Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

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  • San Antonio Spurs

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  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

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  • Miami Heat

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  • Other

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"Back in my day we didn't used misleading stats and emotional arguments to hate on a guy...well we did but we put more effort into it than you young cats, more PRIDE we rolled up our sleeves before we typed on the Netscape Navigator " 
salute the OGs
Diamond Leung [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@diamond83

Oscar Robertson to SiriusXM: "I think (Draymond Green) can do certain things because of what Thompson and Curry has been doing all yr long."
12:30 PM - 26 May 2016

Diamond Leung [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@diamond83

Oscar Robertson to SiriusXM on vocal Draymond Green "You talk & you talk & you talk, u eventually got to get in there & throw some punches."
12:40 PM - 26 May 2016

Diamond Leung [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@diamond83

Oscar Robertson to SiriusXM: "Green's a good player, but he does not have the abil to go over & above what he needs to do to be successful."
12:29 PM - 26 May 2016

LOL, I thought the Big O was on point. What was he wrong about regarding Dray?

Because you can take anything he says and apply it to any team/player. Let's start:
1) Dray can only do certain things because of Curry/Klay. How is this different from what Russ/KD allow do? Got Dion Waiters and Roberson looking like All Stars...why do you think that is?
2) He talks? Ok, yes, but he's talked since day 1 and that's in his DNA. What's the point of the statement? He's had a ****** series, BY HIS OWN ACCOUNT. He needs to up his play but he's never going to shut up because that's not who he is. I am NOT comparing him to Gary Payton, but you don't think the Glove had bad games/series but talked mountains of ****? Where's Big O's perspective on that?
3) I'm not even sure what this means. He's taken over games - lesser so in the playoffs, but besides the Thunder series, he's been fine. So again, this is more so about how tough of a match up OkC has been proven to be than anything really that isolated to Green.
A lot of teams aren't in the wcf with their 3rd 'star' failing to step up. Its true Steph and klay make life easier for Dray.

Drays talk appears cheap at this point. Big o is rich again. The Glove been home for years no reason for big o to talk about gp's non stop mouth.

I can't say I'm real familiar with drays game but have yet to see him take over a game in my time watching him. He's got, or can have a few chances to prove this wrong. I picked GS to win this by the way...
KD is going to murk today since they put "system player" and "I can only dunk and play a woman in commercials" and LeBron James over him on the 1st team
As long as he doesn't go over board with the Ball handling and distributing he can murk away.

Dray guaranteeing wins again. Man he needs to just go play. Don't put that kind of pressure on yourself.
If they don't make it thru this, 73 wins IMO still gives validity to their chip and core as a hole but a disappointing season.

I don't think losing this is in any way a knock on what they've achieved or their validity, but we're going to get there tho...   
How do regular wins give validity to a playoff achievement?
RW and KD are hungry close this series out. GSW is really gonna play around and be down 3-1?  And IF they get blown out tonight what are you goes gonna say? people say curry isn't healthy which he is if he's gonna fool around and pull 360 dunks pre game. I think his psyche is merked. The cockiness killed the their poise. This is why a lot of teams don't repeat.
Relax, they'll win. They are just doing this to be dramatic. They are that good. They are going to rattle off 3 straight victories. It's like when Kobe was in high school and was known for letting his team get behind so he could play hero and score 30 straight and bring them back and win. They are toying with us

Ooooo :nerd:
RW and KD are hungry close this series out. GSW is really gonna play around and be down 3-1?  And IF they get blown out tonight what are you goes gonna say? people say curry isn't healthy which he is if he's gonna fool around and pull 360 dunks pre game. I think his psyche is merked. The cockiness killed the their poise. This is why a lot of teams don't repeat.

All this right here. If they get blown out tonight by 20+ like the last two games, Under Armour gonna go out of business.
GSW losing because cocky under armour put out leaked pics of a championship, 73-9, and gold medal Curry 2.

Nike would never make a celebratory shoe for LeBron or Kyrie unless they already won the title.
Relax, they'll win. They are just doing this to be dramatic. They are that good. They are going to rattle off 3 straight victories. It's like when Kobe was in high school and was known for letting his team get behind so he could play hero and score 30 straight and bring them back and win. They are toying with us

