OFFICIAL 2012 MIAMI HEAT PLAYOFFS THREAD (FINALS! 4-1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you guys are fine (obviously). 2 non-lazy close out's from LeBron from not dropping either game. Or a made FT or two. Or a Haslem block/charge call and a Billups leg kick. you get my point..not the end of the world. 
having watched every Heat game this year minus @ Charlotte due to being a LeBron fan and hoping this is finally his year...I have a few thoughts.

- First, the 4th and OT @ GSW and the entire LAC game is the worst I've seen you guys play outside of the ATL loss (again didn't see the CHA nail-biter) and you did everything you could to piss away both, on the happens. 

- Why can't Spoelstra make offense for defense substitutions with James Jones? (or Mike Miller when he's healthy.) Having one shooter in Chalmers on the floor late is a hindrance. I actually don't get why Jones gets cut out of the rotation entirely, hard to tell me you can't use that guy hitting a couple shots in 10 minutes of work. If he's hot, leave him in..cold..quick hook. 

- Haslem seems to be a killer on offense so far, I know he's supposed to be $ from mid-range but he's been terrible. His value is defense and rebounding and he brings it but sometimes I don't get why Joel can't play a few more minutes. Don't get me wrong, he can't be out there in crunch time, but if he's playing with good energy, why not extend the minutes from time to time? 

- Chalmers/Cole..I know a lot of people seem to think Cole will take his job at some point, I don't. Chalmers can hit shots, Cole can't hit the NBA 3. good mix bringing him off the bench for energy. that stays as is all year from what I see. 

- This 'we're not taking 3's this year' kind of needs to loosened up a little..if they're resistant, defenses are going to pack it in..and maybe it's me but the paint area seemed a little more crowded the past two nights. Nothing wrong with taking those looks if they're there. 

- If they won't shoot 3's, go in the post and go hard..none of this hesitancy in the mid-range resulting in congested lanes. (looking at you LeBron ie the New Jersey game..bring that more often) And why not run LeBron and Wade off more of the post screens to get them post-ups that were seen time to time in the post-season with success? Wade/Bron pick & roll..why not more of that? 

- Defensively went down a few notches on this road trip..not flying around to the ball like they were early..that's to be's the regular season, but overall..I don't think the team defense has been sharp and really to me that was by far the difference in the GSW game and reared it's face in key spots against LAC. 

- People can and will laugh but I'm an Eddy Curry fan and actually think he will in time, add another dimension to your team. Be it this year or next. You bring him in to work with a 2nd unit off the bench, and he can add a nice piece to the puzzle, at least in the regular season. I would actually trust the Heat organization that they're whipping him into shape and from recent pics that seems to the be case. 

Overall..Barring Kobe playing at this level the rest of the way (I'm skeptical)...Chicago is the only team I can see beating you guys in 7. Mostly because they won't run, they'll grind things to a halt like last year..thing is..if Miami's defense isn't locked in -- it's possible that Rose has enough to get things done now. So, The thing that relates to now is Chicago does not/will not take their foot off the gas in the regular season and if I were Miami I wouldn't want to go in there for Games 1 and 2 again this year. I would be working hard to lock up home court. 

otherwise..IMO OKC would engage in the uptempo game and get blitzed. Boston -- way too old. Dallas -- old and wrong parts now. Knicks -- I wish. 
I hate we lost tonight, but the refs really helped the clippers, and Lebron even tho he drove to the lane like we want him to, he couldnt finish at all, missing free throws, sheesh, that made me hella mad. The team also missed to many free throws as a whole. But I blame this lose on Lebron............and the refs.....5 fouls on Bron 3 of them had no business being called.

Let skip go in on on bron, let the Laker fans go in. At the end the Heat will win the NBA finals this year...Let them talk.
Maybe you're right man. This dude needs to man the %#@$ up. He's a punch line joke. He's greatly talented, but lacks confidence. A dude just venting right now....Go Heat!! So pissed
Maybe you're right man. This dude needs to man the %#@$ up. He's a punch line joke. He's greatly talented, but lacks confidence. A dude just venting right now....Go Heat!! So pissed
So the entire history of whether LA is a Clipper town or Laker town rests on Saturday night?

And that one game decides whether or not the Clippers era is now or if the Lakers are still the top dog?

You got it, dude.

"Man, all Lakers fans do is talk about the past."

