Official 2017 Knicks Offseason thread, Phil Jackson gone

This team is trash.

The Triangle is an antiquated system that places us at a severe disadvantage in the modern NBA. Phil cares more about elevating his own philosophy than he does actually putting together a foundation. He will continue to meddle and make us run sets that make no sense and we will chuck up mid-range jumper after mid-range jumper.

Defensively :x

Brandon Jennings, as I told y'all last week, sucks. The bench overall will be horrible this year.

Noah is my guy and will help KP develop and team culture overall but he's shell of himself and will be lucky to play 60 games.

I just hope this is the year Melo realizes that a split is best for both parties. It's the KP era now and we need to focus on getting young guys for him to play with for the rest of his career. Also just want to see him get the chance to play on a contender for his last couple years of relevancy.

Amazing that you got all of this from our first preseason game :rofl:
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Amazing that you got all of this from our first preseason game :rofl:

He's been saying this for weeks. This one game just reiterated his beliefs.

When we start to get chemistry going and end the season as a top 4 team in the east I'm gonna love to see him sing a different tune
Rose & Jennings got to the rim at will.

Only a matter of time before they start finishing or making a pass once they get comfortable.
Saw bits and pieces of the game last night while at the gym. I liked how our offense was moving and the high percentage shots we took. Melo and KP were off, but you have to be encouraged with Rose & Jennings aggressiveness to attack the basket. Courtney Lee's defense on Harden was also a job well done. I caught back to back possessions where Lee stripped Harden twice, but couldn't get the turnover. I liked seeing him guarding the other team's best defender. He seems to understand his role the best out of everyone on the team. He's an exceptional "3 and D" guy.

The team is still obviously learning this new system and getting acclimated playing with eachother as well. Albeit, we took a pretty bad loss, it was only a preseason game and there was a lot to taken away from last night.
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I few take-away's from last night:

  • Hernangomez is NBA ready and will eventually be ahead of O'Quinn in the rotation. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up playing alongside KP at some point. The way he moves on the court and catches passes around the basket is beautiful. He has nice footwork and soft hands.
  • I like how Rose moves on court, but I'd be lying if I said I was nervous every time he falls to the ground and crosses his legs.
  • Is it me or has KP gotten a little quicker than last year?
  • Plumlee has a lot of potential. Especially with his ability to finish around the rim.
  • We didn't exclusively run the triangle last night. There were times we'd enter into the fundamental principles of the triangle, but I don't think we exclusively ran it.
  • Justin Holiday looked VERY good out there. I like his intensity on the defensive side of the ball.
  • Our bench isn't so bad. We just need a PF or a SF if we want to play small and put Lance at the 4.

Also, there is no way we can pass judgement on this team after just 1 preseason game. We shot an abysmal 40% from the field last night taking 96 shots. Many of which, were high percentage shots which we didn't convert. I'd be encouraged if I were a Knicks fan, because you have to believe those shots will eventually go in.
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Why do I have to believe those shots will go in?

Brandon Jennings shots like 36% last year, those shots aren't going to go in. Our offensive sparkplug off the bench is really Justin Holiday which is probably not a good sign.

I love the Knicks to death but I just don't get the continual optimism you guys have year after year with this team.

KP is our best player already though so that's a good thing.
Bro if u think we're collectively gonna miss all those open shots and only KP and Rose will shoot efficiently from the floor and everyone else will brick EVERYTHING doom and gloom has to be your middle name
These are NBA players we're talking about here.

Guys in the league are good at taking and making low percentage tough shots. You think they're going to consistently miss high percentage shots? Especially when your chances of converting those shots are probably as good as 50-55%?

Brandon Jennings will be fine. He's shot 39% for his career, but in this offense he will have a lot of good looks at the basket.
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I like Willy's footwork, touch around the basket, and how he moves without the ball. But his PnR defense is piss poor and he seems kinda soft. Hopefully with some experience under his belt he'll learn because the IQ is there.
I was wondering if it was me :rofl: I watched the kid Willy and wondered where the player that was a better/cheaper DWill was... :frown: its pre season so I gave him a pass and didn't say anything
how many of y'all were on suicide watch last night? :smh:

its the FIRST PRESEASON game. y'all need to chill.
Thred was funny last night :lol: I don't even think ill be able to care until the first 1/4 of the season is done. It's a process...
Man I'm not gunna lie I am actually a bit worried *cue kid cudi instrumental* don't eem care if its just one preseason game.