Ooooo :nerd:
**** is as scripted as the WWF. Look, OKC happens to be the worst team at retaining leads all season, has 2 superstars who don't like each other, in a small market, Adam Silver don't want KD to be in little ol' Oklahoma City. The Warriors are the best team ever and going to get everyone to doubt then prove it (I mean who on that 96 Bulls team guards Draymond? c'mon b) handily. This also results in KD jumping to LA/NY or some other big market in free agency. OKC will get some poo poo consolation platter like Barnes or David Lee (depending on where KD goes) or DAngelo and Randle to keep us just relevant enough to sell out and get ratings while Russ 2Pac Me Against The World's it in the 16/17 season and wins the MVP before he dips for less pastures, OKC stays in that basketball purgatory a lot of teams are in where they can't be good enough to win but can't be bad enough to get picks and no FAs want to come here, until the team is moved back to some city that is missing its former NBA team and needs one, like Cincinnati or Kansas City. The end.
How do regular wins give validity to a playoff achievement?
73 wins does give them some credit as the best team in the league last year? If they hadn't had a great RS, would it not have gave more credibility to idea that their run was mostly due to luck and injury?

some validity =/= proof, but it means something right?
Patrick Ewing was the 2nd best center in Sonics history behind Jerome James. Ditto Hakeem with the Raptors. Only Antonio Davis was better
GSW losing because cocky under armour put out leaked pics of a championship, 73-9, and gold medal Curry 2.
Nike would never make a celebratory shoe for LeBron or Kyrie unless they already won the title. :pimp:

you gotta be trolling or facetious. shoes are made hella in advance with the assumption event a happens.

we saw hella champ pack bron pix during the heat days before anything was won.

nike would just change the name of the kicks and the reasoning behind them if he failed to deliver. UA would probably do the same.

The gold medal is happening though no matter what happens.
This made me :rofl:

Now just wait one second here.

I can understand Gary repeating the same, old, stale refrain (after all,
how many canned phrases can one program have?). But this bit about
"Scott being down", Jim, I didn't expect from you.

Look, everybody. Us Laker fans are happy. Really we are.

Scott, Ed, I, and the other Laker fans on the net have just been pretending
to whine to keep everybody out there in the dark. But I've just heard
that Scott Ostler has made the natural transition from the National to
the National Enquirer, and is leaking the story. So we might as well
out with it.

The truth of the matter is that the Finals were fixed. Magic and the
Lakers let Chicago win. Yes, Magic felt sorry for his poor friend
Michael Jordan and let him win so he'd no longer have to go through
the humiliation of being such a loser. Just like the year the Lakers
let Philadelphia beat them so Dr. J could finally get his ring.

James Worthy and Byron Scott were in on it -- you guys didn't
actually think those sissy injuries were real, did you? Ha. What
a laugh. The only player that wasn't in on it was Vlade, who couldn't
understand what "feex the game" meant.

So, as you can see, us Laker fans are really happy with the way
things turned out. Especially after the Lakers won game 1 in Chicago
to prove who the truly dominant team was before letting MJ have
his day.

Pretty much a perfect season for the Lakers: start out the season
with everybody predicting them to finish somewhere below Purdue in
the Western Division, perfecting the system of the new coach,
blowing away all the other "dominating" (but in actuality pathetic)
Western teams in the playoffs, and finally letting the classy (if
overrated) Michael Jordan finally win something important for once
in his life.

The beauty of it all almost brings me to tears.

- Trent Lange

* UCLA Computer Science: Get a Ph.D. in ten years, or your money back. *

If they don't make it thru this, 73 wins IMO still gives validity to their chip and core as a hole but a disappointing season.

I don't think losing this is in any way a knock on what they've achieved or their validity, but we're going to get there tho...   

Are you nuts?

The entire team will NEVER be able to live this down. For the rest of their lives, people will ALWAYS mention how they won 73 games and didn't win the championship. MJ said it best, "73 wins is great, just don’t forget the ring".

On top of all that, they didn't even get to the NBA Finals. I hope they don't make it, just so I can say I lived through this **** :lol:
Teams up 3-1 in the conference finals on the road for Game 5 are 7-15 in that game, but have won 20 of 22 series.
Andrew Millar wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Brian wrote:
> There's only one problem ice hockey is boring, and basketball is
> interesting, so MJ is the best
that logic is so ridiculously faulted, that I am sure not even *you* are
stupid enough to believe it... but if you want to talk about boring
sports, any and all conversations begin and end with the NBA... this
sport has become a pathetic shadow of what it once was during the glory
days... virtually every game, a new record for "all time fewest point
scored in..." is being set... and don't give me that "good defense"
crap - the reason why scoring is down all over the NBA is because the
talent pool is rapidly being depleted by over-expansion, poor work
ethics by young stars, and a complete inability to actually shoot with
any degree of accuracy.

enjoy the last breed of talented NBA athletes while they are still
here... once the "old guard" (Jordan, Pippen, Malone, Stockton,
Robinson) are gone, the NBA will be a joke - left in the incapable hands
of Shaquille, Iverson, Mourning, Coleman, etc...

Damn the forums were lit back then
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