Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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its funny, when someone doesn't have hype, people love him and praise how good he is. Now that Hayward is getting pub, people say he's overrated.


The kid can play. Plain and simple.

This is a sneakerboard first and foremost with a hypebeast mindset. That's how most people think on here.
kevin love is just a fringe star........great numbers but hes just carmelo light

melo drops 25 ppg but gives up 35 ppg

love drops 20 and grabs 15 but gets bullied for 30/20 .....

atleast with my eye test ive noticed this.......that "skinny fat" nba style aint working anymore cause youre food on defense 
I'd put more weight on this IF Love was making way more than other players..but when he's making only 4 million more per year then Deng or Allen Crabbe or is making only 400,000 dollars more than Danilo freaking Gallonari then it doesn't make sense.
G Hayward with all the hype attention this offseason, what a time :lol: ...he earned it with his past couple seasons tho so props to him

All this just means the Celtics can win 1 more game against Bron
Don't feel like backtracking 40 pages, but did Boston already renounce guys and ship dudes how to make room for Hayward?
its funny, when someone doesn't have hype, people love him and praise how good he is. Now that Hayward is getting pub, people say he's overrated.


The kid can play. Plain and simple.
This is a sneakerboard first and foremost with a hypebeast mindset. That's how most people think on here.
 coming from a sixers fan

what would Boston realistically need to give up to get Gasol? Crowder/Smart are expendable. Bradley too, with him being due a contract and someone will probably max him out.

I wouldnt give too much. Expecting a pick to go Memphis's way?

They don't need to make moves just to make moves. Its GSW's league.

Boston is in a great position. Knowing how Ainge is, he won't blow his load just to make a move.
what would Boston realistically need to give up to get Gasol? Crowder/Smart are expendable. Bradley too, with him being due a contract and someone will probably max him out.

I wouldnt give too much. Expecting a pick to go Memphis's way?

They don't need to make moves just to make moves. Its GSW's league.

Boston is in a great position. Knowing how Ainge is, he won't blow his load just to make a move.
I would think Crowder, Bradley, cap fillers and a future first would do it.  Depends on how serious memphis is about rebuilding now that ZBo is gone.
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Catch 22 with Boston trading for Gasol. They give up depth/youth, shorten their window and cheapen the value of the lotto protected Memphis pick they own
How is Love's skill set being hindered by the Cavs offense? He's been effective in their offense and has played well for some time now.

The only reason they're looking to shop him is because given the anomaly that the Warriors are it's still not good enough and some kind of change needs to be made just to take a chance seeing if anything else could work.

In any other scenario that doesnt involve KD going to the Warriors, Love would likely be contributing to another ring or 2 at a very high level in a very good offense.
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Can someone help me understand why teams don't want Kevin Love.  I mean he is owed 22 million a year for the next 4 years and I feel like he is still a very good player whose skill set are being hindered by the constraints of the Cavs offense.  

I say this because  Allen Crabbe and Deng make 18 a year.  Danilo Gallanari just signed a deal worth 21.6 million a year.  and Kevin Love is lightyears ahead of those guys.  Hes an all star..a champion..three point threat, great rebounder.

Sometimes perception of players can weigh a player down I guess.

Because Kevin is the epitome of empty stats. Even when he was in Minny, dude was top 10 in overall scoring, but like 30th in 4th quarter scoring. When the going gets tough, he disappears. he's good as a 2nd or 3rd option, but you don't want to have to rely on him in close games.
what would Boston realistically need to give up to get Gasol? Crowder/Smart are expendable. Bradley too, with him being due a contract and someone will probably max him out.

I wouldnt give too much. Expecting a pick to go Memphis's way?

They don't need to make moves just to make moves. Its GSW's league.

Boston is in a great position. Knowing how Ainge is, he won't blow his load just to make a move.
They need to give up a lot just to create the cap space.  They still haven't created the space for Hayward.  Pretty sure they would have to give up Crowder Bradley and Smart at least in order to create the room to get Gasol.
its funny, when someone doesn't have hype, people love him and praise how good he is. Now that Hayward is getting pub, people say he's overrated.


The kid can play. Plain and simple.

you know what, the Kid can play. The Celtics are significantly better especially if Brown improves and Tatum plays up to his potential.

Everyone here keeps criticizing Ainge for not making moves, but he just landed a franchise cornerstone without sacrificing any of his assets. I say they are in a great spot. They still have some work to do to be considered real contenders, but who knows, maybe this is enough for things to click, I mean no one expected GS to be serious contenders during their first championship run.
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We can't still think playing alongside Lebron would have done anything for Wiggins.

He already doesn't do anything else but score. He wouldn't have been able to do that freely in Cleveland
I'd love to see a player
you know what, the Kid can play. The Celtics are significantly better especially if Brown improves and Tatum plays up to his potential.

Everyone here keeps criticizing Ainge for not making moves, but he just landed a franchise cornerstone without sacrificing any of his assets. I say they are in a great spot. They still have some work to do to be considered real contenders, but who knows, maybe this is enough for things to click, I mean no one expected GS to be serious contenders during their first championship run.
As cliche as it sounds, people are just haters. you've got Knicks, Lakers and Jazz fans in here talking reckless about the Celtics.
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