OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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[quote name="sea manup"]I think "luck" is a terrible concept that people use to feel better about their short comings. If you work hard and smart enough you can create your own luck
And I think THAT is a copout used by people who have themself convinced that they earned all of their good things.

"Good things happen if you pull yourself up by your bootstraps" is a cop out for people who don't realize that not everyone even has boots.

How hard did Kobe work to acquire Shaq? How smart was Kobe to fire Del Harris and bring in Phil Jackson? Why wasn't John Stockton just as smart? Did he not study hard enough to attain the intelligence it takes to acquire Phil?

"Create your own luck" is a cop out that comes from our culture's elitist desire to believe that all of their good things are self-earned.[/quote]Of course I am luckyer than a lot of people and a lot of people are way better off than me. But I'm going to be greater than a lot of those people born with more than I did and it won't be because of luck. Sure luck exists but to constantly acknowledge it takes away from time you could be using to get ahead. Life is all about confidence
 Y'all acting like I wasn't rocking with Bobby Simmons and Q Ross and Al Thornton. Or like I wasn't watching Sean Rooks back when KTLA carried all the clips away games 
fixed. dudes aint really fans. they're like hipsters in jerseys.
the best player in the world having  no loyalty , produced this type of culture .  has negatively influenced the younger generation. now we just have a bunch of flip floppers. 
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Wait who got banned? This is like one of those huge movie shootouts where the only casualty is the random civilian in the background
What is going on in here.

this is what happens when the heat arent great man :frown:. We have nothing collective to talk about. So convos are all over the place.

i really wish bron wouldve stayed. and no lie, I was hella happy when he went back to cleveland. but in hindsight, he should've stayed #6
Just awoke from my nap to see Gilbert snapping on IG, we need to realize although its a horrible loss

If we win the series it'll be irrelevant
this is what happens when the heat arent great man :frown:. We have nothing collective to talk about. So convos are all over the place.

i really wish bron wouldve stayed. and no lie, I was hella happy when he went back to cleveland. but in hindsight, he should've stayed #6
:frown: if he would have stayed it would have been another finals appearance and I'd like our chances against any team other then the spurs. But whatever he makes his own decisions we'll be contenders next year in a ****** east with wade bosh and dragic as our core.
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Players union to audit five NBA teams

National Basketball Players Association executive director Michele Roberts and NBA commissioner Adam Silver have exchanged barbs, trying to stake out their positions before a 2017 work stoppage.

Roberts has particularly raised the rhetoric.

Now, in addition to just talking a big game, she’s also doing something to help the union’s cause.

NBPA statement, via Kevin Draper of Deadspin:

For many years, the CBA has also included a provision that allows the union to engage its own independent firm to audit five teams of its choosing. This audit process can be initiated following the audit of the League and every franchise conducted at the end of every season by PwC. A similar protocol is followed in both hockey and football. To date, this option was used sparingly by the NBPA. Starting this year, the union will exercise this option and conduct the five-team audit annually.


When asked which teams the union plans to audit, the union says, “We will not choose the five teams until after the BRI audit is completed.”

Even with the union demurring, you can bet that the Knicks will be one of the five, and that more generally the union will target teams that earn the most revenue and have a host of complicated related party issues. An informed guess would be that the Knicks, Nets, Mavericks, Nuggets, and Lakers will be audited, with the Rockets, Bulls, and Warriors candidates as well.

I’m astounded the union hadn’t regularly conducted these audits. Billy Hunter, y’all.

Now that the NBPA is exercising this right, who knows what it will find?

A key issue that Draper explores in great depth is related parties. Players and owners share Basketball Related Income (approximately) 50-50, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement specifies what does and does not count toward BRI. Money that would normally fall under BRI but does not go directly to an NBA team counts toward BRI if it goes to a related party. What’s a related party? According to the CBA, it’s a company owned or controlled by the same person/entity that controls the related NBA team.

Simply, this prevents owners from setting up shell corporations that make all the money while the actual NBA team cries poverty.

But this doesn’t completely close the loophole. What about when NBA owners have only partial stake in a company that would otherwise be considered a third party?


In Brooklyn, for example, Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov owns 80% of the Nets, while real estate developer Bruce Ratner owns 20%. Meanwhile, Ratner owns 55% of the Barclays Center, where the Nets play, and Prokhorov owns 45%. While both entities are entirely owned by the same two men, by the NBA’s definition, the Nets and Barclays Center are not related parties. If they were to engage in any revenue-shifting shenanigans, the players would be helpless to collect their money. They would prefer the Nets and Barclays Center to be considered related parties.

What type of shenanigans? Draper cites Andrew Zimbalist in the The Economics of Sports:

Suppose you are an owner negotiating an arena lease and are given a choice: pay $2 million in rent and receive 50 percent of a projected $4 million in signage income or pay no rent and receive no signage. It might seem that this is a choice between equals, but since the CBA gives 40 percent of signage income to the players, the owner would do better with the second option of no rent/no signage. Lease agreements offer manifold opportunities for such juggling, especially when the arena and team are owned by the same person or entity.

To some extent, the players might just have to live with the definition of related party they agreed to in this CBA. But the CBA also includes barter in BRI, and many of the potential issues Draper raises seem to qualify.

Perhaps, these audits reveal money the players think they’re entitled to. The CBA outlines an arbitration process, which has a three-year statute of limitations on issues brought forward.

It’s three years from the date of the act being questioned or three years from when it “became known or reasonably should have become known” by the side initiating arbitration. If the NBPA audits uncover anything now from more than three years ago, this is where the union’s lack of audits could really hurt it. It seems easy for the NBA to argue the union reasonably should have known of any problems if it had conducted more audits previously.

At minimum, expect the players to fight for a wider definition of related party in the next CBA.

If you’re interested in how this labor battle is unfolding, definitely read Draper’s piece in full, including his analysis of the potential for the Knicks and Madison Square Garden Company to syphon major money from the players.


The best showdowns in sports aren't always on the court or on the field.

This is a very big deal and could impact a potential lock out. Especially if revenue sharing is found or if it's found that funds have been withheld.

Michelle Roberts is admirable in here action here I think. Even if they turn up nothing, and I highly doubt these franchises will be squeaky clean, it's good to keep them honest and do her part for the players best interest ahead of a what will be a very big change in the NBA landscape over the next 2 years.

I hope Silver know that her past is “littered with the bones of men” who were foolish enough to think I was someone they could sleep on."

seriously that line is bad *** enough for a Tarantino movie.
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Still laughing at PP :lol:

at least dude can say they "internally" won the series.

just fax b...

but do you pleighboi.
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