Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Who's the dude w. the white g-shock (beard/t-shirt)?
One of the Dallas trainers I believe.

Dude is always kicking it with the Mavs.
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by WALTER MERCADO

really think brian cardinal deserves more credit. he was basically bodying dudes and putting fear in 'em

he played well
Bodying dudes and putting fear in them? Wrong. Spoelstra went away from pounding the ball on the inside of which Dallas could not defend at all throughout the series except when they ran the 2-3.

That's not a style of play that should be respected at all. On the playground he'd have gotten his wig split for doing what he did.
physical play shouldn't be respected? ha ha. cardinal wasn't throwing cheap shots or anything like that. he was playing physical enough to send a message, which he definitely did.

and this ain't the playground, so you lost me with that getting your wig split talk or whatever. it's completely irrelevant.
The amount of irony/karma exuding from how this entire season went down is remarkable. From "The Decision" to the Mavs getting revenge on 06, partying IN South Beach after handing it to the "Big 3."
Originally Posted by Cole World 22

Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

all i gotta say is, im teflon with the lebron/heat hate.

deshawn stevenson 0-3 in meaningless 1st round playoff series where the winner had no chance in hell of winning the title against lebron

deshawn stevenson 1-0 against "king james" in the finals

Lebron James 10 finals games in  2-8 with no 25 point or more games

don't get mad at me for posting the truth please.

i said dallas was going to win, and that lebron couldn't wait to lose another finals.

the refs tried bailing the heat out, hence the almost 20 freethrow differental but good basketball stops bad reffing 
I'll add to this.

More Cold Hard Facts on Lebron:

10 Finals Games: 19.5 Points Per Game Average on 41.7% FG shooting.

They showed this stat comparison of him, Kobe, and Michael Jordan on Sportscenter tonight.

No matter how you look at it it's

I hate EVERYTHING about Lakers' fans.1) 41.7% isn't great. Do you know that Kobe has shot WORSE than 41.7% in 5 of his 7 Finals' appearances? 2) Do you know that Kobe has a career Finals' shooting % of about 41%?3) How about during the game when they showed "Stats for first 9 career Finals' games" for Jordan-Magic-LeBron-Kobe? Let me guess, you conveniently missed that part? You can guess who had the worst numbers.You guys point out all of LeBron's shortcomings, and act like Kobe has done much better individually.There's stats that show LeBron is more clutch in the regular season and more clutch in the playoffs than Bryant. Y'all ignore those stats. Why?I'm not saying LeBron had a good Finals. He didn't. But Kobe Bryant is one of the worst "superstars" in NBA Finals' history (worse than LeBron), and also is very pathetic in clutch situations, whether it be regular season or postseason.LeBron shoots 41% in the Finals, and gets roasted. Kobe shoots 41% over SEVEN Finals, and is great? Unbelievable.*waits for rings argument*

rather then make some long paragraph, you coulda just said "im talking outta my rectum" and the same point woulda got across
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by WALTER MERCADO

really think brian cardinal deserves more credit. he was basically bodying dudes and putting fear in 'em

he played well
Bodying dudes and putting fear in them? Wrong. Spoelstra went away from pounding the ball on the inside of which Dallas could not defend at all throughout the series except when they ran the 2-3.

That's not a style of play that should be respected at all. On the playground he'd have gotten his wig split for doing what he did.
so the heat couldn't solve a 2-3 zone in six games of the championship series? #outcoached #outsmarted
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by WALTER MERCADO

really think brian cardinal deserves more credit. he was basically bodying dudes and putting fear in 'em

he played well
Bodying dudes and putting fear in them? Wrong. Spoelstra went away from pounding the ball on the inside of which Dallas could not defend at all throughout the series except when they ran the 2-3.

That's not a style of play that should be respected at all. On the playground he'd have gotten his wig split for doing what he did.
what? those are legit good hard fouls. nothing dirty about them
and please dont bring up street ball like you ever played it. them cats hack WAAAAY harder than anyone in the nba
Originally Posted by axel f0ley

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by WALTER MERCADO

really think brian cardinal deserves more credit. he was basically bodying dudes and putting fear in 'em

he played well
Bodying dudes and putting fear in them? Wrong. Spoelstra went away from pounding the ball on the inside of which Dallas could not defend at all throughout the series except when they ran the 2-3.

That's not a style of play that should be respected at all. On the playground he'd have gotten his wig split for doing what he did.
so the heat couldn't solve a 2-3 zone in six games of the championship series? #outcoached #outsmarted

this is niketalk, these dudes will reach and find ways to make excuses.

had it been the other way around and miami was bullying dallas, they would label it tough, gritty, hardnosed basketball.   but since their team or favorite player took the L it's all of a sudden dirty play that's not respected.
Originally Posted by axel f0ley

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by WALTER MERCADO

really think brian cardinal deserves more credit. he was basically bodying dudes and putting fear in 'em

he played well
Bodying dudes and putting fear in them? Wrong. Spoelstra went away from pounding the ball on the inside of which Dallas could not defend at all throughout the series except when they ran the 2-3.

That's not a style of play that should be respected at all. On the playground he'd have gotten his wig split for doing what he did.
so the heat couldn't solve a 2-3 zone in six games of the championship series? #outcoached #outsmarted

Spo sucks as a coach and I would dare to say that the Heat is basically OKC 2.0. No set plays and one of their star plays is too passive while the other has heart and a drive to win the games but can't back it up. I have not seen a single play from Miami that hasn't ended with an Iso by Wade.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Who's the dude w. the white g-shock (beard/t-shirt)?
One of the Dallas trainers I believe.

