OFFICIAL 2012 MIAMI HEAT PLAYOFFS THREAD (FINALS! 4-1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by alex2182

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Miami knows that every night they will get the opponent's best shot.   

   I swear Heat fans are so conceited, the Heat had two days off and went West which gave Miami more time to rest. They should've steamrolled the Warriors, Miami just doesn't give you a solid second half.

What he said is conceited though. You're oblivious if you think teams don't get amped up when they play Miami.

All that said the Heat's execution down the stretch in the last two losses have been horrendous.

If I'm playing back-to-back games, I dont want to see Miami on the third day. Yeah teams get amped about playing the Heat, but they also get hyped about the Lakers, Mavericks, Clippers, and Knicks. When the Kings beat the Lakers by 5, them dudes acted like they won a playoff game
. What I'm trying to say is ya'll not the team to beat and not every team is gonna make sure they are gonna give you their best shot becuz you're the Heat       

Jking0821 wrote:
ShadyKay NT wrote:
Why did Spoelstra get ejected at the end of OT? What was he so mad about?

Also, LeBrick...lmao.

Would like to know this as well.

In the last seconds of OT, the Heat were trying to foul the Clippers but the refs didn't call anything.

Even though I'm a Laker fan it's way to early to be gloating, the Heat have a better record and do better on the road and will be in our thread for our next loss. It's like eating a Big Mac in front of a bum, it's fun but low.  
I brought it up the other day on the nba
Thread, but would you guys trade james for howard?

And im not asking because of last nights game.

But wouldnt that make more sense? I mean

Wade already won a championship with an aging shaq,

Imagine with d howard???? Yikes.

And smh at laker fans trolling this thread.
I still think the Heat will win the NBA title. They will get it together come playoff time. It seems like every team in the NBA is missing FT's.
Yeah i've said it many times before. But its a joke to think that Miami has enough pieces to supplement a deal. Wade and Howard would be a championship. Automatically.
Originally Posted by Dric

Yeah i've said it many times before. But its a joke to think that Miami has enough pieces to supplement a deal. Wade and Howard would be a championship. Automatically.

Lol howard for lebron is already an even trade.. You really think if the heat offered the magic just lebron For howard, magics dont accept t rade?
bdis1986 wrote:
all i have to say is what the *@%+ is going on @ the FT line ??? what was it 17-39!!
 still this loss doesn't frustrate as much as the GSW loss

off to Denver a place Miami hasn't seen a W in a while hope 2 change that

YEP. And that continues to be the REAL issue with this team throughout the entire games that they've played. Make no mistake I'm Incredibly pleased with how often they're attacking the basket and the frequency of which how they're maintaining aggression but as a collective, it is IMPOSSIBLE to continue momentum when you shoot that poorly from the FT line. It filters into your psyche as a player even as evidenced by Bron taking more shots late game instead of continuing to go to the Basket.

All in all, not a major issue that can't be corrected and/or improved with some intense drills in practice which I know will be waiting for them arriving back home to Miami after Denver. No worries .... absolutely no need to either. Fun game nevertheless

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by Dric

Yeah i've said it many times before. But its a joke to think that Miami has enough pieces to supplement a deal. Wade and Howard would be a championship. Automatically.

Lol howard for lebron is already an even trade.. You really think if the heat offered the magic just lebron For howard, magics dont accept t rade?
Idk if they make the same amount that's the problem. Talent wise its the same but money issues remain.
Originally Posted by Dric

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by Dric

Yeah i've said it many times before. But its a joke to think that Miami has enough pieces to supplement a deal. Wade and Howard would be a championship. Automatically.

Lol howard for lebron is already an even trade.. You really think if the heat offered the magic just lebron For howard, magics dont accept t rade?
Idk if they make the same amount that's the problem. Talent wise its the same but money issues remain.

Not that I'd want the deal to ever happen considering I want my team to get D12.... But you group Joel Anthony with Lebron who makes about 1.8 less than D12.  And the Magic trade D12 & an Earl Clark or Daniel Orton and that trade is within about $500K extra going to the Magic.

That Heat team > the current one
I'd be in favor of that... Turthfully i wouldn't be scared of an "angry" Lebron if we traded him. We've seen that story haven't we?
But nah, i'm happy with this team. We just need to cut out the mental lapses and we'll be fine.
Okay, so I've seen two names mentioned in here as far as new Heat employees go: Phil Jackson and Dwight Howard.

