OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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DeAndre doesn't do enough to command 100M Im sorry that's superstar money and if thats what his market is I let him walk 
If I'm LA and you're stuck with what you have, you sign him

If you're a new team there's no way in hell you offer him a max deal. He will get a max deal regardless though
wonder what sign and trade options exist. can't let him walk away. if the Clippers add a couple of better wings they can be effective. just may not have the money/draft picks to make it possible.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP  
 take that avy down until Wednesday...thought we were friends
Put one up of the Kin...

... nevermind. I couldn't even finish the suggestion with a clear conscience.
Plus, if the Kings slip that just gives the teams behind the Lakers an even greater chance to jump past the Lakers and in to the top 3 
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It depends on whether or not Doc is going to offer him the max

Dug his own grave by hyping up jordan calling him not only the dpoy but basically calling him the mvp as well as comparing him to bill russell :smh:. I was trying to think of a nice way to say it but doc is really an idiot
The **** is Chris Paul quoting Ricky Bobby for? Your team just choked and lost a series you should have won. Now you quoting a comedy? That ain't right.
What's Ballmer waiting for, move this team to Seattle already. They are cursed and have no retired jerseys, banners or real tradition that they'd leave behind.

I really wanted the clips to win especially after game 6, but at this point the best thing to do is turn this cursed organization into the Sonics
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Clips have quite a few players who 1) arent nba players (austin too, as much as it pains me to say) 2) out of their actual NBA players, almost half of them are being depended on to do far too much. That is, their roles are too grand, which really shows on the margins

Doc also has mortaged all of the assets, and draft picks. Gotta empty out the pockets if you're balmer and try to acquire some assets.

Because of the aforementionex, resigning deandre is really essential.
people keep getting caught up with terms like "superstar money" that means nothing.

the question ISN'T it worth it to KEEP him, it's is it worth it to LOSE him?
I don't even know what these means. the cap is going up. 100 m on DJ is not a big deal.
I would agree but that's still 3 players with Paul and BG taking up 60 mil. Add Hawes and JJ for the next couple years and it's 79 mil. Even with the cap going up to about 90 in 2016 that still leaves only 11 or so mil. And you have to factor in that salaries in general are going up across the board especially for impact players, 11 mil in 2017 won't get you the same caliber of player(s) it will now. 
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Saw the post gamr conference. Paul looks devastated and Doc said his usual corny stuff. I noticed CPs forehead thinning and the same with blake. These guys are older now.

Guess Harden gonna go strip clubs tonight.
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