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This might be a dumb question, but do they broadcast Canadians games in French or English?
Originally Posted by jville819

This might be a dumb question, but do they broadcast Canadians games in French or English?
All Habs games are broadcast in both.

RDS is the Canadiens' exclusive French broadcaster, while TSN/CBC/NHL Network pick up most of their games in English.
man we're struggling right now. really need to get back on track tonight versus the devils. need to skate and up the intensity level big time.
Yesterdays game against the Ducks was
I am just relieved we pulled it out in OT. This team needs to get it's head straight.
These beauties just arrived in the mail from Exclusive Pro Sports.

Neely 1995-96 Authentic:

Lucic 2009-10 Authentic:
Even though I hate Lucic, that Bruins EDGE jersey is sick

Even though Authentics are insanely priced they are 10x better than RbK Premiers.... definitely worth spending the extra money.
Love the CCM, you can find some great old jerseys on ebay for pretty cheap as well. But those two are really clean and nice
love the neely jersey, true blues

we played alright tonight but got the win thanks to some bunk goaltending from brodeur. all three goals were nice snipes, but marty shoulda really stopped all of those goals tonight. tim thomas continues to make saves with his back turned to the long as he's hot, im on board with giving him the lion's share of starts.
Neely is sick, did you send them a blank?

Lucic is alright, its just everyone has one.
I really want a Boychuck but I'd hate to shell out another 180 for a shirt I only wear on gameday.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Neely is sick, did you send them a blank?

Lucic is alright, its just everyone has one.
I really want a Boychuck but I'd hate to shell out another 180 for a shirt I only wear on gameday.
Yeah, I bought both as blanks (1995-96 w/ ASG patch on eBay and the Edge off when they had the 50% off sale this summer) and sent them in to Exclusive Pro Sports in Illinois. EPS does the on-ice embroidery for the Canes, Devils, and Caps. I learned later, though, that Custom Crafted in Attleboro does the Bruins on-ice work so I'll go to them next time.

The total cost altogether for both jerseys and customization was around $600 once everything was said and done. Worth it, IMO. video of some of the wackiest cellies in the NHL:

Interesting article on Colin Campbell:

11/15/2010 6:49:04 PM

NHL vice president and league disciplinarian Colin Campbell is under fire for comments he made in a string of emails to then director of officiating Stephen Walkom.

Posted on hockey website, and written by Tyler Dellow, the emails raise questions about Campbell's impartiality, especially as it pertains to his son Gregory, an NHL player who was then on the Florida Panthers, but now plays for the Boston Bruins.

The email correspondence became a matter of public record in the wrongful dismissal case of referee Dean Warren against the NHL.

The emails were entered into evidence in the case, although specific references to names and dates were blacked out.

But Dellow, using the NHL schedule and specific details from the emails, was able to piece together specific references to identifiable players and games and cites Campbell calling Boston Bruin centre Marc Savard a "little fake artist" after Warren assessed Gregory Campbell a high-sticking minor on Savard and sending further emails to director of officiating Walkom complaining about the work of referees who gave Gregory a late-game penalty that resulted in a tying goal.

Here's the email Campbell sent to Walkom, as it appears in Dellow's story:

To Stephen Walkom/Tor/NHL@NHL
Subject Re: Delayed Penalties/High Sticks 02/#/2007 4:24 pm

A bend in the road is a dead end if you round the corner and Dean Warren is standing there. Your answer re: his high stick calls and the score of the game were horse ----. The 3rd call on [player] was while they were down 5 on 4 and on a def zone face off vs that little fake artist [player] I had him in [city] biggest faker going. And Warren fell for it when he grabbed his face on a face off. Your supposed to see the act, not call the embellishing act. Dean Warren has to go with [referee] There must be a way to get rid of this guy. Is there a way we can tract (sic) and total minors called by referees this year. We could then get the minors they call per game...or with 2 [referees on the ice] it is impossible? Warren and [referee] out of [club's] games. Give them to [referees].

And a follow up email sent by Campbell:

Re [player]
Colin Campbell to Stephen Walkom, Mike Murphy
02/#/2007 09:21 AM

I know Murph and Kinger like [player] as a player but my view of him is this exactly…he puts his whining ahead of the game. I don't think this is a regular occurrence (…..getting screwed) and...exploded...over the disallowed goal. He may be uncontrollable I think his frustration level has hit a high point. He hates officials as well. He is still pissed off at [referee] for a call he missed in the playoffs years ago as I remember him bugging Murph about it. Let's give him Warren and [referee] than (sic) he will really have something to whine about.

Dellow was able to take information included in various emails and match them up to game sheets, determining the circumstances Campbell and others were referring to was a Feb. 24, 2007 game when Warren officiated a Florida-Atlanta game, where the Panthers were put two men down when Campbell was assessed a high-sticking minor off a faceoff with Savard.

