Official 2012 San Francisco Giants Season Thread (94-68) World Series Champions

Nice to have Pittsburgh in town ahead of Philly to fine tune things.

Let's take care of this series and onto the next. I missed the last few innings, but it seemed like more of the same.
Go Cain instead of Cocaine
"I couldn't be happier for Barry," teammate Aubrey Huff said. "It's no secret he gets buried by the fans, the media and all. To see him go out there and put up a complete-game shutout, all the haters out there -- that's for them."
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Makes sense that a clown that's stealing money would defend one of his kind. [/font]

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[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By all means, keep proving this hater wrong but I know you won't.[/font]
Huff is as annoying as Zito is. Wow big game Zito reminds me a lot of that one game he had in the world series when he really shut down the Rangers and made me a believer....oh wait
“@AmyGGiants: #sfgiants closer #brianWilson's MRI yesterday showed structural damage. Tommy John surgery is possibilty and possible his season is done.
I'd like to see Romo be given a shot.

Wilson's contract was due to be up after this season. He was pretty much a goner anyway but with this injury we might be able to offer him less because he seems to be getting hurt a lot lately. If he still wants his huge deal, we need to figure out if we have anything in Romo besides a 7/8 inning guy.
Nice win tonight, coming from behind twice. Granted, the Pirates kicked and threw the ball around, but I'll take it. Zito pitched really well again. Lets get that sweep tomorrow!
. I'm happy he's doing well. We really need these performances.

I'd like to get your guys' thoughts on our closer situation. Who do you guys want closing?

From the reports I've read, it's "closer by committee" and I completely hate that. People know it's never the way to go, and yet it still gets implemented. After listening to KNBR before the game today, people we saying it was between Romo and Casilla. The bullpen is built from the closer on down. Everyone settles into their roles and they're used to being called at a certain juncture in the game. While I know Romo > Casilla, I believe Romo is better suited for the 8th inning with Lopez as his tag team partner. Casilla has closed last year and it worked out. I'm more comfortable using Romo to get us out of tough jams and that's what an 8th inning guy does more often than a closer. A closer comes in usually to start an inning with no one on base... and that's where I trust Casilla more. Thoughts?
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