Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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at home with the crowd going crazy and with a decent cushion/lead
billy prevented any momentum from getting started
He was quick to catch Klay's energy before it started to really pick up. He already knew where it was going. 
I also thought Kerr should have let Thomposon play more of the 3rd then taking him out in his regular rotation minutes. Dude missed a heat-check 3 but besides that was on.
Dwight still being brought up in helping a team? What year is it :lol:

Teams need to offer him the vet minimum once his greedy *** opts out. He's not a factor anymore and a crybaby.

Whiteside/Biyombo > Dwight right now and its not even close
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Mad props to OKC though. @a-friend believed from the start.

I knew they had the potential on defense but they were never consistent like this ever.

Playing this level puts them over the top.
I mean it's not like you make it easy to ignore your posts in here :lol:. Except when OKC is whipping that Dub ***...

Crazy yo. Dude posts 100 times a day, in this thread, but was just away. We don't believe you, you need more people.

Played ball last night after the game :pimp: can't post while I'm on the court :lol:

Hope you scored more than Steph :lol:

Didn't take more than 4 shots :lol: do it for the cardio now days
Honestly... GSW just needs to start rebounding and a comeback would be entirely possible

The way they are getting worked on the boards is just sad 
Honestly... GSW just needs to start rebounding and a comeback would be entirely possible

The way they are getting worked on the boards is just sad :smh:

They have been out rebounded 196-167 so far :x
Bogut and Draymond getting exposed on the boards
Why would Durrant leave now if they reach the finals and/or win it?

Especially if they beat the Warriors?

I always entertained the high probability we could make a serious run at him and he'd be entertaining it, but after this....I don't see it.
I hope GS turns it around.

I respect okc a great deal. They beat the Spurs and got GS on the ropes. And they're doing that largely without any LeBron ish or Cp3 ish tomfoolery. But I'm just not a fan.
as a defensive coach i would tell the team, look, kd is going to get his. russ too. even if they drop 40 a piece, that's 80 points. However, Dion waiters is NOT going to beat us tonight. Roberson is NOT going to beat us tonight. Adams has been great, but we will make him work harder than he has ever worked.
I don't agree because a 40pt stat line from Westbrook or KD is never "40pts, 0rebs, 0asts, 0stls." If you gamble on "letting them get their's", it impacts more than scoring. Westbrook had a triple double because he was active on the boards and his guys made shots. They'd have more success trying to limit Westbrook. Notice how bad the 2nd unit struggles w/o Westbrook, and with KD heading it...

i mean as far as points.

if you crash the boards and play harder, adams is less effective.

if you tighten up the defense on the guys that russ passes the rock to, his assist numbers come back down. Everything is connected. His assists arent high because he passes the ball. They are high because the guys he passes the ball to make the shots. It's not always practical to cut off the head of the snake..but you can slice that body up to hell and make some kicks out of it.

with the length okc has, it's looks like they're playing with 7 guys out there some times lol.

If GSW is going to still with small ball, they have to be much faster and more precise since they wont get the rebounds if they miss. Only fast player on okc is russ. the rest are average speed, but nobody on gs is using that to their advantage. Like, once adams called them little moneys, they immediately tried to prove they were civilized on some Caesar ****. Bruh, to win, be that monkey. Be fast and annoying. Be everywhere.
the production from the okc role players have been amazing
roberson's activity when they leave him open has been perfect. he isn't stationary and have been very opportunistic
waiters been solid on both ends
their bigs have been active and really dominating the boards

billy giving kd/russ enough breaks and having one of them in the gm at all times
he was quick with the timeout when they were getting real sloppy and taking quick/bad shots to start the second half or when the lead was dwindling

thunder has to be one of the longer teams in the league
w's cant be too careless with the passes. guys were getting hands on the balls way too often last night
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:lol: Why in the world would he wasn't to go to a team they just annihilated. Grand opening, grand closing on this "dynasty".

While I agree with your premise since I just said basically the same thing...these conceptually statements like "dynasty" or that the Warriors all of a sudden wouldn't be good are just silly.

This assumes they can't lure ANY free agent. Winning solves this - and even without a championship - they've been relatively successful since Mark Jackson took over. Like do people expect them to turn into the 6ers or something?
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