OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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Please explain how he's not elite. There aren't many players in the league with his defensive verstalilty to guard the 1-3 and he definitely locks up.
It was like 2 years you was saying you didn't have a team you just liked certain players.
That may have been the case. Always liked the Clips though, since the Bobby Simmons days. Was riding with Memphis heavy until OJ left. Became more vocal and supportive(?) of my Clipper "fandom" in recent years though.
klay is a great on ball perimeter defender, but as many warriors fans have witnessed, drunk klay falls asleep watching the ball handler and loses his man too often. nevertheless, a SG who averages 1 block a game and closes out well on defense is appreciated. perfect compliment to curry.

when his shots start falling this Saturday,all this gibberish about beal over klay will disappear
@a-friend  is an elite poster
Draymond still sounded shook in his post game locker room interview  "errorrrtheeeing is jjjust fiiine" 

Voice all shaking and ****, ZBO why you did this to that man.?

@ it not being safe after dark on NT
It was like 2 years you was saying you didn't have a team you just liked certain players.

That may have been the case. Always liked the Clips though, since the Bobby Simmons days. Was riding with Memphis heavy until OJ left. Became more vocal and supportive(?) of my Clipper "fandom" in recent years though.

Wasn't tryna call you but when I saw dude say you haven't been a Clippers fan for 20 years that caught my attention. But yeah you kinda jumped on that bandwagon bruh. :lol:
klay is a great on ball perimeter defender, but as many warriors fans have witnessed, drunk klay falls asleep watching the ball handler and loses his man too often. nevertheless, a SG who averages 1 block a game and closes out well on defense is appreciated. perfect compliment to curry.

when his shots start falling this Saturday,all this gibberish about beal over klay will disappear
There is no such thing as a perfect defender. That's like if i discredited tony allen by saying he gambles and reach way too often and gets burn for it. I consider klay an elite defender because there aren't many defenders I would take over him for an entire game. Tbh I would take TA and klaw over him but after that, no one.
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I jumped on the Thunder bandwagon in 2008.

Glad I live in OKC, I'd be getting the business right now.
Wasn't tryna call you but when I saw dude say you haven't been a Clippers fan for 20 years that caught my attention. But yeah you kinda jumped on that bandwagon bruh.
1) I'm a bigger NBA fan than Clipper fan that will always be the case

2) Call it hopping on the bandwagon, whatever you wanna call it. I don't take fandom and rooting for teams that seriously. But if you've been a diehard for your squad for years upon years and was there when they were terrible then good for you. You're a better fan than me? 

It's extremely trivial to me. I never cared to care about others and how they choose to root for teams.
Tony Allen over anybody.

That's just fax

Don't make me say it, but "I've been said this" since April of 2014(on record) and since 2011
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