OFFICIAL 2012 MIAMI HEAT PLAYOFFS THREAD (FINALS! 4-1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im hearing some of you mad at spolestra. didnt they give him an extension? man jerry sloan is out there.
7am just got home ... Heat lost again?

The trollies will have a splendid weekend in these confines. Never get too high or too low fellas

it's a marathon.
Sit Wade until everything is healed. The foot, the ankle, and according to Windhorst he had an unannounced calf strain that required 6 hours of pre-game treatment. He hasn't been playing well with the injuries either.

Obviously the reg season is meaningless, particularly for this team, so I'd sit him until he's healthy. No more of this "game time decision" nonsense for a regular season game.
Originally Posted by Tom Hanson

im hearing some of you mad at spolestra. didnt they give him an extension? man jerry sloan is out there.
I just can't see Pat Riley wanting to add to his former rivals and peers legacies. If Spoelstra fails this team so obviously again this year I think Pat is going to be forced to come out of coaching retirement. No way he happens upon a top 3 tag team combination of talent and lets it go to waste two years in a row. (See: 2006) Even with Wade hurt I think he would utilize all talents to their full capability. I think LeBron needs Pat coaching more than anything.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Sit Wade until everything is healed. The foot, the ankle, and according to Windhorst he had an unannounced calf strain that required 6 hours of pre-game treatment. He hasn't been playing well with the injuries either. 

Obviously the reg season is meaningless, particularly for this team, so I'd sit him until he's healthy. No more of this "game time decision" nonsense for a regular season game.

I agree with this. We'd take a few steps back in terms of playoff seeding but I prefer that this team be 100% healthy or as close to it as possible heading into the playoffs.
Dwade Ankle

Let see if Heat are better with one superstar
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by ill steelo

Sit Wade until everything is healed. The foot, the ankle, and according to Windhorst he had an unannounced calf strain that required 6 hours of pre-game treatment. He hasn't been playing well with the injuries either. 

Obviously the reg season is meaningless, particularly for this team, so I'd sit him until he's healthy. No more of this "game time decision" nonsense for a regular season game.

I agree with this. We'd take a few steps back in terms of playoff seeding but I prefer that this team be 100% healthy or as close to it as possible heading into the playoffs.
Exactly. When healthy, this team is very capable of winning postseason games outside of the AAA anyway.
Although its not ALL spo's fault. He should get some of the blame because he's the head man. His rotations were all out of whack, and he surrounded Lebron with shooters that could not create. In my opinion, Chris Bosh should play the most minutes. He is the most stable in terms of settling down the game with the pick and pop.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by alex2182

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

These losses are all on Eric Spoelstra in my opinion. He made absolutely no defensive or offensive adjustments which lead to the Heat getting clobbered. You can't run and gun with a team of shooters. Did he not learn anything from the Finals last year?

What defensive schemes need to be placed when there is no effort.The game against the Warriors they just couldn't get a shot to fall and didn't close out on shooters, so next game they go man where CP3 slaughters Cole, Chalmers, and Bosh bringing double teams that gave Caron space to hit. Tonite they let them get ahead and didn't get momentum back. With three days off ya'll should be able to beat the Spurs
Spoelstra shouldve had them slow the game down. They were trying to play at a fast pace that was only benefiting the Nuggets. Like I said, you cant run and gun with a team of shooters. Especially when you don't have any consistent shooters of you're own. They were missing shots and struggling to handle Nene in the paint. If it's not working and the opposition is pulling away then make the changes that need to be made in order to win the game. I really forgot how much of a noob Spoelstra can be. Slow it down, bring Bosh back into the fold to make his 10-15 footers, have Bron down in the post as well getting double and triple teamed only to pass it out to one of several open guards for an open shot. After a while of that they'll move from that very restrictive zone, start playing more man and then Wade and LeBron can do what they get paid to do.
Dude does this every year. I hate the entertainment people get out of seeing the heat lose and it it seems like everytime all Spoelstra can do is cry like a baby, get techs and get thrown out. If dudes are gonna be complaining to the refs at least make the damn free throws when theyre given to you. 

Even tho George Karl is a better coach, Spo had the right plan in and they had a marginable lead most of the 1st half and alittle of the 2nd half. When you have Cole,Wade,James & Bosh, I really don't see a team besides Chicago you wouldn't run on. Ty Lawson is the only guy who can get up and down with Miami, if Miami made thei free throws and finished at the rim they would have nothing to worry about. Like I said you go man and these point guards gon tear up Cole & Chalmers none of them those dudes can guard Ty Lawson and you put Lebron in the post with this "post-game" of his and he's gonna fail with Al Harrington & NeNe guarding him
Originally Posted by Lebronh8er

I think my user name says what I think about the Heat for me, period.


Is it me, or does Bosh look worse this year than he did last year.  He seems more out of place, and is making more mistakes.  Am I the only one seeing this, or what?

Being back at home and rested, I think they get the W tonight over SA.  I'm not going to veer too far in one direction or the other over the regular season and what happens on a given night here and there.  We all know they will be there come playoff time, but dealing with this shortened season, it's a toss up.  If you get in a bad slump, there are so many games back to back that you have a tough time getting out of a funk.  Same goes with winning, you can get on a roll and rip off 5 or 6 straight.  I'm worried about fatigue too.  Eventually all these games and traveling in between is going to wear them down.    
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

lets get this thread back up for tonight... GO HEAT!

THIS ..... all new fans are always welcomed of course but us old heads gotta do a better job in keeping this thread active as well, including myself.
I'm just looking for a better sense of urgency tonight from the squad. As always, hit me up if needed for the goods ... Game will be on NBATV
but we dont cry and complain about EVERYTHING like certain fans out there.... ready to jump off a bridge after a loss, or come up with the fantasy trades just because some player scored 5 points...
.... maybe because we have seen the lows last year with this squad and seen a lot of hate last year, so nothing is really gonna surprise me...
1.... if we are not running on a fast break, ball needs to go to bosh first...
2.... more pick and roll with cole or chalmers.. be more aggressive.. ( chalmers vs atl )
3.... i cant complain about our shooters... they are just not hitting shots, jones needs more time on the court...
4.... lebron, get back in the post where you started off at in the beginning of the season...
5.... haslem... dont ever try and drive to the the hoop again... you dont have the fundamentals, stick to your mid range shot, or cut in and expect the pass....
ok im done for now... " as we proceed "
Greg Anthony said it best ..... offensive possessions shouldnt be that difficult. I think the of the ball movement continues to be a challenge along with the FT shooting but without question very fixable concerns
im not home but am i reading this right, my sports app say's 72-68 Heat!?!????

I thought we were down by 17 or something like that a little bit before the half???
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