Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

All of Dallas' epic comebacks during these playoffs have been on the road, down double digits, and during the 4th quarter. I'm impressed.

Still don't think they will this series though.
All of Dallas' epic comebacks during these playoffs have been on the road, down double digits, and during the 4th quarter. I'm impressed.

Still don't think they will this series though.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by abovelegit1


That game and this whole thread has me weak


hit my post limit last night
this is one of the funniest pictures i have ever seen on this site
IMO the next three games will define LeBron's legacy. He's always seemed like a frontrunner and now we'll see what he's made of.
IMO the next three games will define LeBron's legacy. He's always seemed like a frontrunner and now we'll see what he's made of.
Yall be getting sucked in to that AirFresh nonsense

I just laugh that all his posts contain huge font.
Yall be getting sucked in to that AirFresh nonsense

I just laugh that all his posts contain huge font.
I wished I would have watched the last 6 minutes
.  Like the Heat, I thought it was over.
I wished I would have watched the last 6 minutes
.  Like the Heat, I thought it was over.
all this talk about bron and wade not closing. where has bosh been all series? both teams grinding it out on offense so far. pts coming at a premium, let see if the offenses get going in dallas. still dont know what the %!%@ jet was doing on that chalmer's three, lol.
all this talk about bron and wade not closing. where has bosh been all series? both teams grinding it out on offense so far. pts coming at a premium, let see if the offenses get going in dallas. still dont know what the %!%@ jet was doing on that chalmer's three, lol.
does chris bosh give interviews with the two superstars?


nobody cares about bosh's closing ability. He's been very good for them during the playoffs. the top 2 players in the league should be able to handle closing. they were taking dumb contested three's over and over. wanting that BANG moment
does chris bosh give interviews with the two superstars?


nobody cares about bosh's closing ability. He's been very good for them during the playoffs. the top 2 players in the league should be able to handle closing. they were taking dumb contested three's over and over. wanting that BANG moment
I agree with them wanting the bang moment. With 5 fouls on Chandler they should've made more of a concerted effort to attack the rim. With these two teams no lead is safe. Dallas gave up a big lead and Miami gave up two big leads. Miami should've known what the deal was in the third quarter when Dallas made a run and cut their lead to 4. It's almost as if Miami forgot they were playing the Dallas Mavs because they went into stall mode which is what u can't do against Dallas.
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