OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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We all knew Dwight has no heart and now harden is getting exposed. These regular season "MVP" candidates aren't showing up where it really matters. Curry next? We'll learn a lot about GSW tomorrow night.
Man, if TT hurt LBJ when he put him in that chokehold when he jumped 
D.rose son looks like a goon. I can see him putting in work. Prolly had the rachet under the cubs jersey. Why do i feel like he's been shot before?

I can easily see him asking his friends 'ay you wanna see a dead body?'
Refs were so solid last season. Silver had them cooking and fair. This post season these referees are back to the stern era. Deciding games. Giving advantages. Killing tempo and runs or starting them. Missing calls. Ignoring fouls. Wth Adam. Check your boys b.
so Blatt was about to pull a CWebb?

I hope Cleveland keeps him as long as possible
If you missed the discussion a few pages back, the best part of the game was that Blatt drew up a play that had LebLeb inbounding the pass for the final shot... LebLeb scrapped the play in the huddle and told them to give him the ball.  I mean really... you can't make this stuff up!  

Also, Blatt called a 20 second time out with 20 seconds left in the first half, and the play they came out with was a LebLeb isolation 3 pointer.
The reason the slander bus is stopped is cuz the clips decided to stop flopping and actually play
thats because CP3's hamstring is tweaked, so he can't flop wildly because he's not 100%.  Once that hammy heels up, he will be back to his old ways.  
Also the Clippers are playing GREAT

You cant slander when somebody is playing great
When the Clippers won game 7 against the defending champion Spurs, their confidence took a huge step forward. And it definitely has carried over into this series...To be honest, I didn't think the Clippers would get out of the first round for obvious reasons.
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I'm biased but still...who would have thought at the beginning of the year that Austin Rivers, would a huge x factor for a championship contending team? Wild.
Austin proving not to be a complete liability on both ends is huge. Hope he keeps it up, makes a huge difference when Clips have an option more than Jamal on their bench, not to mention it gives CP3 just a little more time to rest that hamstring.
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