[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

I feel bad for Kate hudson last night. A-Rod unleashed 16 years of frustration on her.

When will the Yanks go on Leno, Letterman, etc?
I say we let AIFoff the hook. I know I'm going to be in a good mood for a while, let him just realize that theYankees are the champions of baseball

And for once last night, I went over the post limit, I was going through withdrawals. I didn't think I celebrated enough on her by the time it happened

What a day. I wrote my Jeter jersey proud, didn't see many people decked out though around my way (59th and Columbus). It's all good though.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

^ let it go dude, no one cares

you care more about starting childish crap than the fact the Yankees just won the World Series

How about you go pout in a corner I was responding to a comment directed towards me. Worry about your Eagles now
im celebrating the win just fine

now you say ahhhhhh
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

I feel bad for Kate hudson last night. A-Rod unleashed 16 years of frustration on her.

When will the Yanks go on Leno, Letterman, etc?
Jeter, Posada, and Pettitte, are on Letterman tonight according to his website.

I'd expect them to be on Conan the following week.
Props to the Yankees...I guess I was the premature "human victory cigar" by my jinx-filled "Yankees Struggling" thread made back in likeApril

yall were a bunch of beasts, and you deserve the accolades....welp, here's to the O's being WS champs in 2010
I thank you DoubleJ's for that thread.

Can't make it to the parade, got work. But they are letting us wear jerseys tomorrow which is nice.
Ai fan need to stop b*&^%*^ like a little girl. We poke fun at u because you are a red sox fan that post in all yankee threads.. if u don't like itleave my n*# that simple
Fam, who is *****ing? You guys are the ones that are butt hurt that im in a thread, like you have to pass a test to be in here. Id say im goin about the wholething pretty nicely. But it is what it is. Apparently the Chip has brought out the douche in a few of you. Ive said congrats and didnt even throw any salt intothe convo. Yet, you 2 keep coming in here trying to throw Jabs. But news flash, Im not taking either of you that seriously to get in a huge arrangement aboutthe whole thing.
Ai fan u mean to tell me that the chip is making me a douche? I could of sworn I was one before we won
only thing I said is that the tide has turned andthat you will die before the red sox win it all again. Isn't that typical red sox yankee trash talk? I think your just a liiiiitlleee upset that we won ifu ask me... remember we had no chance against the angels
Im not sure who your quoting when you refer to no chance. Cuz I know I didnt say you had no chance against the Angels. And Im pretty sure I called Yankees in 6for the WS. So trying to put words in my mouth to make me look salty is not helping your case one bit. And your trash talk is coming off douchy because I havnteven tried to go at you or say that im mad that ya won. If you want to trash talk thats fine by all means go for it. But bottom line its coming off kindadouchy. I dont think Ive once even brought up the Sox. But ya keep bringin em up like its been forever since we won.

But If you want to start the trash talk early we can do that. I just thought you would want to bask in your championship rather than try to start up a E-Fight.But do you. First series next year Yankees/Sox Im already ready.

And just to clarify, You didnt used to be a douche. You was right there with everyone else at the start of the year. Calm and a little worried. Ready to jumpoff a bridge before Arod got back. Ready to call the season a bust before May. Then the ALCS came and ya boy Assassin started mouthin off in the threads andyou followed suit. If you was just waiting for someone else to go off first then thats you. But you definitly wasnt as douchy before homie came around. But itis what it is. We cant all be level headed.
^ pull a post from me "when I was about to jump off a bridge". Please do, don't group me in with those other guys when you have no idea what yourtalking about. Is it really necessary for u to continue to write short stories in all of your post? It just makes u look more upset in my opinion, and also ifu want to do the trash talk thing in the regular season with sox and yanks I'm down but I wouldn't be to confident with your team after u know thewhole starting off 8-0 and all its funny when you think about it cause y'all dudes was really ridin high. But that's a whole other story for anotherday
OK you know what. You win. Your the man. I am not worthy. Yankees are the best ever. The Sox cant even hold a candle to them, this year, next year, and for therest of history. I petition to give the Yankees the next 6 WS titles.

See ya next year.

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Eaaaaasy! The season is over. The Yankees are champions. Be merry!

This is what im trying to say. Congrats on your title enjoy it. No1 has said anything other than that.Ill just leave it at that
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

im in astoria, Ditmars area, and i was pretty sure i heard some heads outside screaming when i got home too
I was around there last night wearin' my White Sox fitted watchin' the Knicks game in a small $+! bar TV.

Thumbs up Yankees, hate ya'll obnoxious fan base but no problem with most of ya'll on here. It ONLY took em 9 tries with a 200+ million payroll to finally win one.

Philly fans crying at the stadium made me chuckle.

I'll be at the parade with my Mets fitted on.
This guy
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