Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Laker fans really would be that upset if Lebron came? Because they wouldn't want him to get any credit for saving the franchise, I assume? The hate is that real?

As the OP of the lebron haters thread/being a huge Lakers fan, I'd be very upset.
I guess. We need a backup PG so it could work. Just gotta let my boy Kuz flourish.
i think lebronji knows his time is almost up so i think he might want young guys to carry him and not get tired

philly or lakers is my guess

My opinion as well, glad I'm not the one that said it first though. They're the two young teams I can think of that have people he's associated with, enough cap space to add him and another possibly max player along with keeping their young talent that's already on the team.

Could also see the Suns as a dark horse if they keep his boy Bledsoe and Booker continues to flourish this year.
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I've been saying this, but the sixers are going to have like 65M+ in cap space next year to work with. Banana boat crew is going to philly
Well when you come off a regime who's tried to shortcut the process in certain respects, I'd rather not go all in for Bron's twilight years like they tried to do with Bean.

Who? Golden State isn't a rival. Lakers have one true rival and that's the Celtics. Maybe the Spurs too.

Huh? They in our division. Spurs and Celtics are a different kinda rival.

Warriors are still in our division and some Laker fans still root for them for some weird reason to beat Lebron.

I don't get it lol The Lakers are meeting with D Rose today that's all I meant :lol:

I'm just traumatized from the Deng and Moz deals. lol
Comments are always great lol

Bron would drink Shirley Temples
Warriors are in our division yes, they've never ever been a rival. Hell they were irrelevant for 40 years while the Lakers were in contention. The Kings and Blazers are more pseudo rivals than Golden State. And furthermore what's wrong with rooting against Bron. You think dudes didn't do that against Bean back in the day.
Warriors are in our division yes, they've never ever been a rival. Hell they were irrelevant for 40 years while the Lakers were in contention. The Kings and Blazers are more pseudo rivals than Golden State. And furthermore what's wrong with rooting against Bron. You think dudes didn't do that against Bean back in the day.

I ain't say it was something wrong with rooting against Lebron but rooting for a team in your own division is funny. I can't stand the Pats but I ain't rooting for no other NFL east team if they played in the SB.

Then some of ya'll looking for reasons to knock it if he came to the Lakers. lol The hate is next level.
I ain't say it was something wrong with rooting against Lebron but rooting for a team in your own division is funny. I can't stand the Pats but I ain't rooting for no other NFL east team if they played in the SB.

I don't think anybody besides Freeze and Noble actually root for GS like that. It's just the vessel used to bring Bron misery right now is all for us true haters. KD still a sucka.
derrick rose, 28 yo with 70 yo knees
sadly, might be time to hang it up and be a family man
d-rose is basically the exact opposite of a player you want in 2017

D Rose could play a Shawn Livingston like role.....he gotta relearn how to play defense though.

Funny stat....Shawn Livingston has been in the league since '04....and had made a total of 13 threes his entire career.

Watching defenders foolishly run him off the 3pt line will never not be hilarious. He attempted 3 last year.
Why this weirdo continues to quote me I'll never know. Rooting against somebody =/= rooting for the opposition.
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