Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

Glad to see the Hawks thread flourishing

Tough loss but Atlanta still hasn't found its grove yet in the playoffs.

Hopefully they find it soon so we can have a hawks warriors final
Hey this is when they all count now. No reason to hide or be sad when they lose. Players got play. Fans gotta fan. Gotta be a fan whether they lose or win. I'm sticking with my guys tho. Not that devastated after this particular loss. Not like we gave them our best punch and they still beat us. Tho by lookin at the stat line they pretty much dominated and only won by 6 with our worst shooting game of the year.
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I told you Ryan.

Playoffs > regular season

Hawks are a jump shooting team with little post guys. There is no hope. The first half was rust from the layoff for us. 2nd half is what the series will look like moving forward. Game 2 is your whole season. Must win.
I told you Ryan.

Playoffs > regular season

Hawks are a jump shooting team with little post guys. There is no hope. The first half was rust from the layoff for us. 2nd half is what the series will look like moving forward. Game 2 is your whole season. Must win.
sure putting a whole lot on 1 game with a team who judt played a day and a half ago. Your team has went with the jump shooting players by going small and benching nene and only running 1 true big out there. Basically out small balled the hawks today. With jumpers. Mid range ones to be fair for the most part. This gonna be a long series. Y'all only won by 6 and we played our worst half of the whole season. Welcome to our world now where u got multiple players hurting. See how they respond. The best team will win the series. Y'all won game 1 in our place tho. The Wiz won against the 1 seeded pacers last year in game 1 in round 2. Went on to lose. Correct me if I'm wrong. Let the series play out.
sure putting a whole lot on 1 game with a team who judt played a day and a half ago. Your team has went with the jump shooting players by going small and benching nene and only running 1 true big out there. Basically out small balled the hawks today. With jumpers. Mid range ones to be fair for the most part. This gonna be a long series. Y'all only won by 6 and we played our worst half of the whole season. Welcome to our world now where u got multiple players hurting. See how they respond. The best team will win the series. Y'all won game 1 in our place tho. The Wiz won against the 1 seeded pacers last year in game 1 in round 2. Went on to lose. Correct me if I'm wrong. Let the series play out.

Don't matter if it was 6 or 60 points. We beat the unbeatable team that we couldn't all year. I forgot, what were those regular season blowout scores again you use to bring up? Ah never mind. Let's see if history repeats itself this year. I doubt it but we'll see.
Don't matter if it was 6 or 60 points. We beat the unbeatable team that we couldn't all year. I forgot, what were those regular season blowout scores again you use to bring up? Ah never mind. Let's see if history repeats itself this year. I doubt it but we'll see.
the unbeatable team? Cbssports picked the wiz in 6. Trust me the media hates the hawks. Never heard anyone ever say we're unbeatable. Maybe When Were Making Our Jumpers We are. Or with a full strength team that's healthy which we are not right now. Dude we just dropped 2 to the nets the exact same way basically we did to yall. Member that game 3 in bky when the leading headline was :hawks couldn't throw a penny in the ocean" responded in games 4 5 and 6. Wiz won in every facet of the game guards dominated our guards bench dominated our bench. Hawks shot worse than they have EVER. 28% on u contested shots? 35 points in the 2nd half? Don't hold your breath for that to happen again. Don't think the Wiz could have gotten any better offensive production than They did today either. Y'all should a won by 20 with our performance in the 2nd half. Still after all that horrible offensive play we still had a chance to win in the final mins. Dunno bout Wall but that ankle will bother Beal. Dude is either the biggest crybaby ever or he really hurt his ankle. And that ankle and that wrist will swell up in the morning and only get worse not better. Trust me I'm watching it with Jeff Teague now for the past week. Tweaked it again the first half himself. Dunno why these dudes don't play in high tops anymore. 10 years ago people would call u stupid for playing in low tops. I never could. Had to wear high tops and ankle braces on both ankles. Kinda how the new kobe highs are.
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Hawks are the unbeatable team but wiz fans think the series is over because they won game 1 against atl? Lol. not following.
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Had the hawks in 5 
 Don't think they are Gentleman sweeping the wiz so that's down the drain smh

S/o to the Poor man's Kyle Korver coming through for the good guys yesterday though.
Hawks are the unbeatable team but wiz fans think the series is over because they won game 1 against atl? Lol. not following.

