OFFICIAL 2012 LOS ANGELES DODGERS THREAD : 68-58 Dodgers/BoSox complete minimal trade

Bills should have been traded a long time ago, but its not going to happen.

Hanley, welcome to LA :pimp:

Im not sure if i even wanna see dee gordon with the way luis cruz looks at the plate.

Hanley going back to SS? Possibly to bring him back to form?
Hopefully Hanley can return to his old form. Either way it's still an upgrade. And we didn't give up much. Ned actually did something right :wow:
Wow, I expected Ned to give up the entire farm with that Hanley trade. Good job for once.

I'm iffy about Dempster only because he's 38, in the last year of his deal, and we might give up a top prospect for him.

*Looks for tickets to Monday's game*
Good luck to Hamels being in last place for the next 5 years. The Phillies' roster and minor-league system isn't scaring anybody.

Hanley :pimp: :pimp: Even if he doesn't regain his 2007 form, I love that the Dodgers didn't give up that much for him.
It's a good gamble though. My only question is, who's gonna be sent down, DFA'd etc..? No way you send down Luis Cruz with the way he's playing right now.
It really is all about what Ned can do with this new ownership, gave up pretty much nothing for Hanley and a lefty bp arm cause the new owners were willing to take on salary.

If this was Frank forsure Zlee would be gone.

Anyways, Dempster has a lot of leverage as well as the Dodgers and i'm hearing Hunter Pence? :wow:

My whole body is ready.
Ive always been a fan of Hanley.
Btw, has the morale or anything changed behind the scenes since Magic & Co took over Ironman?

Nope, ownership came in after the season started (May). Majority of the front office is worried about their job, and are looking elsewhere, some have seen the writing on the wall and have jumped ship.

New ownership usually means cleaning house, people know heads are rolling this off season. Everyone is on edge, wont really see changes in morale until next calendar year, when new execs/directors/etc are in place.

Before you guys start giving Ned high fives, he isn't the only one pulling strings, Kasten is heavily involved. The only reason it was basically a straight up swap, Hanley for EO, is because we took on all the cash.

Dempster trade didn't happen because the organization doesn't want to give up Lee. Now they know that Dempster wants to come here.

Bills isn't going anywhere, he has a hefty contract that no one will take, might as well keep him.
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I got tickets for next Tuesdays deadline I wonder what other moves we make.
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