Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Cause I'm from the old(er) school it's annoying seeing that the jerseys have the checkmark logo on the right as opposed to the left like it used to be. Looks out of place
It's not about breaking the story per se, there's a lot of leg work that goes on before Lee Jenkins gets an exclusive, SAS is one of the most connected people in the sport, that's irrefutable.

He's connected no doubt, but there's reason to be skeptical of some of his reports, especially when players come out and directly refute it. SAS was the same guy saying people in Durant's inner circle said KD was coming to the Lakers. We all know that didn't happen, and KD didn't even want to meet with the Lakers in free agency. Not to mention KD directly refuted this report at the time as well.
both moves to Miami and back to Cleveland were so predictable. Doesn't take much inside info to get that right

:rofl:revisionist history at it's finest. Hell the masses were killing Chris Sheridan for even suggesting it a week or so before it happened.

Just a couple weeks ago, Chris Hayes was getting trolled for 'breaking the Hayward news' with the subsequent events that hapoened. Players do this stuff all the time.
So how come you don't have your own show on ESPN! Give us some more predictable insights!
But you make it seem like he specifically said "sources tell me lebron will be leaving for Miami to join Wade and bosh"

All he has to do it put up what he thinks may happen, like "lebron wants to leave Cleveland next year. He is fed up. My sources say he's eyeing LA bc of his businesses and likes Magic and how they are building"

If he does go to LA he will say "see I was right" but he doesn't he will either ignore it or say "my new sources say he didn't like their make up of the team, he had a change of heart at the last minute"

He's wrong more than he's right
College football is the biggest scam on earth.

It really is. I don't even make a fret about players taking stuff under the table when the schools are raking in all types of profits from them. Get mad at accepting $500 and a car for your parents while the coach makes 5million brehs
If sas was connected he probably will find himself outside the circle of trust after this leak. If lebron can make videos disappear off YouTube I wouldn't be surprised to hear about sas turning up somewhere in the trunk of a car with cannoli in the passenger seat
making youtube videos disappear is way different than makin bodied disappear
How old are u ?

26, i know thats not "old" but I was buying jerseys when Nike had the contract (swingman jerseys) in the early 2000's. The logo was on the left which looked better IMO.

They're probably slapping those ad logos on the left now
I remember SAS broke the Lebron going to Miami story a few days before The Decision. I don't recall him breaking Lebron going back to Cleveland. And just because he was correct on a previous story doesn't mean he's correct now. Especially when the subject of the story is directly refuting the report. This wasn't the case with the previous stories.

SAS has said as much, after 2011 finals that Bron and his camp doesnt talk with SAS as much. Because he said Bron got feelings about how SAS was going in on his performance. That's why I dont think he had the inside info on Bron going back to Clev. Just like the KD to Lakers last year dudes in these players (KD & Bron, which he mentioned on the radio today, players that have problems with him) camps just give him stuff to run with.
So how come you don't have your own show on ESPN! Give us some more predictable insights!

Not saying he doesn't have connections but y'all giving him credit for breaking that.

Don't forget last year with the whole KD free agency where reporters were saying "Boston is now in heavy consideration" "Miami is also in heavy consideration" the night before his decision to go to the warriors
Sirius XM NBA: “There are lot of dudes that love themselves some Kyrie Irving, maybe more than LeBron, because he’s real.” -@Stephen A. Smith on #Cavs – via
No reporter gets 100% of every story right. People will throw out stuff at time just to gauge reaction to a particular story. Doesn't always mean it's always going to result in said athlete making decision that was rumored. But the larger issue to me is going at journalistic integrity as a whole calling stuff 'fake news' cause the reaction isn't favorable. That seems to be the case in this potential instance. I mean other reporters beside SAS have reported Bron is frustrated and distraught with Kyrie wanting to leave. Why are they to be believed?
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