I hope we get the Melo from our one season we were actually good. Where dude wasn't dancing and chucking long 2s unless he was feeling it and played more efficiently. But dude is old and those bad habits might just be a part of him. Son will have to evolve and transition his game this season like we've seen many great players do before. It also seems being Mr. USA did nothing for him to gain any respect from refs because he was officiated just as unfairly as ever.

I'm also worried that Noah is THAT important, like that season where chicken legs got DPOY and we were giving up 25 more points without him. Even if we were playoff bound, our seeding would be lowered because you sense that Noah will be rested for the playoffs.

The team needs to realize Kristaps' greatness he has in him and needs to do their best to get him to emerge. Another instance where Noah is important because dude is a nasty interior passer, and is truly an unselfish team player, but once again the odds are dude will be MIA for parts of the season. I'm not sure the other dudes see da young budding phenom in Kristaps to run plays for him as often as they should to get him going. And I'm not sure if they're ready to move and make way for him to be the guy, because they might be super team prime superstars still in their own minds.

In addition to the normal Knick reasons, this team is going to have me on edge because of the injury prone players and their playing styles. When you see how hard and aggressively Rose attacks the basket contorting himself, you just feel it's not sustainable and that human beings aren't meant to be able to do that. Jennings is also a rail thin dude who attacks the basket fast and worries me.

"Billy" needs to go through an intense Joakim Noah big man camp before the season starts because son looked like food defending the interior. Wouldn't be surprised if he winds up being a "he giveth he taketh" type player word to Clyde.

I actually like Jennings and his enthusiasm. Dude is without a doubt a better pure PG than Rose. He has real PG vision and ability to make a quick pass for a dime. He sucks at shooting, but if he can find himself in the rotation with more starters that won't be an issue. A third string PG on the roster would be invaluable for us to push BJ up the pecking order, and as an insurance policy. I always thought of it the other way around, but I'd love to see some Jennings as the PG and Rose playing off the ball.

As stated, KOQ is trash but dudes contract isn't the worst in this market. His trashness will be less noticeable when Joakim is back (damn this dude is important in too many ways and so much depends on his health.)

Another concern I have is the modern NBA is about playing very direct and getting as many easy buckets as possible. And we seem to have a lot of guys that have it ingrained in them to do things the hard way. This teams' X-factor for me aside from the obvious of health, is will they be able to get easy scores. In transition, layups, threes, etc. Last night we didn't see any of that. This is one thing I won't look too deeply into because it was just the first preseason game and will take time, but it was a little bit disheartening for them to not even show a single flash of resembling Hornceck's Suns or even attempting to resemble them.

Obviously the team isn't nearly as bad as they looked last night. A lot of dudes are working themselves back into game shape and need to find their confidence/belief and rhythm back.

I think we also gotta give props to Harden and Pringles. It was their first preseason game too and they also have a new coach and many new faces. Harden opted to not play with USA and came out focused and Pringles had the innovation to change his role. This can pay massive dividends for the Rockets because dude is a baller and clearly worked in the offseason on something other than drawing fouls. Son has a natural feel for the game and could have a big season. Andersen will never be that open in a regular season game though :lol:

And yes this is all just off 1 preseason game, come at me brahs.
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I been here many regular seasons before, it's very rare I summon my inner gr8 :lol:
After we kill the nets on Friday you'll see a bunch of "da Knicks are back" "melo gaawwd byke" "kp da realist"
The Knicks could have a terrible season but above all else I can't stand losing to the Nets. We gotta go 4-0 against them 
we so fickle though huh :lol:

im not really worried... its game 1 of the season which is pretty much a meaningless game... ill wait until noah is back and then judge us... but from what i saw last night i was impressed... rose can create his own shot and get to the basket at will, jennings can penetrate and dish, KP with the crossover and then jumper and mingus is money on the fast break... this team will be good once the chemistry is right :pimp:
I dont think players take preseason very serious. Some do but some dont. Take it as a grain.
We played at a pace of 107 possesions/48 mins last night compared to 97.2 last season
waive d-rose


amnesty joakim

tell jennings the team is his & let him chuck up 30 shots a night

top 3 pick secured 

get josh jackson and flourish 
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