[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

On his way home from the stadium Girardi got out his car to help a lady who crashed. She was ok though. It was that kinda night
Congrats to the Yankees, the best team in baseball. It feels like everything is now right in the baseball world now that the Yankees are back on top!!
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I was expecting more action in Queens since I just moved here, but this really is Mets country.
Lol. Guess I'm wrong? Weak partyers if that's the case.
no, you're not wrong at all. They're just bitter at times when it comes to the yanks...especially with this world series

Any Yankees fans in Queens were more than likely in the city, I know I was

Around where Mez is at though it must have been dead silent. Dudes ready to jump in front of the 7 train and %%#*

I was screaming my +!# of at like 3am when I got out the cab to my place in Astoria though
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

@ ESPN's random *** poll.
"Do You Hate The Yankees?"
Blue = Love'em, Red = Hate'em

Whole map was red
, 'cept for NY, NJ, CT.

I swear to god when the yanks make it far it feels like they're playing against the whole country

I can picture some old redneck folk in mississippi like "god darn those dam yankee doodle doo the hell wit them!!!" *shoots into air*
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I was expecting more action in Queens since I just moved here, but this really is Mets country.
Lol. Guess I'm wrong? Weak partyers if that's the case.
no, you're not wrong at all. They're just bitter at times when it comes to the yanks...especially with this world series

Any Yankees fans in Queens were more than likely in the city, I know I was

Around where Mez is at though it must have been dead silent. Dudes ready to jump in front of the 7 train and %%#*

I was screaming my +!# of at like 3am when I got out the cab to my place in Astoria though
I never knew you lived in Astoria

Ditmars area?
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

im in astoria, Ditmars area, and i was pretty sure i heard some heads outside screaming when i got home too
I was around there last night wearin' my White Sox fitted watchin' the Knicks game in a small $+! bar TV.

Thumbs up Yankees, hate ya'll obnoxious fan base but no problem with most of ya'll on here. It ONLY took em 9 tries with a 200+million payroll to finally win one.

Philly fans crying at the stadium made me chuckle.

I'll be at the parade with my Mets fitted on.
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I was expecting more action in Queens since I just moved here, but this really is Mets country.
Lol. Guess I'm wrong? Weak partyers if that's the case.
no, you're not wrong at all. They're just bitter at times when it comes to the yanks...especially with this world series

Any Yankees fans in Queens were more than likely in the city, I know I was

Around where Mez is at though it must have been dead silent. Dudes ready to jump in front of the 7 train and %%#*

I was screaming my +!# of at like 3am when I got out the cab to my place in Astoria though
I never knew you lived in Astoria

Ditmars area?

just moved recently.

Steinway by 28th ave.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

im in astoria, Ditmars area, and i was pretty sure i heard some heads outside screaming when i got home too
Nice.... All my family still live right there....Every time I go up the first stop is Rose and Joes for some pizza, or Sals for a hero
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

im in astoria, Ditmars area, and i was pretty sure i heard some heads outside screaming when i got home too
I was around there last night wearin' my White Sox fitted watchin' the Knicks game in a small $+! bar TV.

Thumbs up Yankees, hate ya'll obnoxious fan base but no problem with most of ya'll on here. It ONLY took em 9 tries with a 200+ million payroll to finally win one.

Philly fans crying at the stadium made me chuckle.

I'll be at the parade with my Mets fitted on.

sounds like a horrible evening.

Thank You. I hate to say it but you helped

And you're an #%+%!#+ to wear a Mets fitted son

Now I go back to hating you all everyday except Knick gamedays.
BTW did they bury Steve Phillips and Kruk in the same grave Peter Gammons fell into after they won?

Just curious, I'd like to pay my respects.
My vote Is that AI Fan ha to rock a Team Yankees Sig and a Picture of the yanks celebrating yesterday for a month.
Originally Posted by Proshares

BTW did they bury Steve Phillips and Kruk in the same grave Peter Gammons fell into after they won?

Just curious, I'd like to pay my respects.
It's funny because post game Gammons was talking about how Pedro supposedly told him he was "sick as adog" yesterday and "didn't have anything"
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

He just threw it out there just because. We're going to have to huddle up Yankee fans. Are we gonna make him do it?
Yea it was just thrown out there as a no hard feelings/I dont take this %#$% too seriously type thing.