Dellow raised the spectre of Campbell's feelings, as documented in the email, perhaps being a factor in Campbell's decision last March to not suspend Pittsburgh's Matt Cooke for the shoulder-to-the-head check that knocked out Savard and ultimately led to a new NHL rule on blindside hits to the head.

Dellow also highlighed another string of emails between Campbell and Walkom where Campbell is unhappy over a penalty assessed late in the game. Dellow deduced that the game in question was Florida-Atlanta and the penalized player was Gregory Campbell:

From: Colin Campbell
Sent: 11/#/2007 09:54 PM EST
To: Stephen Walkom 
Subject: Penalty

Game not televised. Radio announcers said it was a bulls--- penalty…you need to find out for me. How…I don't know but this was awful. 1:30 left in 2-1 game for [team] and [player] scored with 2 second left to tie it up them won in OT. F---

From: Stephen Walkom
Sent: 11/#/2007 09:56 PM EST
To: Colin Campbell
Subject: Re: Penalty

ok ill find out….

Re: Penalty
11/#/2007 10:48 PM
Colin Campbell to Stephen Walkom

Did you find out anything? It was [another referee] that made the call. Keep Warren and gas this ----head. 90 seconds left and he calls a weak penalty…tripping. Makes me sick. If I was at the game I would have had to fine me.

The NHL's policy with regards to interaction between Campbell and his son or any games involving the team his son is playing on or against is to have Mike Murphy handle all related matters.

Contacted by TSN for its reaction to Dellow's piece, deputy commissioner Bill Daly said: "Any suggestion that Colin Campbell performs his job with any less than 100% integrity at all times and in every decision he makes is way off base and just factually wrong.  Because of the potential for a conflict of interest, or more importantly a perceived conflict of interest,  the League has implemented various structural protections that prohibit Colie from having any oversight or disciplinary authority relating to any game in which his son, Gregory, plays.  Its always fair to question and criticize League decisions as being wrong, but not on the basis that they aren't justly and fairly arrived at."

Contacted by TSN for his reaction, Campbell said: "For me, it's much ado about nothing. Stephen and I would have banter back and forth and Stephen knows I'm a (hockey) dad venting and both of us knowing it wouldn't go any further than that. Stephen would laugh at me. The game in question (when Gregory Campbell was penalized late in the Atlanta-Florida game) wasn't on TV and I was asking Stephen to find out for me if it was a soft call. That's all there ever was to it. The (refs) working that game are still in the league, aren't they? Stephen handled the officials, just like Terry Gregson does now, and I've got a lot of emails to those guys asking about this soft call or that soft call and that's in a lot of games. I'm not ultimately responsible for the (on-ice) officials, that's Terry Gregson's responsibility, but I have to answer to GMs on these calls."
rbk premiers are +@$%. my dad bought a few cause champs had them for like half price so i just wear them at the bars watching the game or whatever in fear of spilling something on them
. edge on the other hand is

anyways, avery gave smid a concussion and peckham injured his hand in his fight. so this means that jim freaking vandermeer is on the 2nd pairing according to the depth chart with smack and strudwick on the 3rd. BRUTAL (as if our d wasnt bad enough)
just submitted my all-star ballot... everyone share yours.

Steven Stamkos
Alex Semin (write-in)
Daniel Sedin

Duncan Keith
Marc Staal

Tim Thomas

Picked the players who I feel are most deserving and tried my best to put all biases aside. I even selected Tim Thomas who you all know I despise. And I always leave off players like Ovechkin and Crosby because they will get enough votes from their fanboys.
^nice. although i still picked some of my favorites


Spoiler [+]
It's going to be a good game tonight.

Bruins vs. Rangers

Hope Boychuk can play only if his arm is right and he can blast his shot from the point.
solid win tonight

seguin's goal was pretty sweet, start to finish. showed his speed and ability to finish. hopefully he keeps developing and taking advantage of opportunities to score.

never woulda guessed henrik would have been the one to allow the soft goal tonight, although thomas definitely should have stopped dubinsky's goal.
Good W for the B's.

I was a litte upset that they were careless during the 3rd period. Especially, when it was the 5 on 3 advantage for the Rangers.

I thought it was going to be a slugfest because I went to the Bruins vs. Rangers game last month when they were at the Garden and there was just fights everywhere.

Overall, good win but like Deadset said. The game really should've been 3-1
what's up with the msg ice, btw? why's it always been crappy? i heard them mention it a couple times tonight on the broadcast.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

what's up with the msg ice, btw? why's it always been crappy? i heard them mention it a couple times tonight on the broadcast.
there are so many events at MSG that its impossible to keep the ice in decent condition.
i remember the days when we had the best ice in the league by a landslide
ah well, what can you do?

but how many of you have felt the wrath of proshares? his fantasy team is beastly, my goodness
Don't know how many of you followed this "controversy," but it did result in a pretty hilarious Boston Hockey Rules commercial.

Belligerent, semi-cute Bruins fan? I might hit it...
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