Dude is always kicking it with the Mavs.
I was trying to figure out who he was....thought he was a player on the DNP-CD tip...'s funny how society works.  Lebron doesn't have a criminal record, keeps his nose clean, amongst other things.  Yet, he is HATED beyond belief.  I don't even think Kobe (at his lowest point) was vilified to the extent of Lebron.  Kobe was forgiven....shoot, athletes with drug addictions, arrests, etc have been forgiven in many instances.  Bottom line, you gotta win.  What's the saying?  "Winning cures all ills..."  I just wonder how true that would be for Lebron?  Has he reached the point of no return, or will there be a day when he can win over some of the fans who have currently turned their backs on him?  It's a WEIRD situation.  His image is !@!+....

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Who's the dude w. the white g-shock (beard/t-shirt)?
One of the Dallas trainers I believe.

Dude is always kicking it with the Mavs.
I was trying to figure out who he was....thought he was a player on the DNP-CD tip...'s funny how society works.  Lebron doesn't have a criminal record, keeps his nose clean, amongst other things.  Yet, he is HATED beyond belief.  I don't even think Kobe (at his lowest point) was vilified to the extent of Lebron.  Kobe was forgiven....shoot, athletes with drug addictions, arrests, etc have been forgiven in many instances.  Bottom line, you gotta win.  What's the saying?  "Winning cures all ills..."  I just wonder how true that would be for Lebron?  Has he reached the point of no return, or will there be a day when he can win over some of the fans who have currently turned their backs on him?  It's a WEIRD situation.  His image is !@!+....

Lebron worsens his situation by continually putting his foot in his mouth.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Who's the dude w. the white g-shock (beard/t-shirt)?
One of the Dallas trainers I believe.

Dude is always kicking it with the Mavs.
I was trying to figure out who he was....thought he was a player on the DNP-CD tip...'s funny how society works.  Lebron doesn't have a criminal record, keeps his nose clean, amongst other things.  Yet, he is HATED beyond belief.  I don't even think Kobe (at his lowest point) was vilified to the extent of Lebron.  Kobe was forgiven....shoot, athletes with drug addictions, arrests, etc have been forgiven in many instances.  Bottom line, you gotta win.  What's the saying?  "Winning cures all ills..."  I just wonder how true that would be for Lebron?  Has he reached the point of no return, or will there be a day when he can win over some of the fans who have currently turned their backs on him?  It's a WEIRD situation.  His image is !@!+.... 
Regardless I found it funny too to see him partying when they won.
You watch any Mavs game where they hit a huge shot, he's always one of the first to hit the floor. Trelvis would be able to provide a name, I don't personally.

It's all about the attitude you portray. DeShawn is a straight-up Pedo, there's all that drama with Kidd and his ex-wife, but guys like Kidd will be remembered because as an athlete, he was a professional. You never see Kidd dancing on sidelines, celebrating in the middle of basketball games, nothing. The dude is your prototypical consummate professional. Dirk? Same way. Never has a bad thing to say about anyone. No trash talk, nothing.

These cats in Miami have the egos bigger than anyone. You see Jordan, Kobe, or whoever, they took care of business, what they show is genuine emotion. You ever see Kobe or Jordan dancing on the sidelines? Pounding on teammates chests? Taunting their opponents?

It's what really makes me want to wish these cats would just take care of business, because they wouldn't be hated nearly as much.

I mean, LeBron goes around calling himself the King.... No matter if you find it corny or not, it IS straight up arrogant.

Basketball is a team game, and Wade and LeBron are two individuals who just happened to play together. They need to start knowing how to play like a team, keep your antics to yourself, in the locker room, and celebrate when the time is necessary.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

One of the Dallas trainers I believe.

Dude is always kicking it with the Mavs.
I was trying to figure out who he was....thought he was a player on the DNP-CD tip...'s funny how society works.  Lebron doesn't have a criminal record, keeps his nose clean, amongst other things.  Yet, he is HATED beyond belief.  I don't even think Kobe (at his lowest point) was vilified to the extent of Lebron.  Kobe was forgiven....shoot, athletes with drug addictions, arrests, etc have been forgiven in many instances.  Bottom line, you gotta win.  What's the saying?  "Winning cures all ills..."  I just wonder how true that would be for Lebron?  Has he reached the point of no return, or will there be a day when he can win over some of the fans who have currently turned their backs on him?  It's a WEIRD situation.  His image is !@!+.... 
Regardless I found it funny too to see him partying when they won.
You watch any Mavs game where they hit a huge shot, he's always one of the first to hit the floor. Trelvis would be able to provide a name, I don't personally.
Equipment Manager Al Whitley
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by axel f0ley


Biggest bottle of Ace of Spade in the world. $80,000
My Patna at LIV and said Miami fans were all on their balllllssss. HARD! SMH No loyalty
wat.  dude is drinking a CAR
Originally Posted by TwoSickJays

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Lebron needs more help

i would not sign if i was him.  the ship isnt that important.  dignity > ship
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by axel f0ley


Biggest bottle of Ace of Spade in the world. $80,000
My Patna at LIV and said Miami fans were all on their balllllssss. HARD! SMH No loyalty
wat.  dude is drinking a CAR
Originally Posted by TwoSickJays

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Lebron needs more help

i would not sign if i was him.  the ship isnt that important.  dignity > ship

Doesn't he have beef with Wade and Lebron??
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