OFFICIAL 2010-11 SACRAMENTO KINGS SEASON THREAD - Vol. Too Lazy To Make A New Topic Right Now!

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

^ I just think they both need to dominate the ball to be effective and I don't see Reke being as effective being off the ball.

Wall definitely knows how to distribute the ball....... It doesn't take him 18 seconds of dribbling at the top of the key before initiating the offense *cough* TYREKE *cough*
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

^ I just think they both need to dominate the ball to be effective and I don't see Reke being as effective being off the ball.

Comments like this make me wonder if you \ have any clue what you are talking about.  Tyreke is NOT, and will never be a true point guard in the NBA.  Have you watched at all this year?  He looks like a Gilbert Arenas type player, who we all know is NOT a true point guard.  Tyreke can be a combo guard, but he would definitely benefit from having a true point playing along side him.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Too soon to make a trade for Josh Howard right now though.

So we trade Kevin who is prone to injury for someone with glass ankles? Nooooo.
Of course the Kings don't trade Martin for Howard. But everyone else on NT seems to think anyone is better than Martin on the Kings.

Interesting article about Evans and Martin working together. I know, just one game. Less than one quarter. One OT session. Still something positive from those two.

Tyreke Evans & Kevin Martin Can Work
February 10th, 2010Sebastian PruitiLeave a commentGo to comments

Eversince the return of Kevin Martin, the Kings record has taken a bit of anose-dive.  This has lead to many people to say that Evans & Martinwill not be able to work together.  I think that is crazy.  You put agreat shooter (Kevin Martin) with a guy who can get to the hoop (TyrekeEvans), and it should work.  In the closing moments of the 4th quarterand the start of overtime, you started to see how these two playingtogether can work.

Tyreke Evans Dominates Late In The 4th

The biggest effect Tyreke Evans and Kevin Martin being on the courtat the same time has on opponents is on the defensive end.  Defenseshave to figure out how to cover both Kevin Martin and Tyreke Evans. The Knicks really struggled with it last night.  This is what allowedEvans to go off late in the game:


The Knicks have to make a decision here concerning matchups.  Theydecide to put Chris Duhon on Kevin Martin with Jared Jeffries on TyrekeEvans.  My guess is because they were worried about Martin running offof screens, so they put the quicker defender on him.


Now with Jared Jeffries on Tyreke Evans, the Kings identify this asthe mismatch, and they go to Evans.  Worried about Evans’ speed,Jeffries plays back on Evans, allowing him to walk to the top of thekey.


Chris Duhon isn’t in proper help position (he is attached toMartin’s hip, worried about his shooting ability), and this is whatallows Evans to get all the way to the hole.


With no help, Tyreke Evans is able to knock down an uncontestedlay-up.  Besides creating matchup problems, Martin’s presence on thecourt also causes defenses to screw up their rotations:


Jeffries is once again covering Evans (why the Knicks didn’t switchout of this, I have no idea).  This time though, instead of sagging offof him, Jeffries gets right into Evans hip (I don’t know why he didthis either).


Since Evans is quicker than Jeffries, he is able to get the Knick on his hip.  This is what lets him get to the basket.


Now, as Evans starts his attack, the two Knicks on the baseline haveto figure out who is going to be the help defender.  Most teams wouldprefer to have the help defender leave the guy farthest from the basket(in this case Duhon leaving Martin).  This forces a longer pass andmakes it easier for the defensive rotation to happen.  Duhon doesn’tleave Martin (because he doesn’t want to leave a good shooter open), soDavid Lee is the one who helps on this play.


As Lee steps up, he leaves Jason Thompson wide open.  Now, all hopeis not lost for the Knicks.  As the help comes, Duhon can (and should)rotate over and at least try to defend the shot.


He doesn’t rotate though, and Thompson is able to finish strong with the dunk.

Kevin Martin Dominates Overtime

Now that Tyreke Evans has taken it to the whole time after time, heis going to draw some attention.  This attention is what frees up KevinMartin.


As Tyreke Evans gets the rebound, he immediately pushes the ball up the court.


As he makes his move (a fantastic behind the back move, by the way),he gets himself in position to attack the basket.  The Knicks look likethey have this covered.  They got two guys back on defense, but withKevin Martin spotting up one of them needs to follow Martin into thecorner.  However, both defender is worried about Tyreke Evans takingit  to the basket.


As Evans gets it to the top of the key, Jared Jeffries, the man closest to Martin, has his back turned to him.


Kevin Martin makes the catch, loads up his funky shot, and knocks it down.  That was basically the ballgame right there.
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Too soon to make a trade for Josh Howard right now though.
So we trade Kevin who is prone to injury for someone with glass ankles? Nooooo.
Of course the Kings don't trade Martin for Howard. But everyone else on NT seems to think anyone is better than Martin on the Kings.

I would be soooo mad if we traded Martin for Howard
get us a big man or a solid ball distributor and I'd be happy. Better yet, see if K-Mart can play off the bench with 30-35 minutes a game...... hmmmm
Tough loss against the Celtics last night. Hope the little controversy about how Martin played less than a minute in the 4th quarter will be over with tonight. The Warriors tonight in Oakland. I'll be there with my $7 tickets. 
Should be a competitive game though.
^^Blah blah blah.

i didnt read t he bottom part of all those pictures, but really? the knicks are a horrendous defensive team. the reason why we put jefferies on evans is because sadly, jefferies is our best defender. yeah, that should say something.
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Too soon to make a trade for Josh Howard right now though.

