Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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It'll be a disappointment for sure but nowhere near the level of GS. They are playing with house money right now, very few expected them to even beat SA, let alone dominate GS the east they have. OKC hasn't been proclaimed to be the greatest team of all time nor have the first unanimous MVP who's getting thoroughly outplayed by his counterpart. It's looking like one of the most epic collapses in sports history with the way they're going out.
It will be the biggest choke job if they don't win the title

73-9 and no title? Turrrible

We slander teams for having great regular seasons and not doing a damn thing in theplayoffs

They got the record. No excuses. If they fail they deserve the slander

Here's the thing tho..

Say okc does win...but then loses to the cavs...

wouldnt that be just as big of a disappointment?

Smashing the 67 win Spurs and the 73 win Dubs only to lose to the eastern conference? I feel like that would take a lot of the sting out of the warriors losing if the thunder also lose.

Now if the thunder win the chip, then they're the chosen ones. And because winning titles are so hard, it shows that they are just a really good squad and ready for dominance.

I just have a harder time roasting a team for what they did in the regular season since I feel like that and the playoffs are completely unrelated.

It's because for the last half of the season everyone thought it was a forgone conclusion including all the GSW players. They way they acted and all their cockiness. It's why people kill Lebron when he loses. Trust me OKC winning the chip or not, if GSW doesn't get to the finals they never live it down. Also you can blame the people saying they'd torch the 96 bulls and Curry was the next Jordan. We are now seeing that's far from the truth. After seeing OKC take them like this the Bulls sweep them right out the building.
It's a shame not all grown up members have the maturity and humility to put differences aside, hold themselves accountable for their actions/words, and make peace with others to increase the positive vibes around our community. :nerd:

But nice job Ska and Captain, way to show peeps how its done. :smokin
It's because for the last half of the season everyone thought it was a forgone conclusion including all the GSW players. They way they acted and all their cockiness. It's why people kill Lebron when he loses. Trust me OKC winning the chip or not, if GSW doesn't get to the finals they never live it down. Also you can blame the people saying they'd torch the 96 bulls and Curry was the next Jordan. We are now seeing that's far from the truth. After seeing OKC take them like this the Bulls sweep them right out the building.

If GSW does not win it. Man, this would be the biggest choke job in sports. They will never hear the end of it! :rofl:
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^^^^ That's Mike though. He is too loved in the media and fans, that no matter what he would do people would forget about it. He's the goat :smokin
Are we gonna make a new thread for the Finals? I think OP is doing a great job with this one.
It's because for the last half of the season everyone thought it was a forgone conclusion including all the GSW players. They way they acted and all their cockiness. It's why people kill Lebron when he loses. Trust me OKC winning the chip or not, if GSW doesn't get to the finals they never live it down. Also you can blame the people saying they'd torch the 96 bulls and Curry was the next Jordan. We are now seeing that's far from the truth. After seeing OKC take them like this the Bulls sweep them right out the building.

even Klay Thompson's own dad on LA sports radio said if they don't win the title after going 73-9 they will never hear the end of it, social media will kill them
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@a-friend guessin the mood around town has changed slightly since I asked prior to 3rd game
Ah I've been in TX man, but I'm sure it's changed for the better.

I might sneak in to the Local Pub and watch if I'm not too tired once I get back. 

See what those suckers have to say now, and collect one of my many free tabs I have coming.
It's a shame not all grown up members have the maturity and humility to put differences aside, hold themselves accountable for their actions/words, and make peace with others to increase the positive vibes around our community.

But nice job Ska and Captain, way to show peeps how its done.
Such a dope virtue.

Never be to good to admit defeat, or apologize for clown ****. 

Difference between Men and Boys really.
even Klay Thompson's own dad on LA sports radio said if they don't win the title after going 73-9 they will never hear the end of it, social media will kill them

as they should. it adds fuel to the discussion about how unprecedented their luck was last season in the playoffs. winning 73 meant nothing even when it happened, everyone was watching kobe drop 60 :lol: :smokin
even Klay Thompson's own dad on LA sports radio said if they don't win the title after going 73-9 they will never hear the end of it, social media will kill them

as they should. it adds fuel to the discussion about how unprecedented their luck was last season in the playoffs. winning 73 meant nothing even when it happened, everyone was watching kobe drop 60 :lol: :smokin

Hahah. Totally. Kobe putting up 60 far more entertaining than seeing 73 wins.
I think you can't beat the Dubs 3x in a row. This is the best team of all time, they only lost 9 times in ~8 months or however long the season is. At their own arena with the best fans in the league, Steph and Klay going for 30 each, just need about 15 from an Iggy or Barnes. Speights always relatively kills the Thunder with his open midrange jumper makeability, he can't post up even Randy Foye though and got baited into that "mismatch" a few times, but again they're at home tonight. Everything they throw up will go in. They win tonight convincingly and take it back to OKC with something to think about
Jordan would be treated like Kobe if social media existed back then

As you guys like to call them, jordan Stans are in denial.

Not sure if some of you live in fantasy land. Your precious Jordan ain't exempt from slander. He would be toast in the world we live in now. If you young black rich and famous you got a target on your back

Sure we had media back then, but the discussion and hivemind between hundreds of thousands of people is far more prominent now. The Jordan slander in the Internet of Things era would be endless. Guys already try to discredit Kobe's 2010 year because he had Bynum/Gasol and his other 4 rings because he had Shaq. LeBron is always criticized for being on super teams too. Can you imagine how much people would discredit Jordan because of his team or how he never would've gotten anywhere without Pippen?
Not even tryna be funny but does anyone genuinely idolize Lebron? I feel like I've never heard anyone say Lebron is their idol
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