Official 2017 Knicks Offseason thread, Phil Jackson gone

I really hope we send Carmelo to Cleveland so he can get that ring. The Knicks will never win **** in my lifetime.
You don't want to keep that pipeline going 
dont even need to have a top 5 pick the next few years... just need to draft well and be lucky the picks work out... look at the warriors for example
im not even trying to argue bro im just exhausted. i saw "its not melos fault" and blanked. i dont care to go back and quote anything. i think we're more or less in agreement anyway, this team is trash

it's all good, and i understand your frustration. EVERYONE in a Knick uniform is to blame. not Phil, not Horny, not Rambis. they're not on the court playing lazy defense. we are losing for ONE simple reason...lack of effort on defense on EVERY play. there are times when they do play good team defense, but most of the time they're not.

Give Joe Johnson the same minutes and free reign to take as many shots as he wants and its identical lol the point isnt that JJ is a bum, hes not, but hes not a franchise player either, clearly. 

but ya'll keep caping

no one is caping for Melo dude. you're going a bit far with the Joe Johnson comparison. granted, neither have accomplished much in terms of championships and MVPs, but Melo is still a HOFer.
those tweets :smokin

still don't understand why the dude gets the brunt of everything. :smh:

he has to hit 4 buzzer beaters, drop a triple double, dance at every timeout, introduce the team and clean up the Garden after every game to get SOME love here :smh:

stupid ....
Melo's a good dude, he needs to get out for his sake because he is going to be continually annoyed at this bs
sucks, dude will wind up going somewhere else and win and but will get zero credit cause he ain't do it here. unless he absolutely dominates, which he is capable of but we'll never see it cause this city wants it every second of the game.

this press wants it every shot he takes. these athletes make what they make because they were more dedicated at it than anyone else but at the end they're humans, with feelings .... i sound so suspect right now :rofl:

real talk tho ...
Arod won a chip but if u can remember as hot as he was when he finally got there, Matsui upstaged him with the hr's.

true Matsui deserved the attention but Arod got no love. dude carried us in those playoffs but it was his job, we're paying him enough :smh:

Melo would get the exact same treatment. dude could average 40 10 assist's and Ron Baker would get MVP and NY legend status for hittin 3 4th qtr 3's in the clincher ....
I think with enough venom from the media and fans he'll eventually leave and it won't look bad on him because it'll appear as if he was forced out.
Went to the game today, anyone saying g we lost because of melo is way off.

1. The rose experiment better be over at the end of this year. From awful passes to missed layups. His basketball IQ is terrible. Not saying g much for a guy that couldn't take his SATs. His defense defense is compensable to melos when it is a game melo is mailing in. Schrodder destroyed him.

2. As much I like O'Quinn he was absolutely terrible today, especially on defense. Humphries was wide open on 3 three pointers when koq was supposed to be guarding him.

3. Overall comment besides Fire rambis.

4. Courteney Lee needs to do something. Ddillidnt bring much to the table today.

We should have won today, that might be it for the year. Hopefully we can get a solid pg and a lottery pick. I think we have some good pieces but we need another starter or 2 to be contenders. I would keep: Kp, Melo, KUZ, Holiday, Lee, koq, and maybe Noah and baker for bench players. Say what you want about noah, he hasn't been awful of late. He had around 15 boards or so today so I can't fault him.
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