Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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I don't have my own special measuring stick that quantifies what decorated is.

Based on the same METRICS that all athletes get judged on indivually...personal accolades and accomplishments...has he had a decorated career?

This really isn't rocket science here. 

Rocket Science seems to be you understanding that I called him disappointing compared to his perceived peers in the NBA and the expectations of his early career not the world of athletics.

I'm giving up though.
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Melo isn't the generational talent Lebron, Dirk, or Durant are. His NBA comparison was Big Dog coming in.

Hmmm melo not a generational talent? size and speed? footwork? shooting ability. dude was unguardable in 09-10. I'd say that's pretty rare.

All offensive talents about him. Not the efficiency of a dirk or a KD. Not a playmaker like Wade or Lebron.

He's had a great career. He's always been a tier 2 guy
Melo isn't the generational talent Lebron, Dirk, or Durant are. His NBA comparison was Big Dog coming in.

Hmmm melo not a generational talent? size and speed? footwork? shooting ability. dude was unguardable in 09-10. I'd say that's pretty rare.

All offensive talents about him. Not the efficiency of a dirk or a KD. Not a playmaker like Wade or Lebron.

He's had a great career. He's always been a tier 2 guy

But apparently this is a disappointment because he had an imaginary "tier 1" expectation label put on him by an imaginary committee of people who's opinions are law. 
If you agree that Melo is a tier 2 star and Big Dog is a good comparison then we have nothing to argue about.

I've seen plenty here and elsewhere argue otherwise but if you haven't heard that who am I to say you should have.
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Melo is the modern day Dominque.

The fact that they're from the same city and have almost identical numbers is crazy.
If you agree that Melo is a tier 2 star and Big Dog is a good comparison then we have nothing to argue about.

I've seen plenty here and elsewhere argue otherwise but if you haven't heard that who am I to say you should have.
So, because he's not a tier 1 star like the Bron/MJ/Kobe/Magic/Bird, he's not HOF worthy? I feel like that's what you're saying.
If you agree that Melo is a tier 2 star and Big Dog is a good comparison then we have nothing to argue about.

I've seen plenty here and elsewhere argue otherwise but if you haven't heard that who am I to say you should have.
I'm simply looking at this from a big picture perspective.

Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3...ALL still sit at the TOP of the NBA. 
I'm simply looking at this from a big picture perspective.

Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3...ALL still sit at the TOP of the NBA. 
Yeah, sure.  Obviously.  You're right, but that isn't even tangentially related to the point I was making before.
Cursed by the body that was his blessing, Greg Oden is headed back to Ohio State

Read this the other day. Sad as hell man. I'm glad dude is in the process of turning things around and finding new meaning. I didn't even realize he went through a bout of alcoholism and addiction.

Never knew about his alcoholism and addiction either. Def kept that tightly under wraps. All I saw was the on the court pain and nothing else
The basketball HOF aint exactly the hardest to get into, enough already 
Shams Charania: Free agent Thabo Sefolosha has agreed to a two-year, $10.5M deal with the Utah Jazz, league sources tell The Vertical. – via
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