Remember how you would remind me how we were 0-3 against your starters or how that one win was against your backups? The Hawks were unbeatable during the regular season for us. That's what I meant.
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Knew this series was going at least 6 regardless. Never was I selling the Wiz short or overrating the hawks. But i didnt really see anything today specifically for me to be really worried bout the Wiz. Obviously they're a good team. Like the hawks are. Gonna take more than a 6 point loss in the 1st game after one team rested for a week and one rested for 36 hours. Throw that in with a jump shooting team where tired legs are gonna disrupt that and considering we shot worse as the game went on and the worst of the season and seemed to run out of gas and just settle for jumpers. 28% on uncontested jumpers. 3s mostly. Hell coach was tellin em to let it fly. That's how we win. It's how we lose. But If thats How Bad we Have to play to lose by 6 then I'll take it cause I just saw my team pretty much dominate the first half. Still got tons of open looks in the 2nd half juSt wouldn't fall. 5 offensive rebounds in a row in that final 130 in the game and couldn't make 1 shot to tie it. Just wasn't meant to be like Al said after DWill hit that bs shot from the scorers table In brooklyn game 4.
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Remember how you would remind me how we were 0-3 against your starters or how that one win was against your backups? The Hawks were unbeatable during the regular season for us. That's what I meant.
Well that is what it is. Prob had thabo and a healthy millsap, teague, horford, and scott.
No excuses but heres the hawks injury report.
Thabo - NYPD'd
Horford - dislocated finger on shooting hand
Millsap - shoulder strain and contusion on shooting arm
Teague - sprained ankle
Carroll - sprained wrist
Scott - broken toe and back contusion
Schröder - broken toe
jus sayin. Talkin bout a 58 million dollar roster here. Not an 83 million one like DC. Wish we did have an 83 million dollar roster. Hate having a cheap team.
Wiz now have some injuries to tend to with Wall and Beal. The way they acted they act like they were done for the series. shot em up with that good stuff in the locker room and will continue to do so this series but those injuries will linger.
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[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] wish u could come back to the playoff thread, u basically talking to yourself
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] wish u could come back to the playoff thread, u basically talking to yourself
Not really got a wiz fan and a clips fan chopping it up. Maybe the sky will fall and they'll ask me to come back lol.
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It's should be a good series. One of us is going to the ECF. Been a long time coming. Sucks you can't post in the playoff thread. I spoke out on your banishment. Didn't agree with it.
To be quite fair, I didn't think you deserved a thread ban.

I don't understand why people take the internet so seriously. I never felt that your post were that bothersome to the point where you needed to be banned from the thread. 
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It's should be a good series. One of us is going to the ECF. Been a long time coming. Sucks you can't post in the playoff thread. I spoke out on your banishment. Didn't agree with it.
I really appreciate that sir. I never called for anybody to be banned myself. Ever. Tho there are a few i personally believe who should and I expressed them privately to whom it concerned. I'm just not built that way to go complaining about someone on the internet tho and call for their banning. But I did after I got banned. But nevertheless about to what really matters. Damn sure will be a long time coming. Damn sure will be rooting for DC if yall beat us and go up against chi or cleveland. Both of us would be underdogs. Regardless of what happens in our or their series. And i do believe this series is going 6 games minimum. If I was a Wiz fan right now id imagine id be pretty damn confident myself too. Undefeated in the playoffs so far. 3 straight road wins. Thats some serious work. Pierce as bad as I hate to say it does give the Wiz some sort of edge. I'm sure he's constantly in the huddle keep in young guys like Wall and Beal settled down and not rattled. That's why they went out and got him and thus far doesn't seem like he could have done any better. Oh John Wall went the whole floor off a rebound and I swear he scored before I even turned back around lol. **** was literally a blue. Dude got burners for real.
To be quite fair, I didn't think you deserved a thread ban.

I don't understand why people take the internet so seriously. I never felt that your post were that bothersome to the point where you needed to be banned from the thread. 
+1 thank u sir. I didn't think u needed to be either. Regardless of our spats. Dumb as they were on both our parts people just act dumb when it comes to being a fan. Just being human. Aren't we all? And not anywhere is everybody gonna "get along" disagreements and different POV's makes for a better perspective on things In general. No good to just see and hear things from basically 1 pov. In my opinion anyway. I dont mind people on here calling me crazy hell I think there's a lot of crazy people on here myself. But I Like to get a wide range of POV's. Even if I do think they are crazy. Even if they think I'm crazy.
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We down 1 game we aint out damn. People love to jump all in the hawks **** whenever they lose a game. It's not the series. Hell we lost 2 in a row to bky. I dunno whats so :rofl: i didnt lose the game lol
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Glad to see the Hawks thread flourishing

Tough loss but Atlanta still hasn't found its grove yet in the playoffs.

Hopefully they find it soon so we can have a hawks warriors final
I hope your right man. This is why I can't handle other hawks fan cause they all have that doomsday mentality and the sky is falling everytime they lose a game. People are expecting too much from them. Not gonna blow anybody away or out. Never really did it like that during the regular season either. Plaged with injuries now tho and the wiz getting a little bit of that of their own now to deal with Beal and Wall both having lingering type injuries. Guarantee Beal will be a shell of himself moving forward. It's the exact same thing that has happened and is happening to Jeff who sprained his ankle game 5 with bky. Done nothing but get worse with each game. Even his 13 assist game dude was still an obvious shell of himself. Schröder was getting into the lane more than jeff yesterday. Hell Schröder outplayed Jeff yesterday. I dunno bout Walls wrist but I'd damn sure start forcing him left at every opportunity. I'd be aggressively testing Beals ankle tomorrow and see how he chases around korver on 1 wheel. Kinda levels the playing field a bit them having a couple injuries. Even tho we have alot more and cant afford them like deeper teams can. Jus too many young inexperienced players on the bench. Lobbying for Mack and Muscala to play over Scott, Bazemore and Pero. And for Gods sake spend than 58 million on this team next season. Maybe 78. Bring everyone back beef up the bench in Free Agency. Doesn't seem like rocket science to me. Pay Paul and DMC and pick a couple other middle tier vets to come off the bench and we're favorites lol. Starters need to be playing 40 mins together every night from now on. Only played 18 mins together yesterday.
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