Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Why this weirdo continues to quote me I'll never know. Rooting against somebody =/= rooting for the opposition.

Simple question, which team did you prefer to win the series? You're trying to avoid saying it, but I know the answer.
Why do you concern yourself with a so called troll and one of the worst posters on the site? I made it crystal clear in my explanation, I root against LeBron no matter the opponent. That does not mean I root for the opposing team. Like I suggested to you before, just block me like your weirdo self did on Twitter.
Always crazy seeing that Shaun Livingston 3 point stat. Curry has scored as many 3 pointers in a single game as Livingston has his entire career.
Derrrick Rose likely to pick team this weekend, I'm told. Cavs, Lakers, reported, but talks w/ his agent, BJ Armstrong, & Bulls too.
Yeah, rooting against a team definitely does not mean you are rooting for the other team. Not sure how you can't grasp that.

I asked which team he preferred to win if he had to choose. Basic logic tells us which team that was.
Unfortunately the search feature doesn't work anymore for anything from before the move, but he preferred the Celtics to win and he knows it.
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