Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

Stats like that pull me back, but unless he makes huge improvements in the offseason, he's still 2 years away from being 2 years away to me.
There was never very much substance to the hype that surrounded him in the first place to me
I mean he was (is) leading the NCAA in scoring and assists as a freshman while shooting the ball efficiently from the field and 3 while Oklahoma was a top 10 team in the country at the time despite a garbage supporting cast. Idk how that is not "substance." He didn't shoot up draft boards for no reason.
you're really stuck on his offense, when my main issue is his lack of defense. Jimmer could've been a Lou Will type off the bench, but Jimmer can't play D at all. that's my concern with Trae.
Never tried to claim he is or will ever be lockdown. But size/athletically he really isnt much different from Steph Curry at all. If he can live up to his offensive potential then he will be able to make up for his deficiencies on D. In this day and age great offensive PGs like Steph, Lillard, Kyrie, Isaiah, Rose, etc. have all been able to become all-stars despite meh defense because of their offensive gifts. Trae can do the same. Not saying he will, the draft is a crapshoot and he does have high "bust potential" compared to most other top prospects this year, but he can.

Again, Jimmer was MUCH less athletic than all of those guys including Trae, and he could never have been Lou Will because Lou Will is one of the more athletic guards in the game while Jimmer was slow and didnt have a diverse enough offensive game to shoot off the dribble and beat NBA defenders off the dribble to get inside the paint. So idk what you are talking about saying he could have been Lou Will if he played better D, he was never even close to as good/diverse of an offensive threat as Lou Will in the NBA. If he was, he would have stuck around.

As I just went over, Trae doesn't have those same problems on offense. And again, Jimmer dominated as a senior, Trae is a true freshman. That means something as well. So sure, I never once said he'll be a + defender, but that's could also be less of a factor if we drafted Trae because of Frank also.

I'm not saying Trae is the next Steph Curry but it's 100% more likely he becomes a Steph Curry type NBA player than it is he'll be out of the league within 5 years like Jimmer.
Trae needs some off ball chances to really let his game shine. At Oklahoma he always had the ball in his hands, with someone like Frank, Trae can get his opportunities to run off of screens, spot up and other things which should help out his efficiency a lot.
Frank & Porzingis would help Young a lot on defense.

If Trae falls to 9th I feel like it's too much potential to pass up on.
Frank & Porzingis would help Young a lot on defense.

If Trae falls to 9th I feel like it's too much potential to pass up on.
If Trae and Mikal are still on the board I’m taking Mikal

Trae’s stock been dropping for the better part of the year and when he no shows in his one and done tournament game he’ll drop another couple spots I think

My prediction is that come draft time he’ll deifnitely be available at 8/9 but I still wouldn’t touch him
Trae may or may not become Steph 2.0. I agree that we should take Mikal or a number of other potentially available top prospects ahead of him when that time comes. But what I do know with absolute certainty is that if there ever was or ever will be anyone like Steph Curry ever again (may never be), he would never come into the League without people doubting him for the same exact reasons (size, strength, athleticism, defense, not a true PG, wont score the same way vs NBA defenders) they are doubting Trae today and once doubted Steph himself.

That style of play has too many flaws and question marks attached to it to come into the League as a sure thing, compared to pretty much any other NBA superstar you can compare a prospect to. Trae is definitely the closest we have seen thus far though since Steph. Without a doubt.
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Updated Tankathon mock draft

Lowest we will possibly end up is 6. No way this team gets into he top 5. My prediction is we jump the Bulls and Nets and end up with 7.

Updated mock has us taking Sexton one pick after Trae and one pick before Mikal.
i would take sexton over trae and mikal... but knowing our luck we wont draft him either cuz he goes before our pick or we draft another project again this year
We definitely have the ability to move up....

Kings have games remaining against the Hawks, Mavs, Suns, Grizzlies
Mavs have games remaining against the Knicks, Nets, Kings, Magic, Suns
Nets have games remaining against the Mavs, Grizz, Magic, Chicago (x2)
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How old is Gasol now? Gotta be on the decline.

He’s not exactly young but he’s averaging 17/8 currently which is pretty damn good for a center in today’s NBA. I don’t see how they could pass on Doncic when they can get a good 2-3 more years out of Gasol and if Conley can miraculously stay healthy they’re in decent shape
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