Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Love is a GREAT 3rd option. Just happens to be a not so great fit against the Warriors, especially now that they have KD.
"Possession by possession, there are a few defenders who are as bad as Wiggins. When Wiggins contests a shot, opponents have a 56.1 effective field goal percentage; when they are unguarded, they have a 56.4 eFG percentage. Fundamentally, getting a shot up against Andrew Wiggins is the same as getting an open shot."
I still don't think you understand how the salary cap works. Teams generally end up going into the luxury tax when they have to re-sign players that are already on their team to bigger contracts. I'm almost positive that they wouldn't have had the cap space to add Kevin Love to what they already had in place, if Wiggins were there.
almost positive or positive, they had 28 million tied up in thompson, shump, n mosgov alone going into love's free agency year
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Is it me or do HS players look MUCH younger these days than they did back in the day?

Idk what it is but every tim I watch an old NBA, game I be thinking the players are like 35. You ever see Karl Malone at 25? He looked 41. People used to look old as **** :lol:
Idk what it is but every tim I watch an old NBA, game I be thinking the players are like 35. You ever see Karl Malone at 25? He looked 41. People used to look old as **** :lol:
some people are just like that . Greg oden always looked like a late 30 year old . even when he was in college .
This is going nowhere.
no because your talking about the roster that was constructed in 2015,and I'm telling you they had 28 mil tied up in thompson, mosgov, and shump, with another 8 in frye, there is enough there for the cavs to find 19 for love
no because your talking about the roster that was constructed in 2015,and I'm telling you they had 28 mil tied up in thompson, mosgov, and shump, with another 8 in frye, there is enough there for the cavs to find 19 for love

Lebrons cap hit that year was 23M and Kyries was 17M combining for 40M. The cap was 70M. 40M + 28M you have listed above is 68M. Then you factor in cap holds which are about 500K-1M per roster spot not filled adding in an additional 5-10M. Also, you are not factoring in Wiggin's salary if they kept him. Thats another 7M.

They werent pulling 20M out of their *** unless they traded or let everyone on their team walk other than Kyrie and Lebron. Even if they did free up everyone other than lebron and Kyrie (which was likely not possible) they would have had just enough to offer him like 13M a year with Wiggin's salary. If they did that, then they had a team of Wiggins, Love, Kyrie, Lebron, and minimum level contract players to fill out the team. That's saying you talk love into coming there for 13M which I doubt he would have.
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Lebrons cap hit that year was 23M and Kyries was 17M combining for 40M. The cap was 70M. 40M + 28M you have listed above is 68M. Then you factor in cap holds which are about 500K-1M per roster spot not filled adding in an additional 5-10M. Also, you are not factoring in Wiggin's salary if they kept him. Thats another 7M.

They werent pulling 20M out of their *** unless they traded or let everyone on their team walk other than Kyrie and Lebron. Even if they did free up everyone other than lebron and Kyrie (which was likely not possible) the would have had just enough to offer him like 13M a year.
you get rid of frye and thompson you free up 22 mil, nobody said it would be easy, but to keep the eventual ROY then sign love you make it happen
you get rid of frye and thompson you free up 22 mil

It doesn't matter if you free up 22M if you are over the cap. Holy ****.

If I have 90M in salaries and the cap is 70M, getting rid of 20M in salaries does me nothing because I can't go over the cap to sign players unless I have their bird rights. That's what you arent understanding here.

You can't just say "get rid of these two players and you free up cap space". You have to look at how far they are over the cap which was like 20M.

See their cap breakdown in my post above. If they got rid of everyone but Bron, Wiggins, and Kyrie, they would have only had like 13M after cap holds. That is saying they got rid of everyone which was likely not possible.
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