Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

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  • Other

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  • Total voters
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i mean as far as points.

if you crash the boards and play harder, adams is less effective.

if you tighten up the defense on the guys that russ passes the rock to, his assist numbers come back down. Everything is connected. His assists arent high because he passes the ball. They are high because the guys he passes the ball to make the shots. It's not always practical to cut off the head of the snake..but you can slice that body up to hell and make some kicks out of it.

with the length okc has, it's looks like they're playing with 7 guys out there some times lol.

If GSW is going to still with small ball, they have to be much faster and more precise since they wont get the rebounds if they miss. Only fast player on okc is russ. the rest are average speed, but nobody on gs is using that to their advantage. Like, once adams called them little moneys, they immediately tried to prove they were civilized on some Caesar ****. Bruh, to win, be that monkey. Be fast and annoying. Be everywhere.
I got cha', good read man.
GSW might WIN the next game,,but they're NOT gonna win the series though :smokin so sorry jumpman from the east bay a.k.a. San Leandro CA.
I maybe a blind GSW fan but I still believe they can win the series. Those mistakes are easily correctable with more focus, they do that they be fine.

Edit: maybe not fine but gives them a great chance to win.
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It's amazing to me how Bogut can be in the regular season and then just gets owned in the playoffs...part of it is style of play, and also of course continually having this "injuries" but man. Common denominator.
I maybe a blind GSW fan but I still believe they can win the series. Those mistakes are easily correctable with more focus, they do that they be fine.

Edit: maybe not fine but gives them a great chance to win.

Hope we get the home cookin calls that OKC got.

Wishful thinkin :lol:
It is wishful thinking because we've done nothing to deserve any such calls. We're not the aggressors, we're not in control...we ain't getting ****.
While I agree with your premise since I just said basically the same thing...these conceptually statements like "dynasty" or that the Warriors all of a sudden wouldn't be good are just silly.

This assumes they can't lure ANY free agent. Winning solves this - and even without a championship - they've been relatively successful since Mark Jackson took over. Like do people expect them to turn into the 6ers or something?

Nah but it could be a one hit wonder like Dallas was a few years ago. They'll be in the mix cause they're set up great cap wise thanks to Steph making peanuts, but the invincibility cloak is just about completely gone at this point. And they'll start to have players leave.
I maybe a blind GSW fan but I still believe they can win the series. Those mistakes are easily correctable with more focus, they do that they be fine.

Edit: maybe not fine but gives them a great chance to win.
The thing is that they have to turn the ball over less and get more rebounds
But idk
Thunder matchup is probably too great to overcome
If GS had some kind of slasher they'd be in much better shape. Okc are really good at being big and defending the perimeter. One slasher would change that real quick.

Steph should be punishing them for giving him the paint but he's missing all these gimmes lol
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Nah but it could be a one hit wonder like Dallas was a few years ago. They'll be in the mix cause they're set up great cap wise thanks to Steph making peanuts, but the invincibility cloak is just about completely gone at this point. And they'll start to have players leave.

But this assumes they don't replenish or that they don't evolve their own system which changes when the coaching staff changes.

I expect them to compete every year and be in the mix - I expect, obviously, production in the regular season to scale back, but their ultimate goal was home court. They needed damn near the whole season to get it with how the Spurs were playing.
All these claims about Curry being hurt are coming out now down 3-1 after they claimed he was good to go and rushing him back
. Should've rested him the whole series if that's the case
  But Curry said, "He's back, He's here."   What happened? 

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If GS had some kind of slasher they'd be in much better shape. Okc are really good at being big and defending the perimeter. One slasher would change that real quick.

Barnes actually was doing a good job of that early on - he did a couple back door cuts and otherwise found himself near the hoop.

Then we tried all these stupid entry passes or otherwise lazy passes that were tipped or stolen and we couldn't get going.
I hope GS turns it around.

I respect okc a great deal. They beat the Spurs and got GS on the ropes. And they're doing that largely without any LeBron ish or Cp3 ish tomfoolery. But I'm just not a fan.

Is it because Russy is what Deitrick should've been absent the injuries?
If GS had some kind of slasher they'd be in much better shape. Okc are really good at being big and defending the perimeter. One slasher would change that real quick.

Steph should be punishing then for giving him the paint but he's missing all these gimmes lol
Livingston, Barnes, and Iggy are supposed to be those guys
But Adams and Ibaka has done a good job patrolling the paint
If GS had some kind of slasher they'd be in much better shape. Okc are really good at being big and defending the perimeter. One slasher would change that real quick.

thunder doing a great job staying in front of their guys. steph couldnt really shake the defender when he had the bigs switched on him. think adams blocked him a couple times already this series. even when someone gets beat, you have to finish over all that length. okc going straight up and putting their hands up already makes it tough and throw in that weak side defender
even if you dish it off, bogut and ezeli having a hard time finishing. if they go to the foul line, it's split at best
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regardless of what happens, this summer, long as gsw keeps the core, they can add more pieces that can make them better. steph and klay will still be greatest shooters ever next year. draymond will put in work this summer. I'm sure they'll retool. The owners got that guap and aint afraid to spend it.

I do think they can pull this out. The issue is they havn't pull any pressure on okc yet. So it hasn't forced them to make any mistakes and go back to who they were. This is still new for okc. if you lean on them a little bit I bet we'd see some more iso's again. Everything is too easy right now, so the plan is still the plan.
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