Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Imagine thinking melo would go to Cleveland for one year just to be spurned by lebron and stuck in one of the ****tiest cities in the world. Melo might as well retire a knick and leave the NBA as a "what if"

He wouldnt be stuck. He has a player option. A player option and a NTC :rolleyes
Anybody know the best places to hoop in Boston (indoors).

Just moved here, and played U19 at a national level in home home country so I'm hoping for something more serious less social.

Thanks in advance brethrens
How old are yall? Always some ppl in their 40s hooping with teens at my gym.
theres always the same grandpa at my gym on sundays.
wearing his UNC baby blues ...all dude does is complain about ppl who dont make the extra pass but fails to realize dudes are running and gunning out here so by the time he gets down to the paint the shot has already been put up :lol:

hate dudes who call next and when you ask if they have 5 they say yeah only to try and pick up players from the sqaud that just lost
had to check a lil tough guy cause i had 5 ready to go...***** with that choosy ****.
If the gym is packed and like a 3+ wait, I'm choosy as hell. I won't even lie about having 5, I'll just say "no"
what is wrong with wife beaters . i wear nothing but at the gym or when im balling. always take an extra one cause after a few games my shirt is soaked.

At least you do, most people I know don't bring a second so when it's soaked and they post up, it ain't pretty.
anybody in here hoop from the south bay area in cali? looking for some other places to run besides 24 in hermosa beach and carson
Found this old article about MJ's time as a Wizard. Some gems in here :lol:

Michael Jordan needed one last round. It was late, maybe 12 hours after his now-famous last cruise out of the MCI Center, riding solo in his dark Mercedes coupe. As he walked up the back stairs of MCCXXIII, away from the velvet ropes and the crowd of diplomat kids, Jordan turned to Mike, the bouncer escorting him, and blurted: "There's a whole lot of hot-*** *****es here."

Salud. Another round. Luke, a tall no-nonsense waiter, is Spank's best, the one always deputized to fetch Jordan's entourage all their comped beverages. He's waited on Jordan, by his estimation, 30 to 40 times in the past three years, and, he says, never gotten a tip. This night, as on every night, Luke was working for Jordan, for $1.88 per hour. (Jordan could not be reached for comment on his nightlife activities.)

Luke says he's always had trouble relating to Jordan on a personal level. But with each Cape Codder that night, Jordan came closer to resembling just a guy who had lost his job.

The lights came on at 2 a.m. The diplomat kids looked that much more desperate, the fake breasts looked that much more fake, and Jordan looked that much more hammered. "I've never seen him more drunk in my life," Luke says. "He normally stays here 20 minutes to an hour. But he stayed 'til closing. That never happens. And he still didn't tip me."

Jordan shot pool at Dream in front of a throng of devoted women. He crashed Ozio with Oakley at 3 a.m. after jetting back from a win in Boston. And he often closed out Cafe Milano, holding court at the most visible table. There, all he had to do was smile and, sources report, the ladies would queue up hoping for more than just an autograph.

"He was always with weird-***-looking girls," recalls Ahmed, another Spank bouncer, disgust in his voice. "I would not even look at them."

Ahmed and another Spank source agree that Jordan especially had a soft spot for "chubby blond girls." ("They do look a little plain-janey, homely-looking," concurs a frequent clubgoer named Tiffany, describing Jordan's hangers-on at the V.I.P. room of the VIP Club one night this spring.)

Jordan didn't go for the Benetton Girls Gone Wild: the fake tans, the anorexic birds with enormous breasts, the ones grinding with every son-of-an-attachÈ. When the daughter of a local hairdressing magnate showed up, Jordan was quick to recognize her and offer his sincerest "What's up?"

But it wasn't the "celebrities" who fill Spank that he was interested in. "He got it bad, bad," Ahmed says of Jordan's taste in Lane Bryant models. "I've seen him with girls I would never look at....Not just chunky blondes. I seen him leave with a dark-skinned Indian girl." More disgust.


Standing at the entrance, scanning tables, I quickly spot Christine—eating at a round table ringed with six big men. That's really all I notice—that these guys are big. She's talking, laughing, oblivious to my arrival.

"Great," I mutter, wanting to spin around and split. Still, I'm anxious to catch up. So I suck in a deep breath and beeline for her, hoping she'll jump up, throw her arms around me, and, after a quick adieu to the big boys, sashay off to another table with me.

"Hey, Christine," I murmur.

Christine's caught off guard. Her wide-eyed expression seems to say, Oh ****! I forgot about you! She doesn't stand.

"This is my friend Greg," she announces timidly, flipping her hand at me. Silence.

"Hey there," I mutter, smiling meekly and nodding toward the men. No response.

One guy—a burly bald man who reminds me of Russian-mafia thugs I encountered during a reporting stint in the former Soviet Union—shoots me a sustained "get the **** out of here" stare. Another man, curly-haired, scurries away to summon the manager.

Christine is flustered. "Grab a seat," she says, even though there are no chairs available.

Suddenly, I realize that one of the men sneering at me, the one seated to the left of Christine, is Michael Jordan.

The restaurant's manager sidles up and whispers: "Sir, if you could, please move away. The gentlemen want to conduct some business."

I look to Christine for a clue. Her eyes dart towards Jordan's, then back at mine. She grins sheepishly.

What kind of dumb *** games are these? :lol:

Y'all be calling back courts? Offensive fouls? 3 second violations? Shot clock violations?

I had one cat that called a 24 second shot clock violation last week.

This other cat, said it was their ball after he just made a shot... we asked why? He said because we weren't out of bounds to inbound the ball.
everything goes back,even airballs, game point wins by 2.........thats the mention of the +1 not being enough to .......

where yall playin ball at, i thought that game point rule was universal....

do yall have the rule when youre playing a hustle/21 that if you tip in someones shot you drop their score back to zero/eliminate them ? we do that down here, hustle/21 with tips...

gotta call tips before 21 starts. Usually play tips if its a bunch of people. helps dwindle the numbers. If we play half court, take back everything. And most games are win straight up unless called win by 2 before hand. But Straight up is the common way to play it.

yall play 15 first game and then every game after is either 11-12? I always push for 15 every game. We usually play that.
Y'all be calling back courts? Offensive fouls? 3 second violations? Shot clock violations?

I had one cat that called a 24 second shot clock violation last week.

This other cat, said it was their ball after he just made a shot... we asked why? He said because we weren't out of bounds to inbound the ball.
you almost have to call offensive fouls sometimes. And I know I can be a guilty of it too sometimes. Dropping the bron shoulder and just trucking dudes in the lane. But some dudes be reckless af. Stiff arming and elbowing, hip to thighs..thats not basketball.
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