Official 2012 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: The Dwightmare is Over.

Dang, where all the rumors at? Should be a bunch of em now, only about 12 hours left till deadline. 
I wanna see around 6-8 trades tomorrow morning. 
I wonder if Mamba will let Beasley wear #8 
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

If that's the case, Brooklyn say bye to Deron Williams. To Dallas or L.A. he goes.

This dude Dwight is something else. 

If he keeps this up he'll take away LeBron's title as the most hated NBA player.

I doubt it but I hate him now
My body is so not ready for all the trades I'll probably wake up to.
Front offices are probably burning the midnight oil trying to work something out. I want to wake up to like 7 blockbuster trades.
[h3]Dwight Howard Admits Mistakes, Plans To Opt-In[/h3]
Mar 15, 2012 3:37 AM EDT


With the trade deadline a few hours away, nobody had any idea what Dwight Howard was planning to do. Much of that uncertainty was the result of Howard's ever-changing mind. 

After informing the Magic he would opt-in and delay his free agency, Howard changed his tune and looked to be on his way out of Orlando.

Both the organization and fans were upset with Howard's actions as it seemed he was trying to manipulate his way to the New Jersey Nets. In the process, he appeared to have relinquished control of his future to agents and advisers that are believed to be pushing him to a larger market. 

Howard, however, finally had enough and decided to set the record straight. 

Howard confirmed to RealGM on Wednesday evening that he will terminate his early termination option and stay in Orlando for at least another year. 

He also realizes the impact that his indecision has caused and wants to make things right in the city that has watched him grow both professionally and personally since he came into the NBA in 2004 as the first overall pick. 

"Man, listen, you know my heart, my soul and everything I have is in Orlando," Howard told RealGM. "I just can't leave it behind." 

Dealing with such a big decision was new territory for Howard. 

To help with the process he sought advice from people he believed had his best interest in mind. All the while, his heart was in Orlando. While he wanted to keep his options open, Howard's intentions were never to alienate his teammates, coaches or general manager.

The circumstances, however, spiraled out of control and turned into something he never wanted to happen. Howard was very remorseful for the situation that he created, but eager to turn it around and show everyone who has been hurt by his actions how much he appreciates them and how sorry he is for Wednesday’s events. 

"I have gotten some bad advice," Howard said. "I apologize for this circus I have caused to the fans of our city. They didn't deserve none of this. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. I will do whatever I can to make this right and do what I was put in Orlando to do." 

The situation has also been stressful for Howard and his family, but he isn't thinking of making any excuses or point any fingers. Howard only wants to get back to being the man Orlando grew to love and cheer for. 

"This has been a very hard time," Howard said. "For me, my family and all of us. The fans deserve a better hero and I will make that happen. I love and appreciate my fans and this city." 

Howard said that he plans on signing the ETO waiver first thing on Thursday morning. He also plans on making some internal changes to ensure this situation isn't repeated in the future.

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If he's that committed, he'll just sign a contract extension..
Man, if he signs that waiver, it's game over for the Nets. I would completely expect us to trade Deron away and fully rebuild going into Brooklyn. Just like the Magic, it makes no sense for us to lose Deron for nothing. No Dwight means he's definitely going to Dallas, he's not going to stick around for another year of this. I just have no idea what kind of players we can get for Deron right now. I doubt even the Lakers would want to trade Bynum right now with the way he's playing. SMH x 1000.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Can't believe there are rumours that Melo requested a trade. If that's true, dude is a joke.

that was probably to boil the knicks owner up, to then have him decide that D'antoni has to go, if my million dollar players want out.
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