Official 2012 San Francisco Giants Season Thread (94-68) World Series Champions

Correct me if I'm wrong but it's worked before when an injury forced a closer out, right? It's hard to put someone in the role during the season if it wasn't their original role.

I say go with the best match up and if that means alternating between a couple guys so be it.
Originally Posted by What up

I'd like to see Romo be given a shot.

Wilson's contract was due to be up after this season. He was pretty much a goner anyway but with this injury we might be able to offer him less because he seems to be getting hurt a lot lately. If he still wants his huge deal, we need to figure out if we have anything in Romo besides a 7/8 inning guy.
Didn't Romo say sometime last year, that he enjoys being a setup man? I'm not too sold on Romo due to his knee and elbow issues. If anything, I'd like to give Casilla a chance as the closer...But if management decided to have a closer by committee, then that's cool.
After seeing the interview with the Giants trainer, Brian Wilson is pretty stupid for not being upfront with his elbow pain, immediately. I really think this is the last time Wilson is in a Giants uniform.

Also, Aubrey Huff still can't hit with RISP.
Bump for Bummy's extension: (Per twitter)

5yr w/ options for '18 and '19. Guaranteed part covers all arb years plus one free-agent year.
Line up:

CF Pagan, RF Melky, 3B Sandoval, C Posey, LF Huff, 1B Belt, SS Crawford, 2B Burriss, P Lincecum

LF Pierre, 3B Polanco, SS Rollins, RF Pence, CF Victorino, 1B Nix, C Ruiz, 2B Galvis, P Halladay  

 @ Huff in the OF
location issues again

bad break with that lil mess up in the outfield
woulda been a quick 2 outs...end up bein 4 runs for the phillies

anybody see the slider though...Tim went back to it? heard he dropped's working
Is it time to try and move Lincecum come trade deadline? He has slowly been declining each year and so far this season, its been awful, granted its early but just bad right now.
Fastball velocity progressively coming down, control becoming an issue. Like I said its early but he better make some adjustments as he has done in the past
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