But yea let me know whats up "Year Rounders"

Congrats Yanks, I hate yall but you were definitely the better team. As for the Phillies, Cole Hamels needs to get right or we might not even make it to thispoint again next year. Also, this is obvious but we better get bullpen help and a lot of it. Lidge makes me sick, who knows what could have happened in game 4if that @@*@%@ didn't blow the save. Looking forward to next year, wouldn't be surprised if it was a rematch of this series but that's a long waysfrom now. Once again congrats Yankees fans, you deserved this one.
at ai fan thinking the red sox are gonna be something next year.. the tide has turned boy boy you'll die before they win another chip
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

at ai fan thinking the red sox are gonna be something next year.. the tide has turned boy boy you'll die before they win another chip

That's *%%#$$ up

But I'm cool w/letting AIF slide. I'm in a good mood today.
[h2]World Series moment: Joba Chamberlain and his dad, Harlan[/h2]
By 'Duk


NEW YORK - The throng of media members around the makeshift stage seemed impenetrable, but Harlan Chamberlain motored his way through all of the cameras and notepads anyways. Reaching a blue barrier, he stopped his scooter, strained to look over a crowd of world champion Yankee ballplayers and tried to get a glimpse of his son. When that proved useless, he simply resorted to his considerable vocal chords.

"Jaaaaaaahba!" he yelled. "Jaaaaaaaaaahba!" http://

Harlan said his son's name a few more times, then spied A.J. Burnett(notes) in the crowd.

"Burnett!" he said. "Can you get my son!"

Burnett could and a few moments later, Joba Chamberlain(notes) put down the giant blue Yankee flag he had been waving up on stage. The big Yankees pitcher hopped off the stage, disappeared from the view of the Fox cameras and quickly made a beeline for his father. When they came together, they wrapped each other in a huge rocking bearhug.

It wasn't long before both were crying.

They said the same thing over and over.

"We did it, dad," Joba said.

"We did it," Harlan said.

"We did it," Joba said.

"We did it," Harlan said.

And on and on. They held tight for almost a minute. Their eyes were red when they let go.

You see the Yankees' $200+ million payroll and it's easy to get cynical. Same goes for their $1.5 billion new stadium, the seats that cost more than the average mortgage payment, the steroid controversies involving some of their team members and all the endless hype and hooey about mystique, aura and all the Yankee legends and ghosts.

But then you see this very simple and very real scene of a 24-year-old pitcher sharing the hug of a lifetime with his dad and you remember that those father-son relationships - one of the only things that really matter - are at the very heart of this great game that we love.

The same dynamic was on display everywhere at Yankee Stadium on Wednesday night. Way up in the upper deck, a dad tossed his little son into the air whenever Hideki Matsui(notes) came through (which was often). A mid-20s hipster sitting next to them made sure to ask one of my co-workers to snap a photo of he and his pops with his grainy cell phone camera. CC Sabathia(notes) did his postgame interviews with his little son on his shoulders the whole time.

And while all of those tiny little snapshots meant the world to those pictured in them, none of them seemed quite as remarkable to outsiders as the one taken by the Chamberlains.

Their story has been told often since Joba became a pitcher with the Yankees. Harlan was stricken with polio as a child and his health problems have confined him to the trademark scooter that gets him recognized by Yankee fans everywhere. Despite his limitations, he raised both Joba and his sister in Nebraska and provided for them while working in a prison. The sad story of Joba's mother is sadly well-known - she's facing 20 years in jail for a drug charge - but he's always had the love and support from an extraordinary father. They call each other their best friends. It's impossible for them to be any closer.

I caught up with Harlan later on Wednesday night and asked him what it was like to see his son pitch a scoreless inning in a World Series clincher. Then I asked him what it was like to have the hug on the field with him afterward. His eyes were still teary as he talked.
"I told my son for years that he would do this, we would talk about getting to the World Series all the time" said Harlan while stopped near home plate of Yankee Stadium. "We just shared that moment while realizing that he did it. I pinched myself a few times. It's pretty awesome.

"We love each very much. This whole adventure in life is about family and in our case, it's about father and son."

In the days ahead, we're sure to see a lot of scenes from the Yankees 27th championship. Some we'll be bound to remember. Some we'll be bound to forget.

It's not hard to tell which category the Chamberlains' special moment will fall under, because it rarely gets much better than that

I didn't know about his family struggle... Good to see him make his pops proud..
today i was on fordam and smh at EVERYBODY having on the ws && inaugural fitted on! I'm so tight right now...I wanted to scream bandwagon fans sobad ...but i bet the knicks bandwagon is gonna be on some next ishh tho
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

That dude doesnt deserve anything Yankees anywhere near his sig. His 09 we off that is embarrassing enough IMO

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

at ai fan thinking the red sox are gonna be something next year.. the tide has turned boy boy you'll die before they win another chip

Right on cue, here come my own personal ball warmers. Thanx guys its gonna be a cold winter. Now I dont have to go buy long johns.

But ill let it go. Enjoy the chip. I know you guys are feeling yourselves very much right now. Well see how many times the Yankees get back to the promise landonce Mo hangs em up and Hughes is your closer. Or Joba for that matter. But thats a discussion for another day. Enjoy the parade.

And Pro...
^ let it go dude, no one cares

you care more about starting childish crap than the fact the Yankees just won the World Series
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