Let me tell you, if it was basically LeBron for Dwight, and then bring in P-Jax… …
the worst thing about this team is that they seem to go through the motions sometimes...

they forget they get everyones best shot when they play.

they need to prove something on every possession.
Ya'll are over reacting. Just like ya'll did last year. Chill with the trade scenario's because it makes no sense to trade James in the prime of his life for anyone ESPECIALLY if Wade can't even stay on the court for more than a couple games at a time.

These losses are all on Eric Spoelstra in my opinion. He made absolutely no defensive or offensive adjustments which lead to the Heat getting clobbered. You can't run and gun with a team of shooters. Did he not learn anything from the Finals last year?

The Heat have the talent, but they'll continue to be outcoached by better coaches with more balanced teams. If history is any indication there is NO WAY Pat Riley brings in Phil Jackson and adds to his legacy. NO WAY. He'll catch a heart attack on those sidelines before he ever does that.
Horrible defense. No doubt about it. Rotation is just not there. No reason Denver should drop 110+ on this team. Hope D. Wade didn't break anything cuz that bend was
The curse of the Denver Nuggets strikes again! Face it guys, the Heat are on a slump and need some home town cookin'. D.Wade was just terrible today. Lebron's 35 wasn't enough. And as always, the teams 4th quarter execution killed them again. Sheesh!
.... Hope the team can bounce back. 
. Go heat

Edit: Didn't know D. Wade had a freakish accident(wasn't able to watch the game)! Hope everything's fine with D.wade
No sense of urgency. Lack of execution. Turnovers. Giving up on defensive rotations. This teams offense always starts on defense, and if they're not being aggressive on defense then we're our own worse enemy.

and why is James Jones getting garbage minutes?
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

These losses are all on Eric Spoelstra in my opinion. He made absolutely no defensive or offensive adjustments which lead to the Heat getting clobbered. You can't run and gun with a team of shooters. Did he not learn anything from the Finals last year?

What defensive schemes need to be placed when there is no effort.The game against the Warriors they just couldn't get a shot to fall and didn't close out on shooters, so next game they go man where CP3 slaughters Cole, Chalmers, and Bosh bringing double teams that gave Caron space to hit. Tonite they let them get ahead and didn't get momentum back. With three days off ya'll should be able to beat the Spurs
Originally Posted by alex2182

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

These losses are all on Eric Spoelstra in my opinion. He made absolutely no defensive or offensive adjustments which lead to the Heat getting clobbered. You can't run and gun with a team of shooters. Did he not learn anything from the Finals last year?

What defensive schemes need to be placed when there is no effort.The game against the Warriors they just couldn't get a shot to fall and didn't close out on shooters, so next game they go man where CP3 slaughters Cole, Chalmers, and Bosh bringing double teams that gave Caron space to hit. Tonite they let them get ahead and didn't get momentum back. With three days off ya'll should be able to beat the Spurs
Spoelstra shouldve had them slow the game down. They were trying to play at a fast pace that was only benefiting the Nuggets. Like I said, you cant run and gun with a team of shooters. Especially when you don't have any consistent shooters of you're own. They were missing shots and struggling to handle Nene in the paint. If it's not working and the opposition is pulling away then make the changes that need to be made in order to win the game. I really forgot how much of a noob Spoelstra can be. Slow it down, bring Bosh back into the fold to make his 10-15 footers, have Bron down in the post as well getting double and triple teamed only to pass it out to one of several open guards for an open shot. After a while of that they'll move from that very restrictive zone, start playing more man and then Wade and LeBron can do what they get paid to do.
Dude does this every year. I hate the entertainment people get out of seeing the heat lose and it it seems like everytime all Spoelstra can do is cry like a baby, get techs and get thrown out. If dudes are gonna be complaining to the refs at least make the damn free throws when theyre given to you. 
One of those losses that you just have to accept and realize we got out-coached and outplayed period. We absolutely sucked and that's the extent of it .... Talent will NEVER be a question with this team and we all know that. This overreaction is far too familiar but in some ways warranted as it proved to be worth experiencing last year when we made it to the Chip. Goals are still the same and the journey remains uneasy AS IT SHOULD. Nevertheless, we practice harder and provide better effort and the results will change. Doesn't matter who's wearing those Jersey's at this point, the effort is what counts. We move forward ..... good win by Denver through it all! 
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