Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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theres always the same grandpa at my gym on sundays.
wearing his UNC baby blues ...all dude does is complain about ppl who dont make the extra pass but fails to realize dudes are running and gunning out here so by the time he gets down to the paint the shot has already been put up :lol:

hate dudes who call next and when you ask if they have 5 they say yeah only to try and pick up players from the sqaud that just lost
had to check a lil tough guy cause i had 5 ready to go...***** with that choosy ****.

This runs rampant at my spot too. You be like wait...bruh you just was trash, how are you back on...dude that had next is his mans.

Although..I benefit from it too with people picking me up if my squad takes the L, so I'll humble on it.

I remember when Mike hit 50 and there was a lengthy piece done on his current life and it was revealed he was STILL giving work to Hornets players :lol:

Dude would get pissed, pick some poor sap who was practicing and play him 1 on 1, talking **** the whole time :lol:
thought melo was balding. son got the mini fro byke.

its pretty much confirmed bro is hooping in a hoodied jersey next year. bros game is predicated on it now

I just realized something... Paul George couldnt wait one season to go to a team of his choice in Summer '18?! He really wanted out of Indiana THAT BAD?!
I just realized something... Paul George couldnt wait one season to go to a team of his choice in Summer '18?! He really wanted out of Indiana THAT BAD?!
false, he told them he was leaving in 2018
if they were smart they should trade him and get something instead of nothing which they did
it was up to the trading partner to give up something for someone who would not commit to staying.
I just realized something... Paul George couldnt wait one season to go to a team of his choice in Summer '18?! He really wanted out of Indiana THAT BAD?!
I doubt he would of cared if he stayed in Indiana this season. He let Indiana know he is out next season and Indiana wanted to trade him to get something back.
Like i said a week or two ago... Kevin Durant will never be a better player than LeBron. He ran from a team that he lost to in embarrassing fashion. Went and joined a 73-9 win team and formed the scariest NBA roster of all time. How is he the best player on the planet? He's a ring chaser. LeBron ran away from Cleveland and was a ring chaser with forming that super team, as well BUT Miami didnt even sniff a a 73-9 win season the three and a half years after winning the chip. LeBron wasn't up 3-1 on Boston, and ran away and joined Paul, KG and Ray. (and Rondo). LeBron literally does everything better than Kevin besides perimeter shooting. KD is a far better perimeter shooter. Far better. Other than that. What has Kevin surpassed LeBron in? I'll even argue Russell Westbrook being the 2nd best player in the world, right after LeBron.
Like i said a week or two ago... Kevin Durant will never be a better player than LeBron. He ran from a team that he lost to in embarrassing fashion. Went and joined a 73-9 win team and formed the scariest NBA roster of all time. How is he the best player on the planet? He's a ring chaser. LeBron ran away from Cleveland and was a ring chaser with forming that super team, as well BUT Miami didnt even sniff a a 73-9 win season the three and a half years after winning the chip. LeBron wasn't up 3-1 on Boston, and ran away and joined Paul, KG and Ray. (and Rondo). LeBron literally does everything better than Kevin besides perimeter shooting. KD is a far better perimeter shooter. Far better. Other than that. What has Kevin surpassed LeBron in? I'll even argue Russell Westbrook being the 2nd best player in the world, right after LeBron.

KD is a better defender, as good of a rebounder, better clutch performer. He's been right there at Bron's hip for 3 seasons now. To the victor goes the spoils.

KD since 2014 season: 28/8/5
Bron since 2014 season: 26/7/7
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Like i said a week or two ago... Kevin Durant will never be a better player than LeBron. He ran from a team that he lost to in embarrassing fashion. Went and joined a 73-9 win team and formed the scariest NBA roster of all time. How is he the best player on the planet? He's a ring chaser. LeBron ran away from Cleveland and was a ring chaser with forming that super team, as well BUT Miami didnt even sniff a a 73-9 win season the three and a half years after winning the chip. LeBron wasn't up 3-1 on Boston, and ran away and joined Paul, KG and Ray. (and Rondo). LeBron literally does everything better than Kevin besides perimeter shooting. KD is a far better perimeter shooter. Far better. Other than that. What has Kevin surpassed LeBron in? I'll even argue Russell Westbrook being the 2nd best player in the world, right after LeBron.

anytime anyone compares lebron and makes the case why he's GOAT, they pull up stats, so in this case, pull up stats.
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