Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

Originally Posted by Noskey

There's enough PGs that we could go after in the offseason. I want a SG with this draft, Lamb if possible. If a PG is absolutely necessary, it better be Lillard. If we take Waiters, especially at 6, I'm burning my Trail Blazers fan card.
you don't think Waites is a PG do you? 
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by Buc Em

I heard the Raptors made an offer to the Sixers with the #8, Calderon and Ed Davis for Iguodala and #15. Sixers want Bargnani and #8 for Iguodala and #15.

they need to take the offer the raptors made..

just looked it up and calderon only has next year left on his contract.. and they can take a flyer on davis, who is still young

they should be able to get a good player still at 8.. but more important they get out of iggy's terrible contract
agreed, that's a pretty solid deal
cavaliers are not really interested in Andrew drummond ?  it could be a
other than not knowing how byron scott and Andrew would work 
  i know they Love HB so it's probably irrelevant
The Cavs need another great talent to accompany the ROY, and a center would be a smart choice. I wouldn't be disappointed if you can get a solid wing, but I'd be awfully tempted to take a chance on Drummond.
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Cavs need someone on the wing to accompany the ROY.

Drummond isn't that guy.
If they draft Drummond, couldn't they do that by trading Varejao & #24 for a mid/later lottery pick?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

The Cavs need another great talent to accompany the ROY, and a center would be a smart choice. I wouldn't be disappointed if you can get a solid wing, but I'd be awfully tempted to take a chance on Drummond.

yup.. gotta go BPA.. they need help at a ton of spots.. you always get in trouble when you decide you're going overvalue a player solely based on position
Perhaps, and a young Thompson/Drummond could be epic if they both reach their potential... Jamison is gone too... So is Anthony Parker though and we need a SG/SF badly.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by Buc Em

I heard the Raptors made an offer to the Sixers with the #8, Calderon and Ed Davis for Iguodala and #15. Sixers want Bargnani and #8 for Iguodala and #15.

they need to take the offer the raptors made..

just looked it up and calderon only has next year left on his contract.. and they can take a flyer on davis, who is still young

they should be able to get a good player still at 8.. but more important they get out of iggy's terrible contract
Yeah, really don't see Philly getting a better offer for Iggy than that one. Sixers have made it as far as they can with Igoudala, time to re-tool. Trading him for Davis & a promising player at #8 is a great start.
Originally Posted by Lavious

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by Buc Em

I heard the Raptors made an offer to the Sixers with the #8, Calderon and Ed Davis for Iguodala and #15. Sixers want Bargnani and #8 for Iguodala and #15.

they need to take the offer the raptors made..

just looked it up and calderon only has next year left on his contract.. and they can take a flyer on davis, who is still young

they should be able to get a good player still at 8.. but more important they get out of iggy's terrible contract
Yeah, really don't see Philly getting a better offer for Iggy than that one. Sixers have made it as far as they can with Igoudala, time to re-tool. Trading him for Davis & a promising player at #8 is a great start.

Yeah I like that deal as well. Calderon is an expiring and would be a great trade chip at the deadline plus an awesome backup PG for the time being, Ed Davis would give us a young shot blocker down low that we don't have and then at #8 it's possible one of Beal, Barnes or Lamb could drop or we could grab Rivers, Leonard, Ross, Perry Jones or Sullinger. The Raptors then get some athleticism and defense that they really need and can still grab a nice prospect at #15.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by Noskey

There's enough PGs that we could go after in the offseason. I want a SG with this draft, Lamb if possible. If a PG is absolutely necessary, it better be Lillard. If we take Waiters, especially at 6, I'm burning my Trail Blazers fan card.
you don't think Waiters is a PG do you? 
No. But, he'd primarily play PG for us at 6'2". In the Jamal Crawford type of role. That's the biggest reason I dont want him. Felton starting with Waiters off the bench? No, sir.

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Noskey

There's enough PGs that we could go after in the offseason. I want a SG with this draft, Lamb if possible. If a PG is absolutely necessary, it better be Lillard. If we take Waiters, especially at 6, I'm burning my Trail Blazers fan card.
My thoughts exactly on Waiters.  In a perfect draft I would want Drummond and 6 and Lamb at 11 and trade Matthews + $/draft pick for Lowry.
Would be a nice young core and starting 5.

But I am thinking neither are going to be there at that spot.  I have this sinking feeling we will take Waiters and Sullinger
  I will have to find a new team if that is the case, so tired of watching this team suck and make horrible moves
  Went through enough of that with the Lions, don't think I can handle it again.

Edit:  More I think about it if Drummond isn't available I would rather have Hickson play starting position next to LA and Lamb at SG and Liillard at point.  Anything but Sullinger and Waiters.
I was talking with coworkers the other day and I was saying how I want Drummond and Lamb too

But every day I see Drummond and Lamb's stock getting better
This combine should put Dre in the top 5. I'm gonna stop hoping for him and just hope we dont take Sullinger or Barnes at 6. I think we should go ahead and take Lamb, and hope he develops fast enough to take the starting spot from Wes by mid-season.
Do you have him nailed down as a C? Because if not, Tristan....
I just can never tell with 6'10"-6'11" guys. Plus he gains almost 2 inches with shoes, and while he'll obviously have shoes on on the court at all times, most guys only gain an inch and maybe a quarter.
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