So we trade Kevin who is prone to injury for someone with glass ankles? Nooooo.
Of course the Kings don't trade Martin for Howard. But everyone else on NT seems to think anyone is better than Martin on the Kings.

Interesting article about Evans and Martin working together. I know, just one game. Less than one quarter. One OT session. Still something positive from those two.

Tyreke Evans & Kevin Martin Can Work
February 10th, 2010Sebastian PruitiLeave a commentGo to comments

Eversince the return of Kevin Martin, the Kings record has taken a bit of anose-dive.  This has lead to many people to say that Evans & Martinwill not be able to work together.  I think that is crazy.  You put agreat shooter (Kevin Martin) with a guy who can get to the hoop (TyrekeEvans), and it should work.  In the closing moments of the 4th quarterand the start of overtime, you started to see how these two playingtogether can work.

Tyreke Evans Dominates Late In The 4th

The biggest effect Tyreke Evans and Kevin Martin being on the courtat the same time has on opponents is on the defensive end.  Defenseshave to figure out how to cover both Kevin Martin and Tyreke Evans. The Knicks really struggled with it last night.  This is what allowedEvans to go off late in the game:


The Knicks have to make a decision here concerning matchups.  Theydecide to put Chris Duhon on Kevin Martin with Jared Jeffries on TyrekeEvans.  My guess is because they were worried about Martin running offof screens, so they put the quicker defender on him.


Now with Jared Jeffries on Tyreke Evans, the Kings identify this asthe mismatch, and they go to Evans.  Worried about Evans’ speed,Jeffries plays back on Evans, allowing him to walk to the top of thekey.


Chris Duhon isn’t in proper help position (he is attached toMartin’s hip, worried about his shooting ability), and this is whatallows Evans to get all the way to the hole.


With no help, Tyreke Evans is able to knock down an uncontestedlay-up.  Besides creating matchup problems, Martin’s presence on thecourt also causes defenses to screw up their rotations:


Jeffries is once again covering Evans (why the Knicks didn’t switchout of this, I have no idea).  This time though, instead of sagging offof him, Jeffries gets right into Evans hip (I don’t know why he didthis either).


Since Evans is quicker than Jeffries, he is able to get the Knick on his hip.  This is what lets him get to the basket.


Now, as Evans starts his attack, the two Knicks on the baseline haveto figure out who is going to be the help defender.  Most teams wouldprefer to have the help defender leave the guy farthest from the basket(in this case Duhon leaving Martin).  This forces a longer pass andmakes it easier for the defensive rotation to happen.  Duhon doesn’tleave Martin (because he doesn’t want to leave a good shooter open), soDavid Lee is the one who helps on this play.


As Lee steps up, he leaves Jason Thompson wide open.  Now, all hopeis not lost for the Knicks.  As the help comes, Duhon can (and should)rotate over and at least try to defend the shot.


He doesn’t rotate though, and Thompson is able to finish strong with the dunk.

Kevin Martin Dominates Overtime

Now that Tyreke Evans has taken it to the whole time after time, heis going to draw some attention.  This attention is what frees up KevinMartin.


As Tyreke Evans gets the rebound, he immediately pushes the ball up the court.


As he makes his move (a fantastic behind the back move, by the way),he gets himself in position to attack the basket.  The Knicks look likethey have this covered.  They got two guys back on defense, but withKevin Martin spotting up one of them needs to follow Martin into thecorner.  However, both defender is worried about Tyreke Evans takingit  to the basket.


As Evans gets it to the top of the key, Jared Jeffries, the man closest to Martin, has his back turned to him.


Kevin Martin makes the catch, loads up his funky shot, and knocks it down.  That was basically the ballgame right there.

In the first situation, Duhon isn't even the help defender. Lee is. In the second situation, it's debatable, but I don't think Duhon is the help defender there either. Lee is. Somebody just has to rotate and help the helper. In the third situation, it's pretty much a 4 on 3 fast break where the main objective is to stop the ball. I don't think anything of importance can be extrapolated from this, not to mention it's the effin Knicks.

What about the first 4 quarters where Kevin Martin did absolutely nothing?
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

So it looks like we get Tmac and Landry for Kmart, according to the trade deadline thread.
I really like this deal for the Kings actually. Landry is undersized but is a great role player and is probably the most improved player so far this year, and T-Mac's contract is coming off the books at the end of this year plus you rid yourself of Kevin Martin's huge contract signed in 2007.

Sacramento is looking nice right now.
^Plus. it looks like we'll be getting a pretty high draft pick if things continue they way they are going. Can't complain.
Damn I'm kinda sad to see k-mart go, I liked him. but it was never going to work out with him and evans. As for what we got back, I like landry, dude is tough. He's going to be fun to watch with  brockman down low. Things are actually looking up for the kings. If were able to sign a good free agent over the summer and get a high draft pick (hopefully wall!) we will be looking good. 
Honestly I'd rather keep T-Mac and have the expiring cap space than Jared Jeffries....although Jordan Hill is probably better than Hawes and Thompson right now but that is not saying much....
I'll miss Martin. I think they should have given him and Evans more time to gel. If Martin stays healthy, I think the Kings will regret this trade in the long run. Martin is still young.
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