Originally Posted by Big J 33

Great... here comes the Dwight to LA garbage again... at least table it until the offseason.

I figured Dwight would be enough to handle Atlanta, I didn't expect the rest of the Magic to be this bad...

it's going to be like this forever unless a crazy franchise tag comes out

lebron and the "decision" plus a bunch of talentless "journalists" writing speculation articles over and over pus 24 hour news coverage = the new NBA. people care more about player movement than what's happening in the present
I'm just tired of all the free agent hypothetical discussion, especially when there's actual basketball to discuss... not just here but in general.

Nolan, I agree that Dwight should have been enough... but between bad treatment by the refs, Stan's AWFUL playcalling and rotations, and Turk and co. doing their best to shoot terribly, there's only so much he could have done.
Been so caught up in the NFL draft forgot about the Hawks/Magic game.

Congrats to the Hawks I'll admit I didn't think they'd stand a chance against the Magic based on last year.

The Bulls are going to eat them alive though.

The Magic gotta do some major retooling in the offseason.

Is Van Gundy's and Otis Smith's jobs safe?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm just tired of all the free agent hypothetical discussion, especially when there's actual basketball to discuss... not just here but in general.

This. I don't even take part in's all over my Laker season thread and it makes me not even wanna enter
kevin mchale talking about a flagrant foul is always straight comedy. i feel the same way. bunch of softies
Originally Posted by JD617

Hmm, I'm wondering who is an easier matchup for LA. Dallas or Portland?  
Of course it is. Because Dallas is supposed to lose this series to begin with, so no matter what we're going to be the easier match-up for any team in the following round, because we're the worst team in the Playoffs right now.
Congrats to the Lakers and Hawks for advancing.

I owe the Hawks and their fans a huge apology, I wrote them off hard before the playoffs.
Originally Posted by PMatic

@AlexKennedyNBA Prior to Game 4, Howard confronted Ric Bucher and asked, "Where am I going, so I can tell my agent and my family?"


Congrats to the Lakers and Hawks for advancing.

I owe the Hawks and their fans a huge apology, I wrote them off hard before the playoffs.
Me too.

Bulls are going to bust their head til the white meat shows though.
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