Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Perhaps. Don't think we would've lost to a young,albeit really talented, team like that though.

It was still a challenge and far from a sure win, but given the choice I'm taking the older team to play against rather than the LeBron that finally figured it out
Probably Celtics vs Heat Game 6 of the ECF in 2012. In Boston, Celts up 3-2 looking to go to finals. I was at the game, and the atmosphere before the tip was absolutely insane.....Then LeBron goes ahead and has one of the best playoff performances of all time.

Best individual performance I've ever seen
Best individual performance I've ever seen
He was so incredibly dominant. Literally did not miss, and any time Boston would try to make a run, he'd come down and hit a ridiculous shot right in our defender's face and put an end to it.
Game 7 2010 was worse. The 2012 team caught a break with Rose going down, and they would've been underdogs in the Finals. That team surpassed my expectations to even push Miami to the brink like that. In 2010 it was right there for the taking with Kobe building a mansion, and they let it slip away. Plus it's the Lakers.
Dude already got washed out of the league by 2013
I thought he was gonna be good after his first year....but man the fall off was quick
Yikes, that's a bummer.

I remember when so many people were hyped on Tyreke Evans. Dude never became the player everyone expected him to be.

I actually ran into him a couple of times in Sacramento...Dude was a clown lol.
Yikes, that's a bummer.

I remember when so many people were hyped on Tyreke Evans. Dude never became the player everyone expected him to be.

I actually ran into him a couple of times in Sacramento...Dude was a clown lol.
At least for Tyreke he was able to carve out a role as a rotational player in the league lol
I believe Jonny tried to play ball at Italy back at 2014 but got injured again. Dude is just injury prone.
Yeah he had a pretty serious hip injury or some ish

Had a damn good showing in the summer league his rookie season :nerd:

Bron tryna take Odell's lane. lol

Game 7 2010 was worse. The 2012 team caught a break with Rose going down, and they would've been underdogs in the Finals. That team surpassed my expectations to even push Miami to the brink like that. In 2010 it was right there for the taking with Kobe building a mansion, and they let it slip away. Plus it's the Lakers.

Classic game

Game 5 of the 06 finals where Wade shoots the game winning free throws with 1.9 seconds left.
Such ********. **** was so rigged. SMH.
Kyle Kuzma is a rich man's Larry Nance Jr. Seriously the Lakers dont need him. Kuzma can outperform him in everything. And Larry cant even hit a midrange jumper
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