Official 2012 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: The Dwightmare is Over.

It's pretty funny that Dwight's flip-flopping and desire to be liked has made him more disliked than ever before.
This situation is pissing me off so much with Dwight Howard. All week on twitter I've been comparing his nonsense to the Brett Favre saga. He is coming off and sullying his image, reputation and will be hated. Funny thing is, his agent keeps coming out and saying "well Dwight doesn't want to be the bad guy" and THAT is exactly what he's becoming.

He looks so bad, and keeps flip flopping. He is the posterboy for how free agency should not be handled.

I want fans to chastise Dwight the same they did LeBron for the decision. This is just as bad. It's every hour something new, every hour a new comment, every hour a new team.

UNREAL, get this garbage over with.
Wanted Sam Young. Heard we were talking to the Hawks about Meeks and Nocioni's expiring for Hinrich and Vlad Rad.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

I want fans to chastise Dwight the same they did LeBron for the decision. This is just as bad. It's every hour something new, every hour a new comment, every hour a new team. 
From the Orlando area and most of my friends are Magic fans.. they are pissed. Most of them expected Dwight to leave for awhile now and they just wanted the best trade package. The constant back and forth is frustrating for the regular fan but even worse for Magic fans, they're not happy. Of course, winning cures all so if Dwight and the Magic put this behind them and play well going into the playoffs, I'm sure some of it will be forgiven.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Essential1

Crawford, Sessions, Beasley, Felton,  Deron Williams, Steve Blake

Deron Williams?

Or do you mean he's moving in the offseason?

man when will trades start picking up? 1 hour before the deadline?

He means as in if Dwight signed on not to opt out... Jersey will have to trade him or they're going to lose him for nothing at seasons end.


I understand the logic behind it, just haven't heard anythine about him getting traded. Then again didn't hear anytime about him getting traded last year until it actually happened.

Ironic that the Nets are in the position now that the Jazz were in last season.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I have no %*$@+*@ clue why Dolan would not pull the trigger on Melo for Williams.
Because Williams isnt being traded. It takes 2 teams to make a trade. If Williams is to leave via FA then so be it, although even that is kinda unlikely. He hasnt given any indication he wants out.
[h3]Nets Working On Trades To Build Around Williams If Howard Stays With Magic[/h3]
Mar 15, 2012 8:12 AM EDT

The Nets are working on several alternative trade scenarios to improve the Nets and build around Deron Williams if Dwight Howard decides to opt-in for the 12-13 season with Orlando, according to sources.

The Nets have been hopeful of their ability to acquire Howard, but the team doesn't feel that they need him to keep Williams.

Read more:
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by Proshares

I have no %*$@+*@ clue why Dolan would not pull the trigger on Melo for Williams.
Because Williams isnt being traded. It takes 2 teams to make a trade. If Williams is to leave via FA then so be it, although even that is kinda unlikely. He hasnt given any indication he wants out.
I get you but I was just thinking before that point.  They're saying Dolan would not even entertain the thought if Deron was out there.

The problem with Dwight is that he doesnt want to be the bad guy.

He wants to leave but feels guilty and that he owes it to the fans and Orlando ... when in reality he should be doing whats best for his career and thats !**@ of Orlando.

Dwight Howard is NOT Lebron James.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

What incentive does Deron have to stay w/ the Nets now?

None. Who can they even target to pair him with? He's as good as gone.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

What incentive does Deron have to stay w/ the Nets now?
If Dwight really isn't going to opt-out, the Nets would be crazy to hope that Deron stays. ESPECIALLY with Dallas having room to sign him. There's no way, without Dwight, we can compete with the Mavs. I'm not sure what kind of trades the Nets can make to build around Williams. I don't even know what type of trades we can make for Deron. Definitely not Pau Gasol, that makes no sense. 
We're almost in the same situation the Magic were in about 10 hours ago. The only difference is, Deron's 1st option (Dallas), has no real valuable pieces to trade to us. The Nets had draft picks and Lopez to offer to ORL. If Deron won't sign an extension anywhere but Dallas, it really, really limits the options available. Dwight really screwed us over with this move so late in the game. 
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

The problem with Dwight is that he doesnt want to be the bad guy.

He wants to leave but feels guilty and that he owes it to the fans and Orlando ... when in reality he should be doing whats best for his career and thats !**@ of Orlando.

Dwight Howard is NOT Lebron James.

LeBron definitely handled his situation way better than this. His only problem was the show...and he even donated that money to charity
Dwight being the nice guy also means he's more susceptible to outside opinions. Friends, family, agents, fans, etc. all probably influenced Dwight at one point in time... he tried to say anything/everything at some point so he's obviously been confused about this whole process.
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

The problem with Dwight is that he doesnt want to be the bad guy.

He wants to leave but feels guilty and that he owes it to the fans and Orlando ... when in reality he should be doing whats best for his career and thats !**@ of Orlando.

Dwight Howard is NOT Lebron James.

That he's not... he's handled his situation sooooo much worst than LBJ did, constantly toying with fans emotions back and forth like a see saw  
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

The problem with Dwight is that he doesnt want to be the bad guy.

He wants to leave but feels guilty and that he owes it to the fans and Orlando ... when in reality he should be doing whats best for his career and thats !**@ of Orlando.

Dwight Howard is NOT Lebron James.

Don't you see that he has you wrapped around your finger? You've been suckered by the media, what Howard's agent is saying, along with the BS quotes coming from Dwight.

Take the blinders off 
Bizzaro isn't LeBron or Crymelo, he's worse. At least those guys didn't change their minds every 2 seconds.
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