Official 2017 Knicks Offseason thread, Phil Jackson gone

Honestly this fcking franchise killing me man. If we trade KP I think I'm taking a break for a while because they obviously just never want to win.
Started watching the Knicks religiously in 1999 and went through a bunch of dysfunctional years. After these past two years I've experienced as a Knick fan, If KP is traded that would be it. The cherry on top. Sixers or Bucks here I come because I cant support this ****.

The NBA/Dolan need to somehow intervene to stop this mess.

Unfortunately bro your not gonna be able to do that, your heart belongs to the Knicks. I wish I could've been a spurs fan a long time ago but it ain't that easy and I actually genuinely like them.
When will yall realize this was Phil's angle all along? He really hates the Knicks. All along. And this was the best way to kill us. Inside Job
When will yall realize this was Phil's angle all along? He really hates the Knicks. All along. And this was the best way to kill us. Inside Job

Literally the only things that makes sense.

Ohh yeah... And get paid millions to do it. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] BY the franchise you're killing.

We all knew how shrewd this man was... Always speaking in codes...

Man F a legacy. I got 10+ rings.

I'm about to die with 60 extra MMs in the bank.

When it's all said and done, 15 years from now people won't be thinking about his sub par tenure with the Knicks. They'll think about them rings.

He knows that. His future generations will be forever good, in exchange for 2 years of slander...

Shoot I'd do it too
As it should. Scoring 70 points is not easy so ya that puts Booker at an elite level. But I would still keep KP over him. The only thing I can think of besides missing the exit meeting is Phil is not confident KP can take over this team once melo leaves. He has put up good numbers in only 2 years but he's not consistent which is what concerns me. Reminds me of Gallo really good player but can't play well consistently.
Bruh did we forget that KP was supposed to be a project player who needed 3-4 years to develop? He's going to be better than anyone in this organization could have imagined. I'm not wiling to risk that future for anything uncertain at this time.
I don't want Booker, he's not worth KP. He's solid but fools getting caught up over that one game. **** that ****.
I think Melo will be gone after tomorrow and hopefully we get picks for him

KP isn't going anywhere. stop it 5

What team do you think Melo WOULD waive his clause for and what Deal do you expect?

Ship him off to a contending team for second round picks and build from there. If I was Melo, I would waive the clause. Why stay after all the BS going on?!

Possible suitors:
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I'm scared guys...

I can't see it happening. No way you get equal value, just the "zen master" pushing buttons. Which is dangerous with these new NBA dudes, but I just can't see it.
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I really don't care who the GM/president is as long as Dolan is the owner

The man does not care about winning games.

What if the GM/President was given full control, like Phil currrently has? Dolan isnt selling the Knicks ever. Its too big of a cash cow. One of the most lucrative franchises in all of sports.
As a Jets fan, yes, yes there is.

I mean the owner is a moron but at least he's not an ******* [emoji]127998[/emoji]‍♂️

What if the GM/President was given full control, like Phil currrently has? Dolan isnt selling the Knicks ever. Its too big of a cash cow. One of the most lucrative franchises in all of sports.

I don't think he'll hire someone that isn't a narcissist
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