Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Why are players gonna like it better than the old ball? What am I missing?

IMO the OCD part of me hates that the lines don't connect, so thumbs down
ohhhhh so thats from a video game. Got it.

Live pulling out all of the stops huh? Drew League...WNBA...Screaming A & Smax.

Looks like they're doing everything possible to avoid fixing the game play and character models.
arenas and crowd atmosphere live is killing 2k also court and court size. ... ive been playing the demo. Player models aint as good as 2k but Gameplay actually is much improved. Cpu is smart and your teammates aren't brain dead on d. Too early to say if it's a purchase but from the demo it's improved a lot.
Wolves are going to be on TV a lot this year as they should be. Basically they'll take the Bulls spot from those previous years.
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