Well hell, what do you expect since we are just going to ignore the fact that the Lakers are one of the top defensive teams in the league while the Clippers are one of the worst (in fact, I think they're the worst).

And let's ignore overall record, too.

It AAAALLLLL comes down to Saturday night.

lol Let the Laker fans do what they do....We will have the last laugh when they don't even make it past the 2nd rnd of the playoffs!! lol
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

Tough loss. I'm starting to think this thing may not work. Lebron is mentally flawed. How can you be that talented but lack so much confidence? It's tough watching him struggle out there. Embrace the villain role! More people wanna see him fail then succeed . WAKE UP BRON!!!!!
You guys better hope Lebron gets a ring before D.Rose does. If this happens, not only will he always be criticized, but he's likely to develop a real complex in his ability to become a champion. And losing to a Clippers team that the Bulls handled with relative ease is not a good way to start the season.
Originally Posted by TheyHateMe

I hate we lost tonight, but the refs really helped the clippers, and Lebron even tho he drove to the lane like we want him to, he couldnt finish at all, missing free throws, sheesh, that made me hella mad. The team also missed to many free throws as a whole. But I blame this lose on Lebron............and the refs.....5 fouls on Bron 3 of them had no business being called.

Let skip go in on on bron, let the Laker fans go in. At the end the Heat will win the NBA finals this year...Let them talk.
You choose this game to complain about the refs giving the other squad calls? Is this real life? The refs gift wrapped this game for the Heat. They couldn't take advantage. Take the L with some dignity homie.
all i have to say is what the *@%+ is going on @ the FT line ??? what was it 17-39!!
 .... still this loss doesn't frustrate as much as the GSW loss

off to Denver a place Miami hasn't seen a W in a while hope 2 change that

Yea,that was mad dissapointing. Can't be leaving all those points at the line Bron 
. Think we should've had another shooter on the floor,don't know why Jones had to sit out. Cole had a bad night,it happens. Can't be playing like this on Friday. 
Laker fans 
Originally Posted by JD617

And the Laker fans have already starting trolling this thread.

You know the drill. Acting like Kobe, the God of Clutchness, didn't shoot 3 for 12 in the 4th quarter/OT tonight including a potential game-winner at the buzzer that didn't even catch iron. 

Yea i'm out. I'll make sure to show up in the Laker thread when they lose from now on.
Any Laker fans that are in here laughing need to leave the thread and stop making us all look so immature.
And ya'll start whining and crying like babies when people come into our thread and laugh at us when we lose...

"He Trollin Ska! They shouldn't be in here making fun of our players!"... 

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Why did Spoelstra get ejected at the end of OT? What was he so mad about?

Also, LeBrick...lmao.

Would like to know this as well.
Loss to the clippers really isn't that big of a deal.  People overreact to everything the heat do.
On a side bar.....heat vs hawks game...took picture of my tv, pretty sure lebron was mocking some one with his goofy face because him and wade immediately laughed right after

Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Any Laker fans that are in here laughing need to leave the thread and stop making us all look so immature.
And ya'll start whining and crying like babies when people come into our thread and laugh at us when we lose...

"He Trollin Ska! They shouldn't be in here making fun of our players!"... 

you heat fans do realize that all you have to do is report the laker fans trolling in this thread and they will get suspended right? pm method man. he will take care of them. going into TEAM SEASON THREADS and acting dumb is not allowed. if its a game thread its allowed but not with team season threads.
Tough loss. I don't know what is up with LeBron. Seems like the Heat ALWAYS lose @ LAC and Denver. So I was actually not surprised about last night. Went to bed at half thinking they were good and woke up to an L.

We're good though. Still the best team in the L. (by far)
james jones cant really do much but shoot 3's.. not really good on defense, and really cant create his own shot... battier was brought in to play defense and hit 3's but the shot are just not falling... same for miller, he was brought in to be able to handle the ball a little, he can create is own shot (some what ) and hit the 3 but he is hurt and shot like %!+$ last year... chalmers does play defense and do other things thats why he is on the court..
lebron fails time and time again in the clutch, pitiful, he needs to correct that, but overall the heat are just flat offensively in the half court, lebron wade and bosh pickn times when to get invovled, takes them out their rythm, they really need to play with more intensity of the offensive end, and make your damb free throws, cmon
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