Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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 at posting some summer league clips where the guy averaged like 8 and 4 on 20% shooting
The hate with Lonzo will come back to make many people look foolish. Those tweets will all be retweeted in about 3-4 years for a good laugh. Like KD's comment about super teams years ago
The sixers obsession with the balls is kinda weird, they're not even in the same conference. So even if it's some harmless ribbing it's gonna get lumped into the other ****.

****** don't know what they want. They don't want ****** to be friends...but then they get emotional about social media banter.
I think most people are proponents of if you are going to talk ****, do it on the court.  But I could see where that would be hard for people like Embiid and Simmons.
The sixers obsession with the balls is kinda weird, they're not even in the same conference. So even if it's some harmless ribbing it's gonna get lumped into the other ****.
probably cause no one outside philly cares about them like that, everyone knows that once the team actually plays games and can stay on the floor...then ppl will take them seriously

as fo lavar, its easy to crack jokes at a polarizing figure like him tho
Didn't lavar start it?

I thought it was Joel Inbed but I could be wrong. 



****** don't know what they want. They don't want ****** to be friends...but then they get emotional about social media banter.

I think most people are proponents of if you are going to talk ****, do it on the court.  But I could see where that would be hard for people like Embiid and Simmons.

State Property not going to like this

@Buc Em@StillIn729
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