Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Can't forget about the dudes who refuse to run full court games. There are ten people here fam why are we playing half court?

I'm not some elite athlete but I'm never taking half over full if we have enough people. If it's fours then I'm asking for a full court
I don't think I've ever called a foul in a pickup game. I've played with all sorts of types of people and in different settings. I guess I just don't care enough. I have had people hack me and call the foul themselves, but that doesn't happen very often.

My favorite pickup move is when it's game point, everyone knows it, your team scores the winning bucket, and the other team decides it's actually not the winning bucket. Making up some stuff about how it was tied, rather than you already being up one...and then you score the winning bucket a second time.
Can't forget about the dudes who refuse to run full court games. There are ten people here fam why are we playing half court?

I'm not some elite athlete but I'm never taking half over full if we have enough people. If it's fours then I'm asking for a full court

Man, where I play there is three courts and people have some profound sense of attachment to the middle court so there will be 15 dudes sitting around waiting for next when there are two courts open. **** drives me crazy
When it's game point everything is a violation.

Truest words ever spoken in this thread

Can't forget about the dudes who refuse to run full court games. There are ten people here fam why are we playing half court?

I'm not some elite athlete but I'm never taking half over full if we have enough people. If it's fours then I'm asking for a full court

People be lazy, they can at least cherry pick or some **** but they legit pull out excuses like "I gotta leave soon"

tf does that have to do with running full court? :lol:

Yall cant hoop

NT summit at a double-rim court so theres no excuses :nerd:
Truest words ever spoken in this thread

People be lazy, they can at least cherry pick or some **** but they legit pull out excuses like "I gotta leave soon"

tf does that have to do with running full court? :lol:

NT summit at a double-rim court so theres no excuses :nerd:
By the sounds of these post your gonna see alot of shooting sleves, headbands, and knee pads.
Man some of the New York NTers call some weak fouls. No diss, no beef though. IJS.

If you need a screen to score in a pick up game you probably call the most fouls.

What? Yall just taking turns isoing or running down and jacking a 3 like the SSOL Suns? Run a play.

Screens are realy good to exploit a mismatch. Find that 5'6 mofo out there and body him in the paint all day. Whoever he's checking, iso post up, or come set me a screen and force a switch and let me get him.

What next, no backdoor cuts either?
If Westbrook doesn't sign that extension this week, do Thunder fans start to get nervous?
If Westbrook doesn't sign that extension this week, do Thunder fans start to get nervous?


You post like you hoop in team Jordan's

If you need a screen to score in a pick up game you probably call the most fouls.

its basketball though. pick n roll, pick n pop, screen with the hesi and step back. It's a team game, why not use your teammates? Can tell already I wouldn't like playing with you. you living foul your spirit aint right :lol:
No pick and roll/pop? no down screening off the check up? No back screening fools off the ball? That's wild. How do you even play without these things :lol:

thats the thing, it seems like such a staple if i played against dudes that didnt do this, like i can take ANY 4 guys from my gym and if we play with an actual offense, we'll beat anybody that doesnt simply because iso aint ****. save that for 21 and 1 on 1. i dont even no how to hoop if its not the right way. Too many yrs of not being a black hole has conditioned me. Drives me crazy playing with guys that dont screen or halfass it.
You post like you hoop in team Jordan's

No, he posts like the guy that gets a team of ex college ball players and refuses to play with anyone but "his guys", but proceeds to go 2 for 10 and talks louder than anyone on the court because his teammates are carrying his jockstrap.
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