Official 2010 ECF series thread: Orlando magic vs. Boston Celtics (BOS leads 3-2)Not so fast BOS

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

How can VC live without a heart or spine ?

Because he has a purpose in life: Dragging down those around him
That's twice they've called fouls on Orlando defenders when the offensive player initiated contact. Call against Lewis was 50/50.

How's KG not get thrown out for Karate chopping Howard? That dude is going/has gone crazy.

Good to see Lewis being aggressive.

Vince is still allergic to the lane and defense. No fouls and he won't even try to block a lay up by the shorter Rondo?

I still don't understand calling fouls on bigmen when they don't initiate the contact.

The above was stuck on my phone from earlier in the game.

I swear Vince and Nelson both just moved their pivot foot before dribbling. These two are flustered by Boston's defense. Thankfully neither Kobe or Fish will be (or Nash). The rest of the Lakers...?

Boston is playing really well.
Originally Posted by drop knee 101

yeah they right, nate should calm down. doin nothing for his game by stayin hyped

im sayin.. haters
no one in sports again should get hype ever again
Originally Posted by got shoes

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by ryaneff23

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by doyung9

I don't know how any of you could possibly like Dwight Howard.
What about him makes you think he's unlikeable. I have the opposite opinion, I don't know how anybody couldn't like him aside from the fact that he hasn't developed any offensive moves.

That's what I was thinking.  This dude is a fan of the Celtics/Paul Pierce and he wonders how people can like Dwight.  Dumbest $++$ I ever heard.

That "charge" on Jameer.  Unreal.  
a) I'll openly admit that I started following the Celtics in 2008. After MJ retired, I followed Ray Allen, KG, and the Hornets once they came to LA. With Ray and KG both going to Boston, I was gonna support the Celtics until one or both left. Never liked Pierce before, not a "fan" of his still. It is what it is.
b) Dwight Howard is a dirty player. And sure, go on your rant about KG, Pierce's flopping, etc. yada yada yada Area 51, the Kennedy conspiracy, get it all out of your system... but at the end of the day, Howard plays dirty. He's PURPOSELY reckless with his elbows and he hides behind that ***$ - eating grin of his, until he gets fouled and then he cries worse than LeBron James.

He's incredibly impotent on offense, barring he either gets lucky or catches and alley oop and he's really nothing more than a stronger version of Tyson Chandler.

Truth be told... I just don't like him. In the grand scheme of the NBA, I believe the top 5 guys are LeBron, Kobe, Melo, Wade, and probably Deron or Rondo, depending of how far Boston gets this year.

Yet, the NBA forces Howard down my throat, an overrated center who is superb on the defensive end (I'll say that) but is really nothing else. Never before in NBA history has a "superstar" been so incredibly one-sided in talent. 

You guys need more?
Stop reading after this and the next
And had you read the full thing, maybe you could make an actual assessment, rather than just auto-stonefacing for some (hopeful, but unlikely) laughs.
Up until 2004 or so, we didn't have pro basketball in Louisiana. People here followed players, not teams. But whatever. It's all good.  
Originally Posted by doyung9

b) Dwight Howard is a dirty player. And sure, go on your rant about KG, Pierce's flopping, etc. yada yada yada Area 51, the Kennedy conspiracy, get it all out of your system... but at the end of the day, Howard plays dirty. He's PURPOSELY reckless with his elbows and he hides behind that ***$ - eating grin of his, until he gets fouled and then he cries worse than LeBron James.

He's incredibly impotent on offense, barring he either gets lucky or catches and alley oop and he's really nothing more than a stronger version of Tyson Chandler.

Truth be told... I just don't like him. In the grand scheme of the NBA, I believe the top 5 guys are LeBron, Kobe, Melo, Wade, and probably Deron or Rondo, depending of how far Boston gets this year.

Yet, the NBA forces Howard down my throat, an overrated center who is superb on the defensive end (I'll say that) but is really nothing else. Never before in NBA history has a "superstar" been so incredibly one-sided in talent. 

You guys need more?
Let the hate out, you'll live longer dude.

He's forced down your throat because he's one of the league's most likable personalities, one of the most sold jerseys, he's friendly, marketable, what should the league do? Hide one of their biggest characters and never put him on tv?

EVERYONE criticizes Dwight's offense, you won't watch a game without a commentator saying how he needs more variety, how he needs to watch his fouls, or how he has to be a better foul shooter.. quit acting like they are claiming him to be Kareem and Wilt combined.

Dwight isn't dirty, he gets punished for being a big man in a softer era.  Shaq's go to move was him spinning and putting his elbow into the defender's chest, KG, Sheed, majority of aggressive big men use their elbows, you're just blinded by hate.
Nate mouthing get the !#%@ outta here, gotta be my favorite moment of this series. I's KryptoNate goin in on Superman. *dead*
VC and Rashard
where are they

Nate Rob, KG, and Sheed on the court together
I'm not sure if id be able to maintain my focus with all them out there talkin **%+ the way they do
Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

How is this NOT a technical?

Garnett has anger issues or something, man. He should be the one getting a concussion, not his teammates
"I didn't know I couldn't do that." --Big Ticket 
Originally Posted by Mugen EP

Flagrant? Really now?? Heading to the gym - no point in watching this.

Yea, but if you intentionally punch someone's arm twice right in front of a ref it's only a PF.  +%%# is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by ryaneff23

Originally Posted by Mugen EP

Flagrant? Really now?? Heading to the gym - no point in watching this.

Yea, but if you intentionally punch someone's arm twice right in front of a ref it's only a PF.  +%%# is ridiculous.
Refs is on that @#@*%*+$ tonight
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