudes during this series. This team could have/should have played much better but didn't...

Like I said, I'm not mad the Yankees won. I'm upset the Phillies didn't display the urgency they needed to compete with a team the caliber ofthe Yankees...oh well, series is over. Congrats to the Yankees.~
^ Pedro just didn't seem to care, like it was "oh well, I'm rich and a HOFer anyway" that is how he came off to me last night but that'sirrelevant

Pedro won't be on this team next, Mitch Williams (who is a GREAT analyst) was on this morning and he thinks the Phillies are going to try and move Hamelsand replace him with a legitimate #1 top pitcher to spot behind Cliff Lee

If I were the Phils, I would go after Brandon Webb or even Roy Halladay again, we also need some bullpen tweaking but I think Lidge will be ok next year.

Starting day is see the rotation looking like...

1. Lee
2. New Pitcher
3. Happ
4. Blanton
5. Kyle Drabek (I think he makes the team)
What time is everyone leaving to be at the Parade, It starts at 11am. I was thinking 7am but people are saying thats late
^^ Yeah I have to agree with you. Pedro wasn't the answer this year for us. We already had the team that took us all the way to the trophy last season andPedro was brought on the team to "strengthen" the bullpen.

He didn't do anything to hurt us from getting into the World Series again obviously. But I was hoping he would help us get another World Series win byputting up one of his masterful performances....didn't happen.

As far as Cole Hamels, he can go. I'm just not a big fan of the guy right now especially after those comments were made. The guy would complain about daygames for instance this season. Just a big disappoinment for me today and I'm sure other Phillies fans. We had no business losing 2 straight games inPhilly.
I know I could google it. I know Its downtown. I just don't know what train to tAke and where is the best place to see the parade.
What part of 42nd? Grand Central?

Take the 4,5, or 6 to Brooklyn Bridge...follow the crowd from there. There's no best place, really...Broadway is one long strip so you'll see em'eventually. Me personally, I want to be posted up by City Hall.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by StillIn729

that is how I feel this morning

I don't have much to say but hats off to the Yankees and congrats to their fans (minus 1-2 people in here)

We will see you next year in the 2010 WS rematch, til then it's going to be a long painful day, I better not run into Cole Hamels anywhere.

again, Congrats Yankees

That's how I feel. Ya can't hate the Yankees for doing what they had to do to win the series but I don't believe the Phils really seemed all that interested in winning this year with the exception of a few like Cliff Lee and Chase Utley.

Ryan Howard had a terrible series. The man didn't even seem the least bit hurt losing the series last night during his interview.

I swear ever since Game 3 I looked at guys like Howard, and Feliz..Rollins..guys like that as almost automatic outs. Feliz must have been on the Yankees payroll the way he consistently directed his hits towards A. Rod and Jeter..
You can't win hitting towards those 2 guys on a consistent basis and think you're going to make it to 1st.

Also, I was unimpressed with Pedro's performance last night. I think it absolutely KILLED us when he had the nerve to hit, I think it was Texeira, with the ball yesterday which in turn made it extremely dangerous for us because at that point there were no outs and the bases were loaded with Matsui up to bat....Matsui owned Pedro yesterday...and IMO I think that was a huge turning point for the Yankees when Matsui hit that long ball out to center field. It allowed a few more runs..allowed the game to pick up momentum for the Yanks......I hated Pedro for allowing that. I knew things weren't in our best interest after that...

Also, Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins did not perform for us. Rollins seemed extra casual up there at the plate. Dude would consistently hit fly balls for outs with the occasional hit that got him on base. But other than making a few outs and stealing 3 bases on World Series he wasn't anything special..

Same goes with Howard. I touched on him earlier. Dude hit 45 HR during the regular season and only hit 1 the whole series (last night) and that was when the game was totally out of reach. Howard looked unprepared and sloppy and I was expecting better out of him.

Hamels was trash. I guess now he can finally get to doing what he had hoped to do when he said he "couldn't wait till the season was over".
The rest of the bullpen wasn't too effective with the lone exception of Cliff Lee..

Not trying to throw the Phillies under the bus. But I'm frustrated with their lack of urgency during this series and I'm frustrated with certain pitchers attitudes during this series. This team could have/should have played much better but didn't...

Like I said, I'm not mad the Yankees won. I'm upset the Phillies didn't display the urgency they needed to compete with a team the caliber of the Yankees...oh well, series is over. Congrats to the Yankees.~

It was a joke seeing our best hitter Ruiz batting 9th. Feliz shouldve been last

like i said, amazing job from the phils getting back.

Bullpen- Terrible

Lidge- Terrible

9th inning Madson- Terrible

Injuries to Utley, Ibanez, and Romero- hurts

Hamels- Terrible

Not alot of teams couldve done what they did.

Now for the offseason. Bring in Figgens to play third and lead off. I'm really tired of seeing Willie Mays Hayes leading off this team
need another Starting Pitcher, and Bullpen help. I would also bring in a ReliefPitcher who could close just incase we have the old Lidge.

get a bench dump Stairs, Bruntcrap, Bako and co.

get a solid backup 2b and catcher.


cant wait to see Taylor and Drabek. Phils put alot hype on them.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

well...not much to say besides congrats to the yanks and their fans.

httb, old man onewearz, proshares, dsk, briannnnn, jrp, bk, jordan, yoda, true3blue, and the rest of the crew...congrats. you guys are the champs and obviously had a great year.

and next year, we'll be looking to take that #%+* back to boston.
Ok so when the Yankees fans wake up from the high they were on last night. Someone hit me with the Team Yankees sig. As much as I am going to hate seeing it under my name im a man of my word.

But I mean, if you wanna call off the sig bet thats cool with me too.
It is what it is.

props for staying true to your word...i think you could have flown under the radar
Thanks for the pics Shuges, I need to go through and save a lot, maybe rasterbate a few.

Much love to all the Yankees fans on the board, all the respect to those who put in the work all season long, not being able to watch most of the regularseason really sucked, but I'm glad to have spent the playoffs with everyone. It's been a hell of a ride
Unfortunately no one in Syracuse has any of the New York Post or Daily News commemorative editions.
wasn't in here last night but wanna say how proud I am and how deserving not only the Yankees are, but how deserving everyone posting in this thread is ofa 27th CHAMPIONSHIP

ok im hungover at work
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

well...not much to say besides congrats to the yanks and their fans.

httb, old man onewearz, proshares, dsk, briannnnn, jrp, bk, jordan, yoda, true3blue, and the rest of the crew...congrats. you guys are the champs and obviously had a great year.

and next year, we'll be looking to take that #%+* back to boston.
Ok so when the Yankees fans wake up from the high they were on last night. Someone hit me with the Team Yankees sig. As much as I am going to hate seeing it under my name im a man of my word.

But I mean, if you wanna call off the sig bet thats cool with me too.
It is what it is.

props for staying true to your word...i think you could have flown under the radar


Didnt wanna be "That Guy".

If they call it off then more props to them. But I wasnt gonna just try to sneak and then possibly get called out like im some type of $+@#@. I think I couldhave flown under the radar too, but with True going through the previous posts and bringing up all the bridge jumpers it was only a matter of time.

And FYI, I also made a bet with my cousin where I have to rock a Yankee fitted whenever I go out for the next month, Or pay $100. I seriously want to just paythe 100 but with MW2 coming out next week, I think I might be homebound for a lot of the month anyways.
@ ESPN's random *** poll.
"Do You Hate The Yankees?"
Blue = Love'em, Red = Hate'em

Whole map was red
, 'cept for NY, NJ, CT.
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