*** Official 2010 WWE Royal Rumble Thread - 8pm et Jan 31 PPV (pg 13) ***

For my Cincy area wrestling heads...


On-Sale Date: Saturday, January 30th at 10:00am
Prices: $50, $40, $30, $22 and $15

Keep in mind Edge should be back as well by then
. So far this who is listed...











Originally Posted by jdcurt2


I shoulda went last night, instead of watching my cats take an L
Yeah it was a great show. The super show should be great.

OK guys how do you get front row seats? Hell good floor seats period? Presale codes?
Je Ne Sais Quoi wrote:
Apparently Honky Tonk Man signed with TNA...

Awesome, that means he won't be surprise entrant into the rumble Sunday

BREAKING NEWS: TNA Moving To Monday Nights Permanently
Jan 27 2010 by Ryan Clark

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

A decision has been made by TNA and Spike TV to move TNA iMPACT! permanently to Monday nights, reports the The Wrestling Observer.

The second Monday night iMPACT! is scheduled to air on March 1 following the success of the first Monday iMPACT! on January 4.

The March 1 episode will air at 9:00 p.m. EST, but the official weekly timeslot has not been confirmed yet.

The likely taping schedule will be live on Mondays one week, then tape the following week's iMPACT! the next day on Tuesdays.

Also, Rob Terry beat Eric Young at a house show to win the Legends Title.
If I could be serious for a minute...

I know I've been gone for a while but I lost a "Loser Leaves Town Forever and Ever, Never to Return Again" match to 4W...so by WWE's calendar, I'm right on schedule for my return...   

- Let me address this statement:

Where is dude Illadelph (?), the one with Tazz in his avy. Dude was tryna bash me when I said TNA would turn to garbage.

If I tried to bash you, you probably said something dumb and deserved it.  Seeing as how I don't remember saying it, I'm gonna take your word for it.  And if I did try to bash you for saying TNA was gonna turn to garbage, accept my apology.  But rather than dwell on how bad "TNA is screwing TNA" (P.S. That "Orlando Screwjob" had to be one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen, inside joke or not), I'm going to offer my expert opinion on a few things TNA can do to right ship.

1. Hire Paul E. Heyman.  Fire Vince Russo.  I don't know who's mother Paul E boned to be blackballed but TNA (I'm looking at you, Bischoff) needs to suck it up and hire this man.  He could possibly convince "the Whole F'n Show" to join him as well as make use of talent which to me seems very similar to that of the old ECW.  Not that you can recreate that, but I can't think of anyone in the industry better to mold young talent into superstars.  A Heyman/Bischoff civil war type deal wouldn't be the worst angle either.

2. Get rid of Hogan's useless homeboys.  The Nasty Boyz will NEVER be over.  Orlando Jordan could beat Osama Bin Laden on July 4th and would get lower midcarder type pop again by August.  And did Val Venis really just go over Daniels?! In the immortal words of Steve Harvey..mother-*###%$, for what?

3. Permanent Monday move.  I agree with whoever said you can't win a fight you don't show up for.  Monday is wrestling night in America.  Of course Raw is the A-show but it was when Monday Nitro started and we see how that went for a little while.  And think about it like this...half of Monday Night Raw is unwatchable.  If you get tired of watching DX and Hornswaggle circle jerk each other for comedy then you turn to TNA and who knows, maybe you get stuck on that the whole night.
- You know what I'd love to see at the Royal Rumble...2 men in the ring: HHH and HBK..they fight each other..countdown for 29 starts..Chris Jericho's music hits..both DX members are near the ropes fighting..Jericho eliminates HHH and HBK as they are fighting each other (now he can brag he singlehandedly destroyed DX)..countdown for 30 starts..random face jobber's music hits and random face jobber hits stage..Jericho laughs..cue Metallingus..Edge spears said jobber, enters ring and fights Jericho...doesn't really matter who wins cuz the loser will win the title at No Mercy or whatever it's called now and we would have a month of awesome promos leading to Jericho/Edge for the title at Wrestlemania......but that's all a dream...


My dude KingofIlladelph...

Welcome back G.
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

Orlando Jordan could beat Osama Bin Laden on July 4th and would get lower midcarder type pop again by August. 

All we need is CaptainCharisma and Jules in here and it'll look like the wrestling threads of old...
Christian is top 3 in the WWE right now. Always on point on the mic and never has a bad match. Not to mention he is over everywhere he goes.

Dude better win MITB or get drafted in the post Mania draft.
christian is great as a heel.....would love him to turn heel soon....same with morrison

same with hhh but he said he wants to be a face the rest of his career

what do y'all think about the young stars? i think there are too many heels and too many faces who are better as heels

when would we see danielson debut? i heard by next week but havent seen any promos
they just announced the rumble winner..

also monday will determine where wm 27 will be...either miami or atlanta


Source: PWInsider.com
WWE superstars Chris Jericho and Gregory Helms were arrested on Wednesday morning at 5am in Kenton County, Kentucky.The two were charged with public alcohol intoxication and spent over an hour at the Erlanger Police Department. Jericho and Helms had been in nearby Cincinnati, Ohio the previous night for this week's SmackDown taping.
Spoiler [+]
* R-Truth b. Chris Jericho after a failed Codebreaker on the ropes as Truth rolled over top of Jericho for the pin.

 Is dude in the dog house or something?

Either that or he's putting dudes over to help the company.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Spoiler [+]
* R-Truth b. Chris Jericho after a failed Codebreaker on the ropes as Truth rolled over top of Jericho for the pin.

 Is dude in the dog house or something?

Either that or he's putting dudes over to help the company.
I'd say the 2nd one. Remember, we're not talking about Paul.
Just watched ECW... good move by putting names on Baretta/Croft's pants. I couldn't tell those @%*!# apart to save my life.
[h1]WWE Star Chris Jericho Arrested in Kentucky[/h1]
Posted Jan 28th 2010 12:48AM by TMZ Staff

WWE wrestler Chris Jericho was arrested at a gas station in Kentucky early Wednesday morning after cops say he and a fellow wrestler were both "extremely intoxicated" in public.


39-year-old Jericho was taken into custody in Kenton County around 5 AM for "alcohol intoxication in a public place."

Jericho -- who was arrested along with fellow wrestler Greg "Hurricane" Helms -- was forced to smile for cop cam -- and TMZ obtained the mug shots.

Jericho and Helms were released on $120 bond -- each ... no that's not a typo.

Read more: [URL]http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0dtpW2lO6[/url]
ERLANGER - Two professional wrestlers were arrested in Northern Kentucky this week and charged with being drunk in public.

Wwrestlers Christopher "Jericho" Irvine, 39, of Odessa, Fla., and Gregory "Hurricane" Helms, 35, of Smithfield, N.C., were booked into the Kenton County jail on charges of public alcohol intoxication about 5:45 a.m. Wednesday, jail officials said Thursday.

The duo were picked up by Erlanger police for being drunk at a Shell gas station on Dixie Highway, according to the jail.

Both men were released from the jail less than an hour later -- about 6:30 a.m. -- after paying fines of $120 in cash, jail officials said.

The two were part of a group of several wrestlers in the Greater Cincinnati region for a "SmackDown" event Tuesday night at U.S. Bank Arena in downtown Cincinnati.

Erlanger police declined comment Thursday, referring comment to an agency spokesman who will not be available until later.

Kenton County's Police Chief was my Business Management professor a couple semesters ago
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

agthekid - look at the post above u n u have ur answer
Don't be ridiculous. His "Team Smackdown" won the Bragging Rights PPV. He an Undisupeted Tag Champ for a long time and they contunially on Raw until recently even after he lost the titles.  He's clearly being used to put people over until his feud with Edge IMO.

He's not in the dog house because of an incident that happened less then 24 hrs ago
what do y'all think about the young stars? i think there are too many heels and too many faces who are better as heels

There aren't nearly enough young stars who I like as faces. One of the only young stars that I even like as a face is Kofi.

Morrison as a face = horrible, MVP as a face = horrible, Santino as a face = Not as good, Dibiase Jr as face = Will be horrible... etc.
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