Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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:smh: Man's told her he doesn't have much time and she keeps harping on it wasting time.

Bro. like he literally said what his situation was and it was like she was trying to get over clarification or something. Dude was even like "he's calling collect" lol
Almost like she was trying to degrade him for the listeners/viewers.
You think that white girl knew what "calling collect" means? You have to spell it out for her, "he's calling from prison sweetheart."
It honestly just looks like they are making fun of the shoes (and BBB/LaVar) and not actually Lonzo as a person. Don't see too much of an issue there....
Just watched the Laker Sixers Game, is it just me, or doe Lonzo remind you of a prime Rondo with a 3 point shot?

High IQ
Triple double threat
using length to pickup sneaky steals
Great in the open court
The vision
No ISO game
No 2 point game to save their lives
Questionable free throw shooters
i'd say Rondo was a better finisher at the rim but Lonzo is more athletic they do have the same style when finishing

If Lonzo can be a prime Rondo with a 3 point shot, I think he will have a successful career.
I mean, he's 5/26 from 3. Are we positive that he has a 3 point shot? He's always been an average FT shooter which is generally a better indicator of the kind of 3 pt shooter you'll be in the NBA...Prime Rondo was also an incredible 1-on-1 defender which Lonzo has shown zero indication of being at any level.

Regardless, he's going to be a very solid player in the league for a long time. In order to actually be a star(boy) though, I think he has to be shooting the 3 in the 40% range because he won't be playing against Larry Drew2 every night and getting to the rim at will.
:smh: Man's told her he doesn't have much time and she keeps harping on it wasting time.

Bro. like he literally said what his situation was and it was like she was trying to get over clarification or something. Dude was even like "he's calling collect" lol
Almost like she was trying to degrade him for the listeners/viewers.

Out here wasting The Collector's time :smh: At least we know how he got that name.
I did like how Lonzo was aggressively going to the basket and actually looking for his own shot. He really only passed it out when multiple defenders collapsed on him. He's too tall and athletic to always be kicking it out every time he's in the paint.
He's still a bit too slow out of p n r wish he had more 0-60 burst

His shot will be fine, he'll make defenders pay going under screens as he develops. He may not be elite but I see no reason he couldn't be above point guard league average from distance in the next 2-3 years
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I did like how Lonzo was aggressively going to the basket and actually looking for his own shot. He really only passed it out when multiple defenders collapsed on him. He's too tall and athletic to always be kicking it out every time he's in the paint.

Yeah i think he'll come along; trial and error. Trying to see what works for him and what doesn't. Just think, each game has been leaps and bounds better than the next. So I think he is just learning and trying to put it all together.
I mean, he's 5/26 from 3. Are we positive that he has a 3 point shot? He's always been an average FT shooter which is generally a better indicator of the kind of 3 pt shooter you'll be in the NBA...Prime Rondo was also an incredible 1-on-1 defender which Lonzo has shown zero indication of being at any level.

Regardless, he's going to be a very solid player in the league for a long time. In order to actually be a star(boy) though, I think he has to be shooting the 3 in the 40% range because he won't be playing against Larry Drew2 every night and getting to the rim at will.
Not to hi-jack this thread, but I have yet to see anything that proves that this is true on an NBA level.  I can probably find you 20+ current players in the NBA who shot less than 70% from the FT line in college that went on to be 35%+ 3pt shooters in the NBA
It honestly just looks like they are making fun of the shoes (and BBB/LaVar) and not actually Lonzo as a person. Don't see too much of an issue there....
I fully understand LeBron IG post. The man has a $1 billion lifetime deal with Nike and could've been taking a lowkey shot at Lavar for commenting on his kids. ALL JUSTIFIED. 

......but Ben Simmons...... IDK.......

This is not the 1st... nor 2nd time Simmons has took at shot Lonzo. At this point, it's coming off as jealous of the hype and media Lonzo brings. And last night didn't help his case, because him commenting on LeBron's post looked like a reach for insult.
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I fully understand LeBron IG post. The man has a $1 billion lifetime deal with Nike and could've been taking a lowkey shot at Lavar for commenting on his kids. ALL JUSTIFIED. :lol:

......but Ben Simmons...... IDK.......

This is not the 1st... nor 2nd time Simmons has took at shot Lonzo. At this point, it's coming off as jealous of the hype and media Lonzo brings. And last night didn't help his case, because him commenting on LeBron's post looked like a reach for insult.

I fully understand LeBron IG post. The man has a $1 billion lifetime deal with Nike and could've been taking a lowkey shot at Lavar for commenting on his kids. ALL JUSTIFIED. :lol:

......but Ben Simmons...... IDK.......

This is not the 1st... nor 2nd time Simmons has took at shot Lonzo. At this point, it's coming off as jealous of the hype and media Lonzo brings. And last night didn't help his case, because him commenting on LeBron's post looked like a reach for insult.

Simmons hasn't even step foot on a NBA court yet. He needs to sit